


'Come to dinner, come along, ' said the lady of the house in a plaintive voice, and they all went into the dining—room. 'Sit beside me, Zoe, ' added Anna Vassilyevna, 'and you, Helene, take our guest; and you, Paul, please don't be naughty and tease Zoe. My head aches today. '

“过来吃饭吧,大家都过来。” 女主人说道,声音中透着悲伤。大家都跟着她走进餐厅, “和我坐在一起,卓娅,” 安娜? 瓦西里耶夫娜说, “埃琳娜,你招呼客人;而你,保罗,别再淘气去捉弄卓娅了。我今天头疼。”

Shubin again turned his eyes up to the ceiling; Zoe responded with a half—smile. This Zoe, or, to speak more precisely, Zoya Nikitishna Mueller, was a pretty, fair—haired, half—Russian German girl, with a little nose rather wide at the end, and tiny red lips. She sang Russian ballads fairly well and could play various pieces, both lively and sentimental, very correctly on the piano. She dressed with taste, but in a rather childish style, and even over precisely. Anna Vassilyevna had taken her as a companion for her daughter, and she kept her almost constantly at her side. Elena did not complain of that; she was absolutely at a loss what to say to Zoya when she happened to be left alone with her.

舒宾又翻了翻白眼。卓娅浅笑了一下。说到卓娅,或者更准确地说,卓娅? 尼基季什娜? 米勒,是一个满头金发、俄德混血的漂亮女孩。她的小嘴红红的,鼻子也小,鼻头却很宽。她的俄罗斯民歌唱得很好,还能用钢琴弹上几曲,无论是快乐还是悲伤的曲调,她都能弹奏得很好。她穿衣服很讲究,然而却总选择一些小孩子喜欢的款式,更准确地说,有时甚至会是一些特别幼稚的款式。安娜? 瓦西里耶夫娜本来是打算让她来给女儿做伴的,但后来却总是让她呆在自己身边。埃琳娜对此毫无怨言,因为当她和卓娅偶尔被单独留在一起时,她根本不知道能跟卓娅聊些什么。

The dinner lasted rather a long time; Bersenyev talked with Elena about university life, and his own plans and hopes; Shubin listened without speaking, ate with an exaggerated show of greediness, and now and then threw comic glances of despair at Zoya, who responded always with the same phlegmatic smile. After dinner, Elena with Bersenyev and Shubin went into the garden; Zoya looked after them, and, with a slight shrug of her shoulders, sat down to the piano. Anna Vassilyevna began: 'Why don't you go for a walk, too? ' but, without waiting for a reply, she added: 'Play me something melancholy. '

这顿饭真是花了很长时间,别尔谢涅夫跟埃琳娜谈论着他的大学生活,他自己的计划和梦想。舒宾则只是听着,没有说话,吃饭的时候总是故意做出一副夸张的馋鬼样,并不时用透着失望的滑稽眼神瞥向卓娅,而卓娅总是那样淡淡地笑着回应他。饭后,埃琳娜、别尔谢涅夫和舒宾去了花园,卓娅看着他们的背影,微微地耸了耸肩,坐下来弹钢琴。安娜? 瓦西里耶夫娜说: “你怎么不和他们一起出去走走?” 然而,不等卓娅回答,她就继续说道: “给我弹个悲伤一些的曲子吧。”

'La derniere pensee de Weber? ' suggested Zoya.

“那我弹韦伯的《最后的思索》怎么样?” 卓娅建议道。

'Ah, yes, Weber, ' replied Anna Vassilyevna. She sank into an easy chair, and the tears started on to her eyelashes.

“好的,就韦伯的曲子吧。” 安娜? 瓦西里耶夫娜回答说。她陷进一把安乐椅里听着,睫毛上开始挂上了泪珠。

Meanwhile, Elena led the two friends to an arbour of acacias, with a little wooden table in the middle, and seats round. Shubin looked round, and, whispering 'Wait a minute! ' he ran off, skipping and hopping to his own room, brought back a piece of clay, and began modelling a bust of Zoya, shaking his head and muttering and laughing to himself.

与此同时,埃琳娜带着那两个年轻人来到了金合欢树下的一个凉亭里,凉亭中间摆着一个小木桌子,周围放着几个凳子。舒宾朝四周看了看,随后低声说: “稍等一下!” 然后就跑开了,他悄悄地跑进自己的房间,拿了一块黏土回来,开始做起卓娅的半身塑像来,边做边摇着脑袋,喃喃自语,面带笑意。

'At his old tricks again, ' observed Elena, glancing at his work. She turned to Bersenyev, with whom she was continuing the conversation begun at dinner.

“还是以前的那些把戏。” 埃琳娜看了一眼他的作品,说道。接着,她转向了别尔谢涅夫,继续谈论他们在餐桌上交流过的话题。

'My old tricks! ' repeated Shubin. 'It's a subject that's simply inexhaustible! Today, particularly, she drove me out of all patience. '

“还是以前的那些把戏!” 舒宾重复道, “雕塑真是令人百用不厌啊!尤其是今天,她令我失去了所有的耐心。”

'Why so? ' inquired Elena. 'One would think you were speaking of some spiteful, disagreeable old woman. She is a pretty young girl. '

“此话怎讲?” 埃琳娜问, “别人还会以为你是在说某个心怀怨恨、让人讨厌的老太婆呢。她可是个年轻漂亮的姑娘啊。”

'Of course, ' Shubin broke in, 'she is pretty, very pretty; I am sure that no one who meets her could fail to think: that's some one I should like to—dance a polka with; I' m sure, too, that she knows that, and is pleased…. Else, what's the meaning of those modest simpers, that discreet air? There, you know what I mean, 'he muttered between his teeth. ' But now you're absorbed in something else. '

“当然,” 舒宾插嘴说, “她很漂亮,非常漂亮。我十分肯定只要是见过她的人都会这样想:我绝对应该邀请她跳一曲波尔卡舞。我也十分肯定她自己知道这些而且还很高兴……但是,她那些故作谦虚的假笑和谨慎小心的举止又是为了什么呢?算了,你肯定知道我是什么意思,” 他含含糊糊地说, “但现在你的心思已经飘到别的地方去了。”

And breaking up the bust of Zoya, Shubin set hastily to modelling and kneading the clay again with an air of vexation.


'So it is your wish to be a professor? ' said Elena to Bersenyev.

“那么,你以后希望去当老师?” 埃琳娜问别尔谢涅夫。

'Yes, ' he answered, squeezing his red hands between his knees. 'That's my cherished dream. Of course I know very well how far I fall short of being—to be worthy of such a high—I mean that I am too little prepared, but I hope to get permission for a course of travel abroad; I shall pass three or four years in that way, if necessary, and then—’

“是的,” 他一边说着一边把双手夹在两膝之间, “那是我一直梦寐以求的。当然,我很清楚梦想和现实之间还有着很大的差距——若是想要成为一位好老师——我的意思是指我的各个方面都还有待完善,但是目前我希望能够出国进修或游学,如果需要的话,我准备那样在国外呆个三四年,到那时——”

He stopped, dropped his eyes, then quickly raising them again, he gave an embarrassed smile and smoothed his hair. When Bersenyev was talking to a woman, his words came out more slowly, and he lisped more than ever.


'You want to be a professor of history? ' inquired Elena.

“你想成为一位历史老师吗?” 埃琳娜问。

'Yes, or of philosophy, ' he added, in a lower voice— 'if that is possible. '

“是的,或者是哲学老师,” 他低声说, “如果可能的话。”

'He's a perfect devil at philosophy already, ' observed Shubin, making deep lines in the clay with his nail. 'What does he want to go abroad for? '

“他已经在哲学方面很有研究了,” 舒宾边看着塑像边说,用指甲在黏土上划了几道深深的线条, “他还要出国去干吗呢?”

'And will you be perfectly contented with such a position? ' asked Elena, leaning on her elbow and looking him straight in the face.

“那你以后会完全满足于当老师的生活吗?” 埃琳娜把下巴支在胳膊肘上,盯着他的脸问。

'Perfectly, Elena Nikolaevna, perfectly. What could be a finer vocation? To follow, perhaps, in the steps of Timofay Nikolaevitch …The very thought of such work fills me with delight and confusion …yes, confusion…which comes from a sense of my own deficiency. My dear father consecrated me to this work…I shall never forget his last words. ' …

“我会完全满足的,埃琳娜? 尼古拉耶夫娜,完全满足。有什么职业能比得过当老师呢?也许,我可以追随季莫费? 尼古拉耶维奇的脚步前进……一想到能当老师,我的内心就充满了快乐和困惑……是的,困惑……那是由于我自身的不足引起的。我父亲很支持我做这项事业……我永远都不会忘记他临终前所说的话。”

'Your father died last winter? '


'Yes, Elena Nikolaevna, in February. '

“是的,埃琳娜? 尼古拉耶夫娜,他是二月份去世的。”

'They say, ' Elena went on, 't hat he left a remarkable work in manuscript; is it true? '

“他们都说,” 埃琳娜继续说道, “你父亲生前留下了一部优秀著作的原稿,这是真的吗?”

'Yes. He was a wonderful man. You would have loved him, Elena Nikolaevna. '

“是的。他是个令人钦佩的人。你应该会很喜欢他的,埃琳娜? 尼古拉耶夫娜。”

'I am sure I should. And what was the subject of the work? '


'To give you an idea of the subject of the work in few words, Elena Nikolaevna, would be somewhat difficult. My father was a learned man, a Schellingist; he used terms which were not always very clear—’

“关于那本书的内容,埃琳娜? 尼古拉耶夫娜,如果要我用几句话就把它讲清楚,可能会有点儿困难。我父亲是个很有学问的人,追随谢林学派,他经常会用一些令人难以理解的词汇——”

'Andrei Petrovitch, ' interrupted Elena, 'excuse my ignorance, what does that mean, a Schellingist? '

“安德烈? 彼得罗维奇,” 埃琳娜打断他的话说, “不好意思,请原谅我的无知,什么是谢林学派?”

Bersenyev smiled slightly.


'A Schellingist means a follower of Schelling, a German philosopher; and what the philosophy of Schelling consists in—’


'Andrei Petrovitch! ' cried Shubin suddenly, 'for mercy's sake! Surely you don't mean to give Elena Nikolaevna a lecture on Schelling? Have pity on her!’

“安德烈? 彼得罗维奇!” 舒宾突然叫了起来, “看在上帝的份上,别说了!你肯定不是要给埃琳娜? 尼古拉耶夫娜上一堂介绍谢林学派的课吧?可怜可怜她吧!”

'Not a lecture at all, ' murmured Bersenyev, turning crimson. 'I meant—’

“哪里是上什么课,” 别尔谢涅夫脸色通红地嘀咕道, “我是想说——”

'And why not a lecture? ' put in Elena. 'You and I are in need of lectures, Pavel Yakovlitch. '

“为什么不是上课呢?” 埃琳娜说, “你和我都应该好好听听的,帕维尔? 雅克夫利奇。”

Shubin stared at her, and suddenly burst out laughing.


'What are you laughing at? ' she said coldly, and almost sharply.

“你在笑什么?” 她用冷冰冰且几近严厉的语气说道。

Shubin did not answer.


'Come, don't be angry, ' he said, after a short pause. 'I am sorry. But really it's a strange taste, upon my word, to discuss philosophy in weather like this under these trees. Let us rather talk of nightingales and roses, youthful eyes and smiles. '

“好了,不要生气了,” 他停了一会儿说, “对不起。但依我之见,在这样的天气里,在这样的树下,谈论一些哲学问题实在是有点儿怪怪的。我们应该聊聊夜莺和玫瑰,或是年轻的眼睛和笑容。”

'Yes; and of French novels, and of feminine frills and fal—lals, ' Elena went on.

“没错,还有法国小说,女人的穿着打扮。” 埃琳娜说道。

'Fal—lals, too, of course, ' rejoined Shubin, 'if they're pretty. '

“好吧,也谈谈女人的服饰,” 舒宾回答说, “如果是些漂亮的衣服的话。”

'Of course. But suppose we don't want to talk of frills? You are always boasting of being a free artist; why do you encroach on the freedom of others? And allow me to inquire, if that's your bent of mind, why do you attack Zoya? With her it would be peculiarly suitable to talk of frills and roses? '


Shubin suddenly fired up, and rose from the garden seat. 'So that's it? ' he began in a nervous voice. 'I understand your hint; you want to send me away to her, Elena Nikolaevna. In other words, I' m not wanted here. '

舒宾突然生气地从花园里的凳子上站了起来。 “那么,你就想说这个吗?” 他紧张地说道, “我现在才明白你的暗示,你想让我到她那边去吧,埃琳娜? 尼古拉耶夫娜。换句话说,我在这里不受欢迎。”

'I never thought of sending you away from here. '


'Do you mean to say, ' Shubin continued passionately, 't hat I am not worthy of other society, that I am her equal; that I am as vain, and silly and petty as that mawkish German girl? Is that it? '

“那你是想说,” 舒宾激动地说, “我不配和其他人交往,我跟那个令人讨厌的德国小妞一样,整天只顾漂亮、愚蠢无知吗?是吗?”

Elena frowned. 'You did not always speak like that of her, Pavel Yakovlitch, ' she remarked.

埃琳娜皱着眉头。 “你还从来没有这样数落过她呢,帕维尔? 雅克夫利奇。” 她回答说。

'Ah! reproaches! reproaches now! ' cried Shubin. 'Well, then I don't deny there was a moment—one moment precisely, when those fresh, vulgar cheeks of hers…But if I wanted to repay you with reproaches and remind you…Good—bye, ' he added suddenly, 'I feel I shall say something silly. '

“哦!你责怪我吧!现在就责备我吧!” 舒宾喊了起来, “好吧,我承认曾经是有过一阵子——确切地说是一小段时间,当她那清新却又庸俗的脸蛋……但假如我想跟你争辩的话,就会让你知道……算了,再见了,” 他突然说道, “我觉得自己要说蠢话了。”

And with a blow on the clay moulded into the shape of a head, he ran out of the arbour and went off to his room.


'What a baby, ' said Elena, looking after him.

“真像个小孩子。” 埃琳娜看着他的背影说。

'He's an artist, ' observed Bersenyev with a quiet smile. 'All artists are like that. One must forgive them their caprices. That is their privilege. '

“他是个艺术家,” 别尔谢涅夫浅笑着说, “所有的艺术家都这样。人们都应该习惯他们的反复无常。那可是他们的特权。”

'Yes, ' replied Elena; 'but Pavel has not so far justified his claim to that privilege in any way. What has he done so far? Give me your arm, and let us go along the avenue. He was in our way. We were talking of your father's works. '

“是的,” 埃琳娜接着说, “但帕维尔到现在也没做出什么好作品,能让他像艺术家那样使用那项特权。迄今为止他做了什么呢?让我挽着你的胳膊,我们去林阴道上走走吧。他刚才打断了我们的谈话。我们正谈到你父亲的著作呢。”

Bersenyev took Elena's arm in his, and walked beside her through the garden; but the conversation prematurely broken off was not renewed. Bersenyev began again unfolding his views on the vocation of a professor, and on his own future career. He walked slowly beside Elena, moving awkwardly, awkwardly holding her arm, sometimes jostling his shoulder against her, and not once looking at her; but his talk flowed more easily, even if not perfectly freely; he spoke simply and genuinely, and his eyes, as they strayed slowly over the trunks of the trees, the sand of the path and the grass, were bright with the quiet ardour of generous emotions, while in his soothed voice there was heard the delight of a man who feels that he is succeeding in expressing himself to one very dear to him. Elena listened to him very attentively, and turning half towards him, did not take her eyes off his face, which had grown a little paler off his eyes, which were soft and affectionate, though they avoided meeting her eyes. Her soul expanded; and something tender, holy, and good seemed half sinking into her heart, half springing up within it.

别尔谢涅夫拉着埃琳娜的手臂,跟她在花园里面闲逛,但他们并没有继续聊刚才被打断的话题。别尔谢涅夫又重新聊起了自己对老师这个职业的看法和对以后工作的打算。他和埃琳娜慢慢地走着,局促不安地挽着她的胳膊,他的肩膀有时也会无意中碰到她,可他却从未看她一眼,但他说话却越来越轻松了,尽管还不是那么流利。他说话言简意赅,他的眼睛里充满丰富的情感与含蓄的热情,目光缓缓从树干上、小路旁的沙堆和青草上滑过,然而从他那平静的声音中可以听出一个人在自己喜欢的人面前成功表达自己的喜悦。埃琳娜认真地听他讲着,侧转向他,目不转睛地看着他的脸,凝视着他那有点儿防卫但又温柔亲切的眼睛,虽然他一直在避免直视她的眼睛。她已经在心里渐渐地接受了他,内心深处充满了一种柔软的、神圣的和令人沉醉的感情,这种感情让她的心一半沉醉,一半激动。 dpew59Hvg095WuKDLj/if51E57ClCXRNIREFfHd2iul1A0anafBkyXqpp3w2c2f+
