


Many patterns of carpet lay rolled out before them on the floor—two of Brussels showed the beginning of their quest, and its ending in that direction; while a score of ingrains lured their eyes and prolonged the debate between desire pocket—book. The head of the department did them the honor of waiting upon them himself—or did Joe the honor, as she well knew, for she had noted the open—mouthed awe of the elevator boy who brought them up. Nor had she been blind to the marked respect shown Joe by the urchins and groups of young fellows on corners, when she walked with him in their own neighborhood down at the west end of the town.


But the head of the department was called away to the telephone, and in her mind the splendid promise of the carpets and the irk of the pocket—book were thrust aside by a greater doubt and anxiety.


"But I don't see what you find to like in it, Joe, " she said softly, the note of insistence in her words betraying recent and unsatisfactory discussion.

“乔,可我真不明白你喜欢拳击哪一点。” 她虽说得温柔,语气却是坚决的,话语中透露出最近他们之间的一些令人不愉快的交谈。

For a fleeting moment a shadow darkened his boyish face, to be replaced by the glow of tenderness. He was only a boy, as she was only a girl—two young things on the threshold of life, house—renting and buying carpets together.


"What's the good of worrying? " he questioned. "It's the last go, the very last. "

“担心有什么用呢?” 他问道, “这是最后一场比赛,真的是最后一场。”

He smiled at her, but she saw on his lips the unconscious and all but breathed sigh of renunciation, and with the instinctive monopoly of woman for her mate, she feared this thing she did not understand and which gripped his life so strongly.


"You know the go with O 'Neil cleared the last payment on mother's house, " he went on. And that's off my mind. Now this last with Ponta will give me a hundred dollars in bank—an even hundred, that's the purse—for you and me to start on, a nest—egg.

“你知道的,和奥尼尔比的那场还清了妈妈房子的最后一笔贷款,” 他继续说, “所以我已经不担心那件事了。现在再和庞塔比赛最后一场,我在银行就能存一百美元——整整一百美元,而这笔奖金——是我和你开始新生活的本钱。”

She disregarded the money appeal. "But you like it, this—this' game 'you call it. Why? "

她漠视金钱的诱惑。 “但是你喜欢,这个——这个你所说的 ‘游戏’ 。为什么?”

He lacked speech—expression. He expressed himself with his hands, at his work, and with his body and the play of his muscles in the squared ring; but to tell with his own lips the charm of the squared ring was beyond him. Yet he essayed, and haltingly at first, to express what he felt and analyzed when playing the Game at the supreme summit of existence.


"All I know, Genevieve, is that you feel good in the ring when you've got the man where you want him, when he's had a punch up both sleeves waiting for you and you've never given him an opening to land 'em, when you've landed your own little punch an' he's goin 'groggy, an' holdin 'on, an't he referee's dragging him off so's you can go in an' finish 'm, an' all the house is shouting an't earin 'itself loose, an' you know you're the best man, an't hat you played m 'fair an' won out because you're the best man. I tell you—”


He ceased brokenly, alarmed by his own volubility and by Genevieve's look of alarm. As he talked she had watched his face while fear dawned in her own. As he described the moment of moments to her, on his inward vision were lined the tottering man, the lights, the shouting house, and he swept out and away from her on this tide of life that was beyond her comprehension, menacing, irresistible, making her love pitiful and weak. The Joe she knew receded, faded, became lost. The fresh boyish face was gone, the tenderness of the eyes, the sweetness of the mouth with its curves and pictured corners. It was a man's face she saw, a face of steel, tense and immobile; a mouth of steel, the lips like the jaws of a trap; eyes of steel, dilated, intent, and the light in them and the glitter were the light and glitter of steel. The face of a man, and she had known only his boy face. This face she did not know at all.


And yet, while it frightened her, she was vaguely stirred with pride in him. His masculinity, the masculinity of the fighting male, made its inevitable appeal to her, a female, moulded by all her heredity to seek out the strong man for mate, and to lean against the wall of his strength. She did not understand this force of his being that rose mightier than her love and laid its compulsion upon him; and yet, in her woman's heart she was aware of the sweet pang which told her that for her sake, for Love's own sake, he had surrendered to her, abandoned all that portion of his life, and with this one last fight would never fight again.


"Mrs. Silverstein doesn't like prize—fighting, " she said. "She's down on it, and she knows something, too. "

“西尔弗斯坦夫人可不喜欢职业拳击,” 她说, “她反感拳击,但也懂一点儿。”

He smiled indulgently, concealing a hurt, not altogether new, at her persistent inappreciation of this side of his nature and life in which he took the greatest pride. It was to him power and achievement, earned by his own effort and hard work; and in the moment when he had offered himself and all that he was to Genevieve, it was this, and this alone, that he was proudly conscious of laying at her feet. It was the merit of work performed, a guerdon of manhood finer and greater than any other man could offer, and it had been to him his justification and right to possess her. And she had not understood it then, as she did not understand it now, and he might well have wondered what else she found in him to make him worthy.


"Mrs. Silverstein is a dub, and a softy, and a knocker, " he said good—humoredly. "What's she know about such things, anyway? I tell you it is good, and healthy, too,” —this last as an afterthought.

“西尔弗斯坦夫人是个傻瓜,是个多愁善感又吹毛求疵的笨蛋,” 他好脾气地说道, “再怎么说,她对这种事又知道什么呢?我跟你说,拳击是好的,也健康,” ——这个词他最后才补充上。

"Look at me. I tell you I have to live clean to be in condition like this. I live cleaner than she does, or her old man, or anybody you know—baths, rub—downs, exercise, regular hours, good food and no makin 'a pig of myself, no drinking, no smoking, nothing that'll hurt me. Why, I live cleaner than you, Genevieve—”


"Honest, I do, " he hastened to add at sight of her shocked face. "I don't mean water an 'soap, but look there. " His hand closed reverently but firmly on her arm. Soft, you're all soft, all over. Not like mine. Here, feel this.

“真的,我活得比你还干净,” 看到她震惊的面孔,他赶紧又加了一句, “我不是指用水和肥皂,但你看这儿,” 他把手虔诚地、坚定地放在她的手臂上。 “柔软,你整个都是柔软的,整个都是。跟我不一样。来,你摸一下。”

He pressed the ends of her fingers into his hard arm—muscles until she winced from the hurt.


"Hard all over just like that, " he went on. "Now that's what I call clean. Every bit of flesh an 'blood an' muscle is clean right down to the bones—and they're clean, too. No soap and water only on the skin, but clean all the way in. I tell you it feels clean. It knows it's clean itself. When I wake up in the morning an 'go to work, every drop of blood and bit of meat is shouting right out that it is clean. Oh, I tell you—”

“我全身都是如此硬朗,” 他继续说, “这就是我说的干净。每一点儿血肉、每一块儿肌肉都干净到骨头里——而且这些骨头也是干净的。水和肥皂只能洗干净皮肤,却不能让人干净到骨头里。告诉你,我的身体摸起来是干净的。它也知道自己本身就是干净的。每天早晨起床去上班,我的每滴血、每块肉都在大声呼喊它们是干净的。哎,我告诉你——”

He paused with swift awkwardness, again confounded by his unwonted flow of speech. Never in his life had he been stirred to such utterance, and never in his life had there been cause to be so stirred. For it was the Game that had been questioned, its verity and worth, the Game itself, the biggest thing in the world—or what had been the biggest thing in the world until that chance afternoon and that chance purchase in Silverstein's candy store, when Genevieve loomed suddenly colossal in his life, overshadowing all other things. He was beginning to see, though vaguely, the sharp conflict between woman and career, between a man's work in the world and woman's need of the man. But he was not capable of generalization. He saw only the antagonism between the concrete, flesh—and—blood Genevieve and the great, abstract, living Game. Each resented the other, each claimed him; he was torn with the strife, and yet drifted helpless on the currents of their contention.


His words had drawn Genevieve's gaze to his face, and she had pleasured in the clear skin, the clear eyes, the cheek soft and smooth as a girl's. She saw the force of his argument and disliked it accordingly. She revolted instinctively against this Game which drew him away from her, robbed her of part of him. It was a rival she did not understand. Nor could she understand its seductions. Had it been a woman rival, another girl, knowledge and light and sight would have been hers. As it was, she grappled in the dark with an intangible adversary about which she knew nothing. What truth she felt in his speech made the Game but the more formidable.


A sudden conception of her weakness came to her. She felt pity for herself, and sorrow. She wanted him, all of him, her woman's need would not be satisfied with less; and he eluded her, slipped away here and there from the embrace with which she tried to clasp him. Tears swam into her eyes, and her lips trembled, turning defeat into victory, routing the all—potent Game with the strength of her weakness.


"Don't, Genevieve, don't, " the boy pleaded, all contrition, though he was confused and dazed. To his masculine mind there was nothing relevant about her break—down; yet all else was forgotten at sight of her tears.

“别哭,吉纳维芙,别哭。” 男孩满心忏悔地乞求着。虽然他困惑不已,茫然无措。对于他的男性思维来说,她的崩溃和他没什么关系;但是一看到她流泪,这些便通通被抛到了九霄云外了。

She smiled forgiveness through her wet eyes, and though he knew of nothing for which to be forgiven, he melted utterly. His hand went out impulsively to hers, but she avoided the clasp by a sort of bodily stiffening and chill, the while the eyes smiled still more gloriously.


"Here comes Mr. Clausen, " she said, at the same time, by some transforming alchemy of woman, presenting to the newcomer eyes that showed no hint of moistness.

“克劳森先生来了。” 她说道。同时用一种女人特有的说变就变的戏法,将目光投向来者,再看不出一点泪水的痕迹。

"Think I was never coming back, Joe? " queried the head of the department, a pink—and—white—faced man, whose austere side—whiskers were belied by genial little eyes.

“以为我再也不会回来了吧,乔?” 这个面色粉白的部门经理问道。他友好的小眼睛和那一丝不苟的鬓角形成了反差。

"Now let me see—hum, yes, we was discussing ingrains, " he continued briskly. "That tasty little pattern there catches your eye, don't it now, eh? Yes, yes, I know all about it. I set up housekeeping when I was getting fourteen a week. But nothing's too good for the little nest, eh? Of course I know, and it's only seven cents more, and the dearest is the cheapest, I say. Tell you what I'll do, Joe,” —this with a burst of philanthropic impulsiveness and a confidential lowering of voice, —" seein's it's you, and I wouldn't do it for anybody else, I'll reduce it to five cents. Only,” —here his voice became impressively solemn, — "only you mustn't ever tell how much you really did pay. "

“让我想想——哼,对了,我们在讨论染色地毯来着,” 他很快接着说, “你看上了那个高雅的小图样,是不是,嗯?嗯,嗯,我什么都知道。我开始做家政时,一周才赚十四块钱。但是你的小爱巢配什么好东西都不过分,对吧?我当然知道。这只贵七分钱,要我说,关系越好我出价越低。告诉你我打算怎么做吧,乔,” ——他带着一股要做慈善的冲动,秘密地压低了声音—— “这是看在你的面子上,我降到五分吧,别人可没这待遇。只要,” ——这时他的声音变得尤其严肃起来,给人印象深刻—— “只要你绝不告诉别人你到底付多少。”

"Sewed, lined, and laid—of course that's included, " he said, after Joe and Genevieve had conferred together and announced their decision.

“缝纫、上线、安置——这些当然都包含在价钱里了。” 在乔和吉纳维芙一起商量一下,宣布了他们的决定之后,他说道。

"And the little nest, eh? " he queried. "When do you spread your wings and fly away? To—morrow! So soon? Beautiful! Beautiful! "

“小爱巢,嗯?” 他问道, “你们打算什么时候展开翅膀飞进去呢?明天!这么快?太棒了!太棒了!”

He rolled his eyes ecstatically for a moment, then beamed upon them with a fatherly air.


Joe had replied sturdily enough, and Genevieve had blushed prettily; but both felt that it was not exactly proper. Not alone because of the privacy and holiness of the subject, but because of what might have been prudery in the middle class, but which in them was the modesty and reticence found in individuals of the working class when they strive after clean living and morality.


Mr. Clausen accompanied them to the elevator, all smiles, patronage, and beneficence, while the clerks turned their heads to follow Joe's retreating figure.


"And to—night, Joe? " Mr. Clausen asked anxiously, as they waited at the shaft. "How do you feel? Think you'll do him? "

“今天晚上怎么样,乔?” 等电梯的时候,克劳森先生不安地问道, “你感觉怎么样?觉得能打败他吗?”

"Sure, " Joe answered. "Never felt better in my life. "

“当然,” 乔回答道, “这辈子还没感觉这么好过呢。”

"You feel all right, eh? Good! Good!


You see, I was just a—wonderin’ —you know, ha! ha! —goin't o get married and the rest—thought you might be unstrung, eh, a trifle? —nerves just a bit off, you know. Know how gettin 'married is myself.


But you're all right, eh? Of course you are. No use asking you that. Ha! ha!


Well, good luck, my boy! I know you'll win. Never had the least doubt, of course, of course. "


"And good—by, Miss Pritchard, " he said to Genevieve, gallantly handing her into the elevator. "Hope you call often. Will be charmed—charmed—I assure you. "

“再见,普里查德小姐,” 他边对吉纳维芙说着,边殷勤地送她进电梯。 “希望你们常常打电话给我。乐意接待——乐意之极——我向你们保证。”

"Everybody calls you 'Joe', " she said reproachfully, as the car dropped downward. "Why don't they call you 'Mr. Fleming'? That's no more than proper. "

“大家都叫你 ‘乔’ ,” 她语气责备地说道,这时电梯正往下降。 “他们为什么不叫你 ‘弗莱明先生’ ?那才最适合你。”

But he was staring moodily at the elevator boy and did not seem to hear.


"What's the matter, Joe? " she asked, with a tenderness the power of which to thrill him she knew full well.

“怎么了,乔?” 她温柔地问道。她非常清楚,这种温柔的力量能让他激动起来。

"Oh, nothing, " he said. "I was only thinking—and wishing. "

“嗯,没什么,” 他说, “我只是在想——在盼望着。”

"Wishing? —what? " Her voice was seduction itself, and her eyes would have melted stronger than he, though they failed in calling his up to them.

“盼望着?——盼望什么?” 她的声音对他来说,本身就是一种诱惑,她的眼睛能够让他更温柔,但这些都未能引起他的注意力。

Then, deliberately, his eyes lifted to hers. "I was wishing you could see me fight just once. "

这时,他慎重地抬起眼来,看向她的眼睛。 “我希望你能来看我比赛,就一次。”

She made a gesture of disgust, and his face fell. It came to her sharply that the rival had thrust between and was bearing him away.


"I—I'd like to, " she said hastily with an effort, striving after that sympathy which weakens the strongest men and draws their heads to women's breasts.

“我——我愿意去看,” 她急急地说道,仿佛努力地想要显示出情感上的支撑。这种支撑会让最坚强的男人变得脆弱,让他们将头依靠在女人的胸口上。

"Will you? "


Again his eyes lifted and looked into hers. He meant it—she knew that. It seemed a challenge to the greatness of her love.


"It would be the proudest moment of my life, " he said simply.

“那将会是我生命中最骄傲的时刻。” 他坦率地说。

It may have been the apprehensiveness of love, the wish to meet his need for her sympathy, and the desire to see the Game face to face for wisdom's sake, —and it may have been the clarion call of adventure ringing through the narrow confines of uneventful existence; for a great daring thrilled through her, and she said, just as simply, "I will. "

肯定的答复可能源于她对于爱情的担忧,想要满足他对她感情支撑的需要,以及为了开拓眼界而亲眼看看拳赛的渴望——也许这动人的号召是一种冒险,它穿透平静生活中狭窄的界限;凭着一股巨大的让她振奋的勇气,她也坦率地回答道: “我会去的。”

"I didn't think you would, or I wouldn't have asked, " he confessed, as they walked out to the sidewalk.

“我本以为你不会去呢,要不然我就不会问了。” 他承认道。这时他们正走到人行道上。

"But can't it be done? " she asked anxiously, before her resolution could cool.

“但是能行吗?” 趁着自己的决心还没冷却下来,她不安地问道。

"Oh, I can fix that; but I didn't think you would. "


"I didn't think you would, " he repeated, still amazed, as he helped her upon the electric car and felt in his pocket for the fare.

“我以为你不会答应呢。” 他一边依然很惊讶地重复着,一边伸手到口袋里掏车费,和她一起上了电车。 Dg5n+RQwl7I6792AK6daVDZK5LPMfZU3v0nGALdJ+odf2/y4fMOl4NQrEyYwRKRY
