D. H. 劳伦斯



She had thought that this marriage, of all marriages, would be an adventure. Not that the man himself was exactly magical to her. A little, wiry, twisted fellow, twenty years older than herself, with brown eyes and greying hair, who had come to America a scrap of a wastrel, from Holland, years ago, as a tiny boy, and from the gold—mines of the west had been kicked south into Mexico, and now was more or less rich, owning silver—mines in the wilds of the Sierra Madre: it was obvious that the adventure lay in his circumstances, rather than his person. But he was still a little dynamo of energy, in spite of accidents survived, and what he had accomplished he had accomplished alone. One of those human oddments there is no accounting for.


When she actually saw what he had accomplished, her heart quailed. Great green—covered, unbroken mountain—hills, and in the midst of the lifeless isolation, the sharp pinkish mounds of the dried mud from the silver—works. Under the nakedness of the works, the walled—in, one—storey adobe house, with its garden inside, and its deep inner verandah with tropical climbers on the sides. And when you looked up from this shut—in flowered patio, you saw the huge pink cone of the silver—mud refuse, and the machinery of the extracting plant against heaven above. No more.


To be sure, the great wooden doors were often open. And then she could stand outside, in the vast open world. And see great, void, tree—clad hills piling behind one another, from nowhere into nowhere. They were green in autumn time. For the rest, pinkish, stark dry, and abstract.


And in his battered Ford car her husband would take her into the dead, thrice—dead little Spanish town forgotten among the mountains. The great, sundried dead church, the dead portales, the hopeless covered market—place, where, the first time she went, she saw a dead dog lying between the meat stalls and the vegetable array, stretched out as if for ever, nobody troubling to throw it away. Deadness within deadness.


Everybody feebly talking silver, and showing bits of ore. But silver was at a standstill. The great war came and went. Silver was a dead market. Her husband's mines were closed down. But she and he lived on in the adobe house under the works, among the flowers that were never very flowery to her.


She had two children, a boy and a girl. And her eldest, the boy, was nearly ten years old before she aroused from her stupor of subjected amazement. She was now thirty—three, a large, blue—eyed, dazed woman, beginning to grow stout. Her little, wiry, tough, twisted, brown—eyed husband was fifty—three, a man as tough as wire, tenacious as wire, still full of energy, but dimmed by the lapse of silver from the market, and by some curious inaccessibility on his wife's part.


He was a man of principles, and a good husband. In a way, he doted on her. He never quite got over his dazzled admiration of her. But essentially, he was still a bachelor. He had been thrown out on the world, a little bachelor, at the age of ten. When he married he was over forty, and had enough money to marry on. But his capital was all a bachelor's. He was boss of his own works, and marriage was the last and most intimate bit of his own works.


He admired his wife to extinction, he admired her body, all her points. And she was to him always the rather dazzling Californian girl from Berkeley, whom he had first known. Like any sheik, he kept her guarded among those mountains of Chihuahua. He was jealous of her as he was of his silver—mine: and that is saying a lot.


At thirty—three she really was still the girl from Berkeley, in all but physique. Her conscious development had stopped mysteriously with her marriage, completely arrested. Her husband had never become real to her, neither mentally nor physically. In spite of his late sort of passion for her, he never meant anything to her, physically. Only morally he swayed her, downed her, kept her in an invincible slavery.


So the years went by, in the adobe house strung round the sunny patio, with the silver—works overhead. Her husband was never still. When the silver went dead, he ran a ranch lower down, some twenty miles away, and raised pure—bred hogs, splendid creatures. At the same time, he hated pigs. He was a squeamish waif of an idealist, and really hated the physical side of life. He loved work, work, work, and making things. His marriage, his children, were something he was making, part of his business, but with a sentimental income this time.


Gradually her nerves began to go wrong: she must get out. She must get out. So he took her to El Paso for three months. And at least it was the United States.


But he kept his spell over her. The three months ended: back she was, just the same, in her adobe house among those eternal green or pinky—brown hills, void as only the undiscovered is void. She taught her children, she supervised the Mexican boys who were her servants. And sometimes her husband brought visitors, Spaniards or Mexicans or occasionally white men.


He really loved to have white men staying on the place. Yet he had not a moment's peace when they were there. It was as if his wife were some peculiar secret vein of ore in his mines, which no one must be aware of except himself. And she was fascinated by the young gentlemen, mining engineers, who were his guests at times. He, too, was fascinated by a real gentleman. But he was an old—timer miner with a wife, and if a gentleman looked at his wife, he felt as if his mine were being looted, the secrets of it pryed out.


It was one of these young gentlemen who put the idea into her mind. They were all standing outside the great wooden doors of the patio, looking at the outer world. The eternal, motionless hills were all green, it was September, after the rains. There was no sign of anything, save the deserted mine, the deserted works, and a bunch of half—deserted miner's dwellings.


"I wonder, " said the young man, "what there is behind those great blank hills. "

“我好奇” 那个年轻人说到 “这些大山背后是什么地方。”

"More hills, " said Lederman. "If you go that way, Sonora and the coast. This way is the desert—you came from there—And the other way, hills and mountains.”

“更多的山” 列德曼说。 “如果你向那边走,是索诺拉州和海湾去。往这边是沙漠——你就是从那里来的——往别的方向是丘陵和高山。”

"Yes, but what lives in the hills and mountains? Surely there is something wonderful? It looks so like nowhere on earth: like being on the moon.”


"There's plenty of game, if you want to shoot. And Indians, if you call them wonderful.”


"Wild ones? "


"Wild enough. "


"But friendly? "


"It depends. Some of them are quite wild, and they don't let anybody near. They kill a missionary at sight. And where a missionary can't get, nobody can.”


"But what does the government say? "


"They're so far from everywhere, the government leaves 'em alone. And they're wily; if they think there'll be trouble, they send a delegation to Chihuahua and make a formal submission. The government is glad to leave it at that.”


"And do they live quite wild, with their own savage customs and religion? "


"Oh, yes. They use nothing but bows and arrows. I've seen them in town, in the Plaza, with funny sort of hats with flowers round them, and a bow in one hand, quite naked except for a sort of shirt, even in cold weather—striding round with their savage's bare legs.”


"But don't you suppose it's wonderful, up there in their secret villages?”


"No. What would there be wonderful about it? Savages are savages, and all savages behave more or less alike: rather low—down and dirty, unsanitary, with a few cunning tricks, and struggling to get enough to eat.”


"But surely they have old, old religions and mysteries—it must be wonderful, surely it must.”


"I don't know about mysteries—howling and heathen practices, more or less indecent. No, I see nothing wonderful in that kind of stuff. And I wonder that you should, when you have lived in London or Paris or New York—”


"Ah, everybody lives in London or Paris or New York—” said the young man, as if this were an argument.

“哦,每个住在伦敦,伦敦,纽约的人” ——那个年轻人说,好像和人辩论一样。

And his peculiar vague enthusiasm for unknown Indians found a full echo in the woman's heart. She was overcome by a foolish romanticism more unreal than a girl's. She felt it was her destiny to wander into the secret haunts of these timeless, mysterious, marvellous Indians of the mountains.


She kept her secret. The young man was departing, her husband was going with him down to Torreon, on business: —would be away for some days. But before the departure, she made her husband talk about the Indians: about the wandering tribes, resembling the Navajo, who were still wandering free; and the Yaquis of Sonora: and the different groups in the different valleys of Chihuahua State.


There was supposed to be one tribe, the Chilchuis, living in a high valley to the south, who were the sacred tribe of all the Indians. The descendants of Montezuma and of the old Aztec or Totonac kings still lived among them, and the old priests still kept up the ancient religion, and offered human sacrifices—so it was said. Some scientists had been to the Chilchui country, and had come back gaunt and exhausted with hunger and bitter privation, bringing various curious, barbaric objects of worship, but having seen nothing extraordinary in the hungry, stark village of savages.


Though Lederman talked in this off—hand way, it was obvious he felt some of the vulgar excitement at the idea of ancient and mysterious savages.


"How far away are they? " she asked.

“他们有多远?” 她问。

"Oh—three days on horseback—past Cuchitee and a little lake there is up there.”


Her husband and the young man departed. The woman made her crazy plans. Of late, to break the monotony of her life, she had harassed her husband into letting her go riding with him, occasionally, on horseback. She was never allowed to go out alone. The country truly was not safe, lawless and crude.


But she had her own horse, and she dreamed of being free as she had been as a girl, among the hills of California.


Her daughter, nine years old, was now in a tiny convent in the little half—deserted Spanish mining—town five miles away.


"Manuel, " said the woman to her house—servant, "I 'm going to ride to the convent to see Margarita, and take her a few things. Perhaps I shall stay the night in the convent. You look after Freddy and see everything is all right till I come back.”

“曼纽” 她对她的马僮说道, “我要骑马去修道院看玛格丽特,给她带些东西。我也许会在那里过夜。你照顾好弗莱德,照应所有事情,等我回来。”

"Shall I ride with you on the master's horse, or shall Juan? " asked the servant.

“要我陪您一起骑老爷的马去吗,或者尤安陪您去?” 仆人问道。

"Neither of you. I shall go alone. "


The young man looked her in the eyes, in protest. Absolutely impossible that the woman should ride alone!


"I shall go alone, " repeated the large, placid—seeming, fair—complexioned woman, with peculiar overbearing emphasis. And the man silently, unhappily yielded.

“我自己去,” 那个看上去很温和的、高大的、面容姣好的女人用特别强制的语气强调了一遍。他缄默地、不爽地屈服了。

"Why are you going alone, mother? " asked her son, as she made up parcels of food.

“为什么你要一个人去呢,妈妈?” 当她在打包食物时,她儿子问她。

"Am I never to be let alone? Not one moment of my life? " she cried, with sudden explosion of energy. And the child, like the servant, shrank into silence.

“我就不能自己做点什么?一刻也不行?” 她突然间大力叫道。和马僮一样,孩子瑟缩着沉默了。

She set off without a qualm, riding astride on her strong roan horse, and wearing a riding suit of coarse linen, a riding skirt over her linen breeches, a scarlet neck—tie over her white blouse, and a black felt hat on her head. She had food in her saddle—bags, an army canteen with water, and a large, native blanket tied on behind the saddle. Peering into the distance, she set off from her home. Manuel and the little boy stood in the gateway to watch her go. She did not even turn to wave them farewell.


But when she had ridden about a mile, she left the wild road and took a small trail to the right, that led into another valley, over steep places and past great trees, and through another deserted mining—settlement. It was September, the water was running freely in the little stream that had fed the now—abandoned mine. She got down to drink, and let the horse drink too.


She saw natives coming through the trees, away up the slope. They had seen her, and were watching her closely. She watched in turn. The three people, two women and a youth, were making a wide detour, so as not to come too close to her. She did not care. Mounting, she trotted ahead up the silent valley, beyond the silver—works, beyond any trace of mining. There was still a rough trail, that led over rocks and loose stones into the valley beyond. This trail she had already ridden, with her husband. Beyond that she knew she must go south.


Curiously she was not afraid, although it was a frightening country, the silent, fatal—seeming mountain—slopes, the occasional distant, suspicious, elusive natives among the trees, the great carrion birds occasionally hovering, like great flies, in the distance, over some carrion or some ranch house or some group of huts.


As she climbed, the trees shrank and the trail ran through a thorny scrub, that was trailed over with blue convolvulus and an occasional pink creeper. Then these flowers lapsed. She was nearing the pine—trees. LeP61pMnjaWPSc94oIdei526ZtLDVt3W+/IFGlMceKNP0M7t0a7wvd0YrBQuyi1v
