


The young men went down to the river Moskva and walked along its bank. There was a breath of freshness from the water, and the soft plash of tiny waves caressed the ear.


'I would have another bathe, ' said Shubin, 'only I' m afraid of being late. Look at the river; it seems to beckon us. The ancient Greeks would have beheld a nymph in it. But we are not Greeks, O nymph! we are thick—skinned Scythians. '

“我又想游泳了,” 舒宾说, “只是我怕会迟到。看那河水,它好像在召唤我们呢。古希腊人相信每条河中都有一个女神。但我们不是希腊人,哦,我的女神!我们是粗鲁的西塞亚人。”

'We have roussalkas, ' observed Bersenyev.

“但我们有美人鱼啊。” 别尔谢涅夫讲道。

'Get along with your roussalkas! What's the use to me—a sculptor—of those children of a cold, terror—stricken fancy, those shapes begotten in the stifling hut, in the dark of winter nights? I want light, space…. Good God, when shall I go to Italy? When—’


'To Little Russia, I suppose you mean? '


'For shame, Andrei Petrovitch, to reproach me for an act of unpremeditated folly, which I have repented bitterly enough without that. Oh, of course, I behaved like a fool; Anna Vassilyevna most kindly gave me the money for an expedition to Italy, and I went off to the Little Russians to eat dumplings and—’

“安德烈? 彼得罗维奇,你是不好意思当面指责我粗心大意吧,就算你不说,我也已经为自己的愚蠢懊悔不已。哦,是的,我简直就是个傻瓜,以前安娜? 瓦西里耶夫娜曾好心资助我去意大利,但我却跑去小俄罗斯吃饺子,然后——”

'Don't let me have the rest, please, ' interposed Bersenyev.

“算了,请你别再接着说了。” 别尔谢涅夫打断了他的话。

'Yet still, I will say, the money was not spent in vain. I saw there such types, especially of women…. Of course, I know; there is no salvation to be found outside of Italy!’


'You will go to Italy, ' said Bersenyev, without turning towards him, 'and will do nothing. You will always be pluming your wings and never take flight. We know you! '

“就算你去了意大利,” 别尔谢涅夫说着,看都没看他一眼, “你也不会有什么成就。你只会不停地拍打着翅膀,却永远都飞不起来。我们太了解你啦!”

'Stavasser has taken flight…. And he's not the only one. If I don't fly, it will prove that I' m a sea penguin, and have no wings. I am stifled here, I want to be in Italy, 'pursued Shubin, 't here is sunshine, there is beauty. '

“斯塔瓦瑟尔倒是飞起来了,而且他不是唯一能飞起来的那个人。如果我飞不起来,那只能说明我是海里的一只企鹅,没有翅膀而已。呆在这里我简直就要闷死了,我想去意大利,” 舒宾接着说道, “那里有阳光,那里有美女。”

A young girl in a large straw hat, with a pink parasol on her shoulder, came into sight at that instant, in the little path along which the friends were walking.


'But what do I see? Even here, there is beauty—coming to meet us! A humble artist's compliments to the enchanting Zoya!’ Shubin cried at once, with a theatrical flourish of his hat.

“瞧,我看到什么了?即便在这里,也有美女——她朝我们这边走过来了!美丽的卓娅小姐,一个谦卑的艺术家向你致敬!” 舒宾立刻叫了起来,滑稽地挥了挥他的帽子。

The young girl to whom this exclamation referred, stopped, threatening him with her finger, and, waiting for the two friends to come up to her, she said in a ringing voice:


'Why is it, gentlemen, you don't come in to dinner? It is on the table. '


'What do I hear? ' said Shubin, throwing his arms up. 'Can it be that you, bewitching Zoya, faced such heat to come and look for us? Dare I think that is the meaning of your words? Tell me, can it be so? Or no, do not utter that word; I shall die of regret on the spot. '

“我听到了什么?” 舒宾举起了他的胳膊,说, “难道你,迷人的卓娅,顶着大太阳出门就是来找我们吗?我可以这样理解你的意思吗?告诉我,可以吗?或者,等一下,请你不要告诉我真是这样的,不然我就要后悔死了。”

'Oh, do leave off, Pavel Yakovlitch, ' replied the young girl with some annoyance. 'Why will you never talk to me seriously? I shall be angry, ' she added with a little coquettish grimace, and she pouted.

“哦,不要这样,帕维尔? 雅克夫利奇,” 那个少女有些懊恼地说, “你为什么就不能正经些和我说话呢?我可要生气啦。” 她有点儿轻佻地做着鬼脸,还撅着嘴巴。

'You will not be angry with me, ideal Zoya Nikitishna; you would not drive me to the dark depths of hopeless despair. And I can't talk to you seriously, because I' m not a serious person. '

“你可别生我气呀,完美的卓娅? 尼基季什娜,你千万别让我陷入到绝望的深渊里。我本来就是个放荡不羁的人,所以才常与你开玩笑。”

The young girl shrugged her shoulders, and turned to Bersenyev.


'There, he's always like that; he treats me like a child; and I am eighteen. I am grown—up now. '


'O Lord! ' groaned Shubin, rolling his eyes upwards; and Bersenyev smiled quietly.

“哦,上帝!” 舒宾叹了口气,翻了个白眼,而别尔谢涅夫则轻轻地笑了。

The girl stamped with her little foot.


'Pavel Yakovlitch, I shall be angry! Helene was coming with me, ' she went on, 'but she stopped in the garden. The heat frightened her, but I am not afraid of the heat. Come along. '

“帕维尔? 雅克夫利奇,我可真要生气啦!埃琳娜本来要和我一起的,” 她说, “但后来她却去花园了。她很怕热,但我却不怕。走吧。”

She moved forward along the path, slightly swaying her slender figure at each step, and with a pretty black—mittened little hand pushing her long soft curls back from her face.


The friends walked after her (Shubin first pressed his hands, without speaking, to his heart, and then flung them higher than his head), and in a few instants they came out in front of one of the numerous country villas with which Kuntsovo is surrounded. A small wooden house with a gable, painted a pink colour, stood in the middle of the garden, and seemed to be peeping out innocently from behind the green trees. Zoya was the first to open the gate; she ran into the garden, crying: 'I have brought the wanderers! ' A young girl, with a pale and expressive face, rose from a garden bench near the little path, and in the doorway of the house appeared a lady in a lilac silk dress, holding an embroidered cambric handkerchief over her head to screen it from the sun, and smiling with a weary and listless air.

两个年轻人跟在她的后面(舒宾先是一言不发地把双手用力地按在胸前,接着又把它们举过头顶),没过多久他们就来到了一幢别墅前,这座房子位于孔佐沃周边的别墅区里。在花园中间,坐落着一幢带有顶楼的木制小房子,墙被刷成了粉色,看上去它就像躲在绿树林后面无辜地窥探着外面的世界。卓娅第一个打开了大门,她跑到花园里,大声叫道: “我把那两个出去闲逛的人带回来了!” 一个面色苍白却表情丰富的少女从小路旁边的一个长椅上站了起来,在房门口,一个身穿紫色丝绸连衣裙的夫人站在那里,用一条麻布绣花手绢放在额头上挡太阳,面色疲倦地笑着。 qz4qUA1wM5pT9fB/UYVNgeBz2410S71G0rjihjqachSq6maEPSX3axGWfh4Ff/WP
