

Chapter 2 The Antechamber of M de Treville


M。 De Troisville,as his family was still called in Gascony,or M。 de Treville,as he had ended by styling himself in Paris,had really commenced life as D’ Artagnan now did—that is to say,without a sou in his pocket。


But with a fund of courage,shrewdness,and intelligence which makes the poorest Gascon gentleman often derive more in his imagination from the paternal inheritance than the richest nobleman of the Perigord or Berry receives in reality。


He was the friend of the king,who honoured highly,as every one knows,the memory of his father,Henry IV。 Louis XIII made De Treville the captain of his musketeers,who were to Louis XIII,in devotedness,or rather in fanaticism,what his Ordinaries had been to Henry III,and his Scotch Guard to Louis XI。


On his part,and in this respect,the cardinal was not behindhand with the king。


When he saw the formidable and chosen body by which Louis XIII surrounded himself,this second,or rather this first,king of France became desirous that he too should have his guard。


He had his musketeers,then,as Louis XIII had his; and these two powerful rivals vied with each other in procuring the most celebrated swordsmen,not only from all the provinces of France,but also from all foreign states。


Loose,tipsy,gashed,the kings musketeers,or rather M。 de Treville’ s,spread themselves about in the saloons,in the public walks,and the public sports,shouting,twirling their moustaches,clanking their swords,and taking great pleasure in bustling against the guards of the cardinal whenever they could fall in with them; then drawing their swords in the open streets,with a thousand jests; sometimes killed,but sure in that case to be both wept and avenged; often killing others,but then certain of not rotting in prison,M。 de Treville being there to claim them。


And so M。 de Treville was praised in all keys by these men,who absolutely adored him,and who,ruffians as they were,trembled before him like scholars before their master,obedient to his least word,and ready to sacrifice themselves to wipe out the least insult。


The court of his hotel,situated in the Rue du Vieux—Colombier,resembled a camp as early as six oclock in the morning in summer and eighto’ clock in winter。


From fifty to sixty musketeers,who appeared to relieve each other there,in order always to present an imposing number,paraded constantly about,armed to the teeth and ready for anything。


On one of those immense staircases,upon whose space modern civilization would build a whole house,ascended and descended the solicitors of Paris,who were in search of favours of any kind—gentlemen from the provinces anxious to be enrolled,and servants in all sorts of liveries,bringing messages from their masters to M。 de Treville。

在前厅里有摆成一圈的长凳,上面坐着那些被选中的人——也就是等候被召见的人。In the antechamber,upon long circular benches,reposed the elect—that is to say,those who were called。


In this apartment a continued buzzing prevailed from morning till night,while M。 de Treville,in his office contiguous to this antechamber,received visits,listened to complaints,gave his orders,and,like the king in his balcony at the Louvre,had only to place himself at the window to review both men and arms。

达塔尼昂到的那天,前厅里挤满了人,这对一个刚到此地的外省人来说,印象尤为深刻。The day on which D’ Artagnan presented himself the assemblage was imposing,particularly for a provincial just arriving from his province。


It is true that this provincial was a Gascon,and that,particularly at this period,the compatriots of D’ Artagnan had the reputation of not being easily intimidated。


When he had once passed the massive door,covered with long square—headed nails,he fell into the midst of a troop of military,who were passing each other in the court,calling out,quarrelling,and playing tricks with one another。

若想要从这样一片汹涌杂乱的人流中穿过去的话,非得是军官、贵族或是漂亮女人才行。To make way through these turbulent and conflicting waves it was necessary to be an officer,a great noble,or a pretty woman。


It was,then,in the midst of this tumult and disorder that our young man advanced with a beating heart。


Holding his long rapier close to his lanky leg,and keeping one hand on the edge of his cap,he smiled with the embarrassment of a provincial who affects confidence。


Being,however,a perfect stranger in the crowd of M。 de Treville’ scourtiers,and this his first appearance in that place,he was at length noticed,and a person came to him and asked him his business there。


At this demand D’ Artagnan gave his name very modestly,laid a stress upon the title of compatriot,and begged the servant who had put the question to him to request a moment’ saudience of M。 de Treville—a request which the other,with a patronizing air,promised to convey in time and season。


D’ Artagnan,a little recovered from his first surprise,had now leisure to study costumes and countenances。

在那群最活跃的人中间,有一位身材魁梧的火枪手,他神情傲慢,穿着独特,极其显眼。The centre of the most animated group was a musketeer of great height,of a haughty countenance,and dressed in a costume so peculiar as to attract general attention。


He did not wear the uniform cloak—which,indeed,at that time of less liberty and greater independence was not obligatory—but a cerulean blue doublet,a little faded and worn,and over this a magnificent baldric worked in gold,which shone like water—ripples in the sun。


A long cloak of crimson velvet fell in graceful folds from his shoulders,disclosing in front the splendid baldric,from which was suspended a gigantic rapier。


This musketeer had just come off guard,complained of having a cold,coughed from time to time affectedly。


It was for this reason,he said to those around him,he had put on his cloak; and while he spoke with a lofty air and twirled his moustache,all admired his embroidered baldric,and D’ Artagnan more than any one。


What can you expect? said the musketeer。


The fashion is coming in。


It is a folly,I admit,but still it is the fashion。


Besides,one must lay out one’ sinheritance somehow。

嘿,波尔托!他的一个伙伴叫道,不要想让我们相信那条肩带是你用你父亲的钱买的:上星期天我在圣奥诺雷门碰到你和一位蒙面纱的女士在一起,这肩带肯定是她送你的。Ah,Porthos! cried one of his companions,don’ tthink to palm upon us that you obtained that baldric by paternal generosity: it must have been given to you by that veiled lady with whom I met you the other Sunday,near the gate Saint—Honore。


No,pon honour; by the faith of a gentleman,I bought it with my own money, answered he whom they had just designated by the name of Porthos。


The wonder was increased,though the doubt continued to exist。


Didn’ tI,Aramis? said Porthos,turning towards another musketeer。


This other musketeer formed a perfect contrast to his interrogator,who had just designated him by the name of Aramis。


He was a young man,of about two or three and twenty,with an open,ingenuous countenance,dark mild eyes,and cheeks rosy and downy as an autumn peach; his delicate moustache marked a perfectly straight line upon his upper lip; he appeared to dread to lower his hands lest their veins should swell,and he pinched the tips of his ears from time to time to preserve their delicate pink transparency。


Habitually he spoke little and slowly,bowed frequently,laughed without noise,showing his teeth,which were fine,and of which,as of the rest of his person,he appeared to take the greatest care。


He answered the appeal of his friend by an affirmative nod of the head。


This affirmation appeared to dispel all doubts with regard to the baldric。


They continued to admire it,but said no more about it; and by one of those rapid changes of thought,the conversation passed suddenly to another subject。


M。 de Treville awaits M。 D’ Artagnan, interrupted a servant,throwing open the door of the office。


At this announcement,during which the door remained open,every one became mute,and amidst the general silence the young man crossed the antechamber at one end,and entered the apartment of the captain of the musketeers。 0YrtMFV36FaUgVZVsUNgSyCsi/NdU+CHUuv1YC7IpHkPPqDfo2HJzawY0Obo5V2h
