
The Young King2


And the master of the galley laughed, and, reaching out, he took the pearl, and when he saw it he pressed it to his forehead and bowed. "It shall be, " he said, "for the sceptre of the young King, " and he made a sign to the negroes to draw up the anchor.

船长笑了笑,伸手拿起那颗珍珠,把它紧贴在自己的前额上,并鞠了个躬。 “这个嘛,” 他说, “应该用来装饰少年国王的权杖。” 说完,他向黑人们示意起锚。

And when the young King heard this he gave a great cry, and woke, and through the window he saw the long grey fingers of the dawn clutching at the fading stars.


And he fell asleep again, and dreamed, and this was his dream.


He thought that he was wandering through a dim wood, hung with strange fruits and with beautiful poisonous flowers. The adders hissed at him as he went by, and the bright parrots flew screaming from branch to branch. Huge tortoises lay asleep upon the hot mud. The trees were full of apes and peacocks.


On and on he went, till he reached the outskirts of the wood, and there he saw an immense multitude of men toiling in the bed of a dried—up river. They swarmed up the crag like ants. They dug deep pits in the ground and went down into them. Some of them cleft the rocks with great axes; others grabbled in the sand.


They tore up the cactus by its roots, and trampled on the scarlet blossoms. They hurried about, calling to each other, and no man was idle.


From the darkness of a cavern Death and Avarice watched them, and Death said, "I am weary; give me a third of them and let me go. " But Avarice shook her head. "They are my servants, " she answered.

洞穴的阴暗处,死神和贪婪之神密切地注视着他们。死神开口说: “我已经等得不耐烦了,把他们中的三分之一给我,我就离开。” 但是贪婪之神摇了摇头。 “他们是我的仆人。” 她回答说。

And Death said to her, "What hast thou in thy hand? " "I have three grains of corn, " she answered; "what is that to thee? " "Give me one of them, " cried Death, "to plant in my garden; only one of them, and I will go away. " "I will not give thee anything, " said Avarice, and she hid her hand in the fold of her raiment.

接着死神好奇地问贪婪之神: “你手里拿的是什么?” “三粒谷子,” 贪婪之神回答说, “不过这与你何干?” “给我一粒,” 死神大喊道, “种在我的花园里。只要给我一粒,我就离开。” “我半粒都不会给你的。” 说完贪婪就把手藏在自己衣服的褶缝里。

And Death laughed, and took a cup, and dipped it into a pool of water, and out of the cup rose Ague. She passed through the great multitude, and a third of them lay dead. A cold mist followed her, and the water—snakes ran by her side.


And when Avarice saw that a third of the multitude was dead she beat her breast and wept. She beat her barren bosom, and cried aloud. "Thou hast slain a third of my servants, " she cried, "get thee gone. There is war in the mountains of Tartary, and the kings of each side are calling to thee. The Afghans have slain the black ox, and are marching to battle. They have beaten upon their shields with their spears, and have put on their helmets of iron. What is my valley to thee, that thou shouldst tarry in it? Get thee gone, and come here no more. " "Nay, " answered Death, "but till thou hast given me a grain of corn I will not go. " But Avarice shut her hand, and clenched her teeth. "I will not give thee anything, " she muttered.

眼见三分之一的人都死去了,贪婪之神捶胸哭泣。贪婪之神捶打着自己干瘪的胸脯,大声痛哭起来。 “你已经杀掉了我三分之一的仆人,” 她喊道, “赶紧离开这儿吧。一场战争在鞑靼人的山上爆发了,双方的国王都在召唤你。阿富汗人杀掉了黑牛,正前往战场。他们用长矛敲击自己的盾牌,还戴上了铁盔。我这区区山谷对你有什么用呢,你有什么必要呆在这儿呢?你快离开吧,不要再来这儿了。” “不行,” 死亡回答说, “除非你给我一粒谷子,否则我是绝不会走的。” 可贪婪之神却紧握拳头,咬紧牙关。 “我什么都不会给你的。” 她嘀咕道。

And Death laughed, and took up a black stone, and threw it into the forest, and out of a thicket of wild hemlock came Fever in a robe of flame. She passed through the multitude, and touched them, and each man that she touched died. The grass withered beneath her feet as she walked.


And Avarice shuddered, and put ashes on her head. "Thou art cruel, " she cried; "thou art cruel. There is famine in the walled cities of India, and the cisterns of Samarcand have run dry. There is famine in the walled cities of Egypt, and the locusts have come up from the desert. The Nile has not overflowed its banks, and the priests have cursed Isis and Osiris. Get thee gone to those who need thee, and leave me my servants. " "Nay, " answered Death, "but till thou hast given me a grain of corn I will not go. " "I will not give thee anything, " said Avarice.

贪婪之神颤抖起来,把灰烬放在自己的头上。 “你太残忍了,” 她叫道, “你太残忍了。印度的很多城寨正在闹饥荒,撒马尔罕的蓄水池里也干涸了。埃及的好多城寨也在闹饥荒,此外,蝗虫也从沙漠里飞来了。尼罗河水还没有溢出河岸,神父们正诅咒着伊希斯和奥西里斯。到那些需要你的地方去吧,放过我的仆人们。” “不行,” 死神回答说, “除非你给我一粒谷子,否则我坚决不走。” “休想我给你半粒谷子。” 贪婪之神说。

And Death laughed again, and he whistled through his fingers, and a woman came flying through the air. Plague was written upon her forehead, and a crowd of lean vultures wheeled round her. She covered the valley with her wings, and no man was left alive.

死神再一次笑了,他将手指放在嘴边,吹了一声口哨,只见一个女人从空中飞来。她的额头上印着 “瘟疫” 两个字,一群瘦骨嶙峋的兀鹰盘旋在她身旁。她用翅膀覆盖整个山谷,于是没有一个人活了下来。

And Avarice fled shrieking through the forest, and Death leaped upon his red horse and galloped away, and his galloping was faster than the wind.


And out of the slime at the bottom of the valley crept dragons and horrible things with scales, and the jackals came trotting along the sand, sniffing up the air with their nostrils.


And the young King wept, and said: "Who were these men, and for what were they seeking? " "For rubies for a king's crown, " answered one who stood behind him.

少年国王哭了,并说道: “他们是些什么人?他们在寻找什么?” “找国王皇冠上的红宝石。” 站在他身后的一个人回答说。

And the young King started, and, turning round, he saw a man habited as a pilgrim and holding in his hand a mirror of silver.


And he grew pale, and said: "For what king? " And the pilgrim answered: "Look in this mirror, and thou shalt see him. " And he looked in the mirror, and, seeing his own face, he gave a great cry and woke, and the bright sunlight was streaming into the room, and from the trees of the garden and pleasaunce the birds were singing.

他脸色变得苍白,问道: “哪一个国王?” 朝圣者回答说: “看着这面镜子,你会看见他的。” 他朝镜子看去,见到的是他自己的面孔,他大叫了一声,又惊醒了。灿烂的阳光洒满了房间,从花园和庭院里传来了树上鸟儿的歌声。

And the Chamberlain and the high officers of State came in and made obeisance to him, and the pages brought him the robe of tissued gold, and set the crown and the sceptre before him.


And the young King looked at them, and they were beautiful. More beautiful were they than aught that he had ever seen. But he remembered his dreams, and he said to his lords: "Take these things away, for I will not wear them. " And the courtiers were amazed, and some of them laughed, for they thought that he was jesting.

少年国王看着它们,它们实在是美极了。它们比他以前见过的任何东西都要美。然而他还记得自己做的梦,便对大臣们说: “把这些东西都拿走,我不会穿上它们的。” 听到这话,群臣都很震惊,有些人甚至笑了,以为国王是在开玩笑。

But he spake sternly to them again, and said: "Take these things away, and hide them from me. Though it be the day of my coronation, I will not wear them. For on the loom of Sorrow, and by the white hands of Pain, has this my robe been woven. There is Blood in the heart of the ruby, and Death in the heart of the pearl. " And he told them his three dreams.

少年国王很严肃地对他们又说了一遍: “把这些东西都拿走,不要让我见到它们。尽管今天是我加冕的日子,可我绝不会穿上它们。因为我的这件长袍是织布工用痛苦的苍白双手在忧伤的织布机上织出的。红宝石的中心浸染了鲜血,珍珠的中心笼罩着死亡。” 接着少年国王又对大臣们讲了他的三个梦。

And when the courtiers heard them they looked at each other and whispered, saying: "Surely he is mad; for what is a dream but a dream, and a vision but a vision? They are not real things that one should heed them. And what have we to do with the lives of those who toil for us? Shall a man not eat bread till he has seen the sower, nor drink wine till he has talked with the vinedresser? " And the Chamberlain spake to the young King, and said, "My lord, I pray thee set aside these black thoughts of thine, and put on this fair robe, and set this crown upon thy head. For how shall the people know that thou art a king, if thou hast not a king's raiment? " And the young King looked at him. "Is it so, indeed? " he questioned. "Will they not know me for a king if I have not a king's raiment? " "They will not know thee, my lord, " cried the Chamberlain.

大臣们听完三个梦后,面面相觑,交头接耳道: “他一定是疯了。梦只不过是一个梦,幻觉也只不过是幻觉而已。它们都不是真实的,用不着在意。再说,那些为我们卖力的人的性命与我们何干呢?难道一个人没有见过耕者就不能吃面包了吗?没有和葡萄园丁交谈过就不能喝葡萄酒了吗?” 宫廷大臣对少年国王说: “陛下,我恳求您抛开这些悲伤的念头,穿上这袭华美的长袍,戴上这顶皇冠吧。要是您不穿上皇袍,百姓怎么会认出您就是国王呢?” 少年国王望着他。 “真是这样的吗?” 他问道, “要是我不穿上皇袍,他们就认不出我是国王了吗?” “他们认不出您的,陛下。” 宫廷大臣大声说。

"I had thought that there had been men who were kinglike, " he answered, "but it may be as thou sayest. And yet I will not wear this robe, nor will I be crowned with this crown, but even as I came to the palace so will I go forth from it. " And he bade them all leave him, save one page whom he kept as his companion, a lad a year younger than himself. Him he kept for his service, and when he had bathed himself in clear water, he opened a great painted chest, and from it he took the leathern tunic and rough sheepskin cloak that he had worn when he had watched on the hillside the shaggy goats of the goatherd. These he put on, and in his hand he took his rude shepherd's staff.

“我还以为当真存在面带帝王之相的人呢,” 少年国王回答说, “不过也许事实正如你所说的。可我还是不能穿这身长袍,也不能戴这顶皇冠,我要像进宫时那样子走出去。” 然后他吩咐他们都退下,只留一个侍从陪他。这个侍从小他一岁。侍从留下来服侍少年国王。少年国王在清水里洗了个澡,打开一个漆过的大箱子,从箱子里取出皮衣和粗羊皮外套,这些都是他当年在山坡上放粗毛山羊时穿过的。他穿上这些衣服,手里拿着那根粗糙的牧羊仗。

And the little page opened his big blue eyes in wonder, and said smiling to him, "My lord, I see thy robe and thy sceptre, but where is thy crown? " And the young King plucked a spray of wild briar that was climbing over the balcony, and bent it, and made a circlet of it, and set it on his own head.

小侍从吃惊地睁大一双蓝眼睛,微笑着问他: “陛下,我看出了您的长袍和权杖,可您的皇冠在哪儿呢?” 少年国王从攀过阳台的野荆棘上折下一根枝,把它弯成一个圆圈,戴在自己的头上。

"This shall he my crown, " he answered.

“这就是我的皇冠。” 他答道。

And thus attired he passed out of his chamber into the Great Hall, where the nobles were waiting for him.


And the nobles made merry, and some of them cried out to him, "My lord, the people wait for their king, and thou showest them a beggar, " and others were wroth and said, "He brings shame upon our state, and is unworthy to be our master. " But he answered them not a word, but passed on, and went down the bright porphyry staircase, and out through the gates of bronze, and mounted upon his horse, and rode towards the cathedral, the little page running beside him.

达官贵人们都觉得很好笑,其中一些人疾声呼道: “陛下,臣民们都等着见他们的国王,而您却让他们看到了一个乞丐。” 另一些人怒气冲冲地说: “他使我们的国家蒙羞,不配当我们的君王。” 但是少年国王一言不发,径直朝前走去,走下斑岩铺成的明净的石阶,出了青铜大门,骑上自己的马,朝教堂奔去,小侍从跟在他旁边跑着。

And the people laughed and said, "It is the King's fool who is riding by, " and they mocked him.

百姓见他那样子都哈哈大笑起来,还说: “看啊,国王的愚臣骑马过来了。” 他们都嘲笑他。

And he drew rein and said, "Nay, but I am the King. " And he told them his three dreams.

少年国王勒住马说: “不,我正是国王。” 接着他便给百姓讲了自己的三个梦。

And a man came out of the crowd and spake bitterly to him, and said, "Sir, knowest thou not that out of the luxury of the rich cometh the life of the poor? By your pomp we are nurtured, and your vices give us bread. To toil for a hard master is bitter, but to have no master to toil for is more bitter still. Thinkest thou that the ravens will feed us? And what cure hast thou for these things? Wilt thou say to the buyer, " Thou shalt buy for so much, "and to the seller, " Thou shalt sell at this price "? I trow not. Therefore go back to thy Palace and put on thy purple and fine linen. What hast thou to do with us, and what we suffer? " "Are not the rich and the poor brothers? " asked the young King.

这时人群中闯出一个人,对少年国王挖苦道: “皇上,您难道不知道穷人的生活正是仰仗富人的奢侈吗?正是你们富有我们才得以生存,是你们的恶习给我们带来了面包。给一个严厉的主子干活固然很辛苦,可是如果连主子都没有,我们就举步维艰了。您以为我们能靠乌鸦过活吗?您又有什么良方可以改善这些状况呢?您会对买主说 ‘你要花这么多钱来购买’ ,而同时又对卖主说 ‘你要以这个价格来出售’ 吗?我敢说您不会。所以,还是回到您的宫中,穿上您高贵的亚麻紫袍吧。您和我们以及我们所遭受的痛苦有什么相干呢?” “难道富人和穷人不是兄弟吗?” 少年国王问道。

"Ay, " answered the man, "and the name of the rich brother is Cain. " And the young King's eyes filled with tears, and he rode on through the murmurs of the people, and the little page grew afraid and left him.

“是啊,” 那人答道, “有钱的那个兄弟名叫该隐。” 听他这么说,少年国王的眼里噙满泪水,他骑着马在人们的嘟囔声中继续前进。小侍从渐渐感到害怕,也离开了他。

And when he reached the great portal of the cathedral, the soldiers thrust their halberts out and said, "What dost thou seek here? None enters by this door but the King. " And his face flushed with anger, and he said to them, "I am the King, " and waved their halberts aside and passed in.

少年国王来到教堂的大门口时,卫兵们举起他们手中的戟问他: “你上这儿来干什么?除了国王以外任何人禁止走此门。” 少年国王气得满脸通红,对他们说: “我就是国王。” 说完推开卫兵的戟,走了进去。

And when the old Bishop saw him coming in his goatherd's dress, he rose up in wonder from his throne, and went to meet him, and said to him, "My son, is this a king's apparel? And with what crown shall I crown thee, and what sceptre shall I place in thy hand? Surely this should be to thee a day of joy, and not a day of abasement. " "Shall Joy wear what Grief has fashioned? " said the young King. And he told him his three dreams.

老主教见一身牧羊人打扮的少年国王走进来,便惊诧地从宝座上站起来,迎上前去,对他说: “我的孩子,这是国王的服饰吗?我该用什么皇冠来为你加冕呢?又该拿怎样的权杖置于你手中呢?今天对你来说理应是个开心的日子,而不应是一个受辱的日子。” “难道我的快乐要建立在百姓的痛苦之上吗?” 少年国王问。然后他又对老主教讲了自己的三个梦。

And when the Bishop had heard them he knit his brows, and said, "My son, I am an old man, and in the winter of my days, and I know that many evil things are done in the wide world. The fierce robbers come down from the mountains, and carry off the little children, and sell them to the Moors. The lions lie in wait for the caravans, and leap upon the camels. The wild boar roots up the corn in the valley, and the foxes gnaw the vines upon the hill. The pirates lay waste the sea—coast and burn the ships of the fishermen, and take their nets from them. In the salt—marshes live the lepers; they have houses of wattled reeds, and none may come nigh them. The beggars wander through the cities, and eat their food with the dogs. Canst thou make these things not to be? Wilt thou take the leper for thy bedfellow, and set the beggar at thy board? Shall the lion do thy bidding, and the wild boar obey thee? Is not He who made misery wiser than thou art? Wherefore I praise thee not for this that thou hast done, but I bid thee ride back to the Palace and make thy face glad, and put on the raiment that beseemeth a king, and with the crown of gold I will crown thee, and the sceptre of pearl will I place in thy hand. And as for thy dreams, think no more of them. The burden of this world is too great for one man to bear, and the world's sorrow too heavy for one heart to suffer. " "Sayest thou that in this house? " said the young King, and he strode past the Bishop, and climbed up the steps of the altar, and stood before the image of Christ.

主教听完了三个梦后,眉头紧锁,他说: “孩子,我老了,已经到了垂暮之年,我深知在这个大千世界里存在很多邪恶的东西。凶狠的土匪从山上下来,劫走小孩子,又把他们卖给摩尔人。狮子躺在那里,窥伺着过往的商队,准备扑咬骆驼。野猪连根拱起山谷里的庄稼,狐狸咬断山上的葡萄藤。海盗在沿海兴风作浪、焚烧渔船,还抢走渔民的渔网。麻风病人住在盐沼地带,他们用芦苇杆搭起小屋,没有人愿意接近他们。乞丐们流浪在各个城市,与狗争食吃。你能够阻止这些事情的发生吗?你愿意同麻风病人一起睡觉,同乞丐一起用餐吗?狮子会听你的话,野猪会遵从你的命令吗?难道制造出这些苦难的上帝还不如你明智吗?因此,我不会为你所做的事而称赞你。我恳求你赶紧骑马回宫,脸上要露出笑容,并穿上符合国王身份的衣服。我要用金皇冠为你加冕,我要把嵌满珍珠的权杖放在你手中。至于你的那些梦,就不要再想它们了。现世的负担太沉重了,不是哪一个人能负荷得起的;人间的痛苦太沉重了,不是哪一颗心灵能承受得了的。” “站在这间屋子里,你能说的就只有这些吗?” 少年国王一边质问主教,一边大步流星地从主教身旁走过,登上圣坛的台阶,站在基督像前。

He stood before the image of Christ, and on his right hand and on his left were the marvellous vessels of gold, the chalice with the yellow wine, and the vial with the holy oil. He knelt before the image of Christ, and the great candles burned brightly by the jewelled shrine, and the smoke of the incense curled in thin blue wreaths through the dome. He bowed his head in prayer, and the priests in their stiff copes crept away from the altar.


And suddenly a wild tumult came from the street outside, and in entered the nobles with drawn swords and nodding plumes, and shields of polished steel. "Where is this dreamer of dreams? " they cried. "Where is this King who is apparelled like a beggar—this boy who brings shame upon our state? Surely we will slay him, for he is unworthy to rule over us. " And the young King bowed his head again, and prayed, and when he had finished his prayer he rose up, and turning round he looked at them sadly.

突然,从外面的大街上传来了巨大的喧哗声,一群头上晃着羽缨的贵族冲了进来,手中握着出鞘的宝剑和磨得锃亮的钢盾。 “说梦话的那个人在什么地方?” 他们大声嚷道, “就是那个所谓的国王,那个打扮得像个乞丐——使我们国家蒙羞的小子,在什么地方?我们一定要杀了他,他不配统治我们。” 少年国王再一次叩头祈祷,祷告完毕后他站起来,转过身悲伤地望着他们。

And lo! through the painted windows came the sunlight streaming upon him, and the sun—beams wove round him a tissued robe that was fairer than the robe that had been fashioned for his pleasure. The dead staff blossomed, and bare lilies that were whiter than pearls. The dry thorn blossomed, and bare roses that were redder than rubies. Whiter than fine pearls were the lilies, and their stems were of bright silver. Redder than male rubies were the roses, and their leaves were of beaten gold.


He stood there in the raiment of a king, and the gates of the jewelled shrine flew open, and from the crystal of the many—rayed monstrance shone a marvellous and mystical light. He stood there in a king's raiment, and the Glory of God filled the place, and the saints in their carven niches seemed to move. In the fair raiment of a king he stood before them, and the organ pealed out its music, and the trumpeters blew upon their trumpets, and the singing boys sang.


And the people fell upon their knees in awe, and the nobles sheathed their swords and did homage, and the Bishop's face grew pale, and his hands trembled. "A greater than I hath crowned thee, " he cried, and he knelt before him.

百姓都敬畏地跪下去,达官贵人们收回宝剑并向少年国王行礼,主教的脸色变得苍白,双手不停地颤抖。 “比我伟大的神已为你加冕。” 主教大声说,并跪倒在国王面前。

And the young King came down from the high altar, and passed home through the midst of the people. But no man dared look upon his face, for it was like the face of an angel.

少年国王从高高的圣坛上走下来,穿过人群朝自己的寝宫走去。但没有一个人敢正视他的脸,因为他看起来如天使一般。 VRpZ9G1icTGv+UIBvDhi9VF4zJAmusifP84ikZH6BbMEqbt6f4UyqeCBck4R9bVh
