

It was on Sunday week in the evening, when he was lying in the orchard listening to a blackbird and composing a love poem, that he heard the gate swing to, and saw the girl come running among the trees, with the red—cheeked, stolid Joe in swift pursuit. About twenty yards away the chase ended, and the two stood fronting each other, not noticing the stranger in the grass—the boy pressing on, the girl fending him off. Ashurst could see her face, angry, disturbed; and the youth 's—who would have thought that red—faced yokel could look so distraught! And painfully affected by that sight, he jumped up. They saw him then. Megan dropped her hands, and shrank behind a tree trunk; the boy gave an angry grunt, rushed at the bank, scrambled over and vanished. Ashurst went slowly up to her. She was standing quite still, biting her lip—very pretty, with her fine, dark hair blown loose about her face, and her eyes cast down.

这是个星期日的夜晚,阿什赫斯特躺在果园里,一边聆听着画眉的欢唱,一边构思着一首爱情诗。这时,他听到大门打开了,接着看见那个姑娘往果林中跑着,后面紧跟着冷漠的红脸乔。追逐在离他大约二十码的地方停止了。两人面对面站着,丝毫没有觉察到草丛中的陌生人——小伙子向前逼近,姑娘避开他。阿什赫斯特看到她满脸怒气,心烦意乱。而这个小伙子——谁能想到这个红脸的乡下人看起来竟如此痴狂!这一幕深深地刺痛了他,他跳了起来。于是,他们看到了他。梅甘垂下双手,躲到一棵树后。小伙子愤怒地 “哼” 了一声,跑向土堆,爬了过去,消失了。阿什赫斯特慢慢地靠近了她。她一动不动地站在那里,咬着嘴唇。乌黑漂亮的秀发被风吹散在脸上,她双目低垂,显得甚是俏美。

"I beg your pardon, " he said.

“请原谅!” 他说道。

She gave him one upward look, from eyes much dilated; then, catching her breath, turned away. Ashurst followed.


"Megan! "


But she went on; and taking hold of her arm, he turned her gently round to him.


"Stop and speak to me. "


"Why do you beg my pardon? It is not to me you should do that. "


"Well, then, to Joe. "


"How dare he come after me? "


"In love with you, I suppose. "


She stamped her foot.


Ashurst uttered a short laugh. "Would you like me to punch his head? "

阿什赫斯特发出短促的一笑。 “你想要我打烂他的脑袋吗?”

She cried with sudden passion:


"You laugh at me—you laugh at us!”


He caught hold of her hands, but she shrank back, till her passionate little face and loose dark hair were caught among the pink clusters of the apple blossom. Ashurst raised one of her imprisoned hands and put his lips to it. He felt how chivalrous he was, and superior to that clod Joe—just brushing that small, rough hand with his mouth. Her shrinking ceased suddenly; she seemed to tremble towards him. A sweet warmth overtook Ashurst from top to toe. This slim maiden, so simple and fine and pretty, was pleased, then, at the touch of his lips! And, yielding to a swift impulse, he put his arms round her, pressed her to him, and kissed her forehead. Then he was frightened—she went so pale, closing her eyes, so that the long, dark lashes lay on her pale cheeks; her hands, too, lay inert at her sides. The touch of her breast sent a shiver through him. "Megan! " he sighed out, and let her go. In the utter silence a blackbird shouted. Then the girl seized his hand, put it to her cheek, her heart, her lips, kissed it passionately, and fled away among the mossy trunks of the apple trees, till they hid her from him.

他抓住她的手,但她向后缩了回去。她那激动的小脸和松散的黑发与粉嫩的苹果花交杂在一起。阿什赫斯特抬起她被攥紧的一只手,在上面吻了一下。他感觉自己很有骑士风度,比那个乡巴佬乔强多了——他的嘴唇只是轻轻地拂过这只粗糙的小手。她突然不再躲闪,似乎是颤抖着向他靠近。一股甜蜜的暖流从头到脚占据了阿什赫斯特的全身。这个苗条的姑娘是那样纯真美丽。他的吻让她很愉悦!他屈从了瞬间的冲动,抱住了她,把她搂向自己,吻了一下她的前额。然后,他害怕起来——她的脸色变得苍白,眼睛紧闭,长长的黑色睫毛落在她苍白的双颊上,两手软绵绵地垂在身体两侧。触到她胸部的那一刻,他感到浑身一阵颤抖。 “梅甘!” 他叹道,然后放开她。在这完全的寂静里,一只画眉鸣叫着。这姑娘抓起他的手,放在自己脸上、心口、唇上。她热烈地吻着他的手,然后跑到长着青苔的苹果林间,直到她的身影消失在苹果林中不见了。

Ashurst sat down on a twisted old tree growing almost along the ground, and, all throbbing and bewildered, gazed vacantly at the blossom which had crowned her hair—those pink buds with one white open apple star. What had he done? How had he let himself be thus stampeded by beauty—pity—or—just the spring! He felt curiously happy, all the same; happy and triumphant, with shivers running through his limbs, and a vague alarm. This was the beginning of—what? The midges bit him, the dancing gnats tried to fly into his mouth, and all the spring around him seemed to grow more lovely and alive; the songs of the cuckoos and the blackbirds, the laughter of the yaflies, the level—slanting sunlight, the apple blossom which had crowned her head! He got up from the old trunk and strode out of the orchard, wanting space, an open sky, to get on terms with these new sensations. He made for the moor, and from an ash tree in the hedge a magpie flew out to herald him.


Of man—at any age from five years on—who can say he has never been in love? Ashurst had loved his partners at his dancing class; loved his nursery governess; girls in school—holidays; perhaps never been quite out of love, cherishing always some more or less remote admiration. But this was different, not remote at all. Quite a new sensation; terribly delightful, bringing a sense of completed manhood. To be holding in his fingers such a wild flower, to be able to put it to his lips, and feel it tremble with delight against them! What intoxication, and—embarrassment! What to do with it—how meet her next time? His first caress had been cool, pitiful; but the next could not be, now that, by her burning little kiss on his hand, by her pressure of it to her heart, he knew that she loved him. Some natures are coarsened by love bestowed on them; others, like Ashurst's, are swayed and drawn, warmed and softened, almost exalted, by what they feel to be a sort of miracle.


And up there among the tors he was racked between the passionate desire to revel in this new sensation of spring fulfilled within him, and a vague but very real uneasiness. At one moment he gave himself up completely to his pride at having captured this pretty, trustful, dewy—eyed thing! At the next he thought with factitious solemnity: "Yes, my boy! But look out what you're doing! You know what comes of it!”

他向上走,来到一片突岩中,在矛盾中痛苦挣扎:一方面,他有一种热切的渴望,要纵情于满腔的新春意;另一方面,他又有一丝隐约却真实的不安。一会儿,他完全沉浸在自豪之中——他捕获了这个美丽的、可靠的、有着露珠般眼眸的姑娘的芳心!一会儿,他又带着矫情的严肃想: “不错,好样的!但是,你得当心自己的所作所为!你知道它的后果!”

Dusk dropped down without his noticing—dusk on the carved, Assyrian—looking masses of the rocks. And the voice of Nature said: "This is a new world for you! " As when a man gets up at four o'clock and goes out into a summer morning, and beasts, birds, trees stare at him and he feels as if all had been made new.

他没有注意到夜幕已经降临了——暮色笼罩着雕刻过的、亚述风情的岩石堆上。大自然的声音说道: “这是属于你的全新世界!” 这时的光景,正像一个人在凌晨四点起了床,走进了夏日的清晨。鸟兽草木都凝视着他,让他感觉似乎一切都焕然一新。

He stayed up there for hours, till it grew cold, then groped his way down the stones and heather roots to the road, back into the lane, and came again past the wild meadow to the orchard. There he struck a match and looked at his watch. Nearly twelve! It was black and unstirring in there now, very different from the lingering, bird—befriended brightness of six hours ago! And suddenly he saw this idyll of his with the eyes of the outer world—had mental vision of Mrs. Narracombe's snake—like neck turned, her quick dark glance taking it all in, her shrewd face hardening; saw the gipsy—like cousins coarsely mocking and distrustful; Joe stolid and furious; only the lame man, Jim, with the suffering eyes, seemed tolerable to his mind. And the village pub! —the gossiping matrons he passed on his walks; and then—his own friends—Robert Carton's smile when he went off that morning ten days ago; so ironical and knowing! Disgusting! For a minute he literally hated this earthy, cynical world to which one belonged, willy—nilly. The gate where he was leaning grew grey, a sort of shimmer passed before him and spread into the bluish darkness. The moon! He could just see it over the bank behind; red, nearly round—a strange moon! And turning away, he went up the lane which smelled of the night and cow dung and young leaves. In the straw—yard he could see the dark shapes of cattle, broken by the pale sickles of their horns, like so many thin moons, fallen ends—up. He unlatched the farm gate stealthily. All was dark in the house. Muffling his footsteps, he gained the porch, and, blotted against one of the yew trees, looked up at Megan's window. It was open. Was she sleeping, or lying awake perhaps, disturbed—unhappy at his absence? An owl hooted while he stood there peering up, and the sound seemed to fill the whole night, so quiet was all else, save for the never—ending murmur of the stream running below the orchard. The cuckoos by day, and now the owls—how wonderfully they voiced this troubled ecstasy within him! And suddenly he saw her at her window, looking out. He moved a little from the yew tree, and whispered: "Megan! " She drew back, vanished, reappeared, leaning far down. He stole forward on the grass patch, hit his shin against the green—painted chair, and held his breath at the sound. The pale blur of her stretched—down arm and face did not stir; he moved the chair, and noiselessly mounted it. By stretching up his arm he could just reach. Her hand held the huge key of the front door, and he clasped that burning hand with the cold key in it. He could just see her face, the glint of teeth between her lips, her tumbled hair. She was still dressed—poor child, sitting up for him, no doubt! "Pretty Megan! " Her hot, roughened fingers clung to his; her face had a strange, lost look. To have been able to reach it—even with his hand! The owl hooted, a scent of sweetbriar crept into his nostrils. Then one of the farm dogs barked; her grasp relaxed, she shrank back.

他在那里呆了几个钟头,直到觉得天凉了,才摸索着穿过乱石和石南根,找到路。他回到小路上,再次穿过野草地,来到了果园。在那里,他划了一根火柴,看看表。快十二点了!此刻,果园里一片漆黑,万籁俱静,与六小时前让人流连、惹鸟儿爱怜的明亮场景截然不同!这时,他突然用外在世界的眼睛看见了自己的田园生活——在想象中,他看到纳拉科姆太太转过她那蛇一般的脖子,阴沉的快速一瞥好像把一切都看清楚了,精明的面孔变得冷酷起来;他看到那些吉普赛人模样的表兄弟们粗俗地打趣着,充满了猜疑;他还看到乔迟钝、气急败坏的样子;只有双目中流露着痛苦的瘸子吉姆让他觉得尚能忍受。还有村里的酒馆!他散步时遇到的那些唧唧喳喳的妇人们。然后,他还看到了他的朋友——罗伯特? 加顿十天前离开时露出的笑容,多么讥讽,多么心照不宣啊!可恶!一时间,他真是恨透了这个粗俗、冷嘲热讽的世界。不管是否愿意,谁都要身处其中。他倚着的大门渐渐变成灰白色,一道微光从他面前掠过,散布在浅蓝色的黑暗中。月亮!他正好能看到它悬挂在身后的河岸上。月亮红红的,几乎是个正圆——多么奇怪的月亮啊!他转身回到小路上,空气中混杂着夜的气息和牛粪、嫩叶的气味。在秸秆场上,他可以看到牛的黑色影子。它们的影子被苍白的如镰刀般的牛角割断,好像许多竖着落下的残月。他悄悄打开农舍的大门。屋内一片漆黑。他放轻脚步,小心翼翼地走进门廊,躲到一棵紫杉后面,抬头望着梅甘房间的窗户。是开着的!她是睡了吗?还是醒着躺在床上,心烦意乱——因他的不在而闷闷不乐?他站在那儿向上窥望。除了果园下永不停歇的潺潺溪流声,一切都是那么安静。这时,一只猫头鹰叫了起来,整夜都回荡着这叫声。白天布谷鸟唱,夜晚猫头鹰叫——它们多么传神地表达了他内心纠结的意乱神迷啊!突然,他看到她倚在窗边,向外望去。他从紫杉后向外挪了挪,小声喊道: “梅甘!” 她向后退,消失了,又再次出现,身子向外探得很低。他悄悄地在草地上往前移,小腿不小心碰到了那把绿椅子。他屏住了呼吸。她的脸庞和向下伸出的手臂显出苍白模糊的影子,一动不动。他挪开椅子,爬到椅子上,没有发出声响。他竭力向上伸着手臂。她手里拿着那把正门的大钥匙。他攥住她那握着冰凉钥匙的火热的手。他刚好能看清她的脸、唇间闪亮的牙齿和散乱的头发。她还穿着衣服——可怜的姑娘,她一定是在熬夜等他! “美丽的梅甘!” 她炙热粗糙的手指抓着他的手,脸上流露出一种茫然的奇怪神情。要是能碰到她的脸多好——即便用手碰到也行啊!猫头鹰还在叫着,一缕野蔷薇的香气钻进他的鼻孔里。接着,农场上的一条狗叫起来。她松开紧握着的手,退了回去。

"Good—night, Megan!”


"Good—night, sir!” She was gone! With a sigh he dropped back to earth, and sitting on that chair, took off his boots. Nothing for it but to creep in and go to bed; yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drunk on the memory of her lost, half—smiling face, and the clinging grip of her burning fingers, pressing the cold key into his hand.

“晚安,先生!” 她走了!他叹了一口气,跳回到地上,坐到那把椅子上,脱掉了靴子。没别的办法,只能悄悄回到房间睡觉了。但是,很长一段时间,他只是一动不动地坐在那里,脚在露水里冻得冰凉。他沉醉在回忆里——她那张迷茫、似笑非笑的脸庞,她炙热的手指依依不舍地紧紧攥住他的手,她把冰凉的钥匙塞到他的手里。

He awoke feeling as if he had eaten heavily overnight, instead of having eaten nothing. And far off, unreal, seemed yesterday's romance! Yet it was a golden morning. Full spring had burst at last—in one night the "goldie—cups, " as the little boys called them, seemed to have made the field their own, and from his window he could see apple blossoms covering the orchard as with a rose and white quilt. He went down almost dreading to see Megan; and yet, when not she but Mrs. Narracombe brought in his breakfast, he felt vexed and disappointed. The woman's quick eye and snaky neck seemed to have a new alacrity this morning. Had she noticed?

早上醒来,他感觉自己昨晚像是吃得太多,而不是什么都没吃。昨夜的浪漫想来是多么遥远,多么虚幻!不过,这是一个美好的早晨。春天终于完全绽放——一夜之间,男孩子们所谓的 “金杯花” 似乎已经开满了整个田野。透过窗户,他看到盛开的苹果花像红白相间的被毯一样铺满了整个果园。他下楼时几乎害怕碰到梅甘。但是,当送早餐的是纳拉科姆太太而不是梅甘时,他又感到沮丧和失望。今天早晨,这个妇女狡黠的目光和蛇一样的脖子似乎更加敏捷了。她察觉到什么了吗?

"So you an' t he moon went walkin 'last night, Mr. Ashurst! Did ye have your supper anywheres?”


Ashurst shook his head.


"We kept it for you, but I suppose you was too busy in your brain to think o 'such a thing as that?”


Was she mocking him, in that voice of hers, which still kept some Welsh crispness against the invading burr of the West Country? If she knew! And at that moment he thought: "No, no; I'll clear out. I won't put myself in such a beastly false position.”

她还保持着威尔士人说话的清脆嗓音,没有受到英格兰西部地区传来的那种浑浊喉音的干扰。她这样说话,是在嘲笑他吗?莫非她知道了!当时他就想: “不行,不行,我得马上走。我不能让自己陷入这种极其违背自己原则的处境。”

But, after breakfast, the longing to see Megan began and increased with every minute, together with fear lest something should have been said to her which had spoiled everything. Sinister that she had not appeared, not given him even a glimpse of her! And the love poem, whose manufacture had been so important and absorbing yesterday afternoon under the apple trees, now seemed so paltry that he tore it up and rolled it into pipe spills. What had he known of love, till she seized his hand and kissed it! And now—what did he not know? But to write of it seemed mere insipidity! He went up to his bedroom to get a book, and his heart began to beat violently, for she was in there making the bed. He stood in the doorway watching; and suddenly, with turbulent joy, he saw her stoop and kiss his pillow, just at the hollow made by his head last night.


How let her know he had seen that pretty act of devotion? And yet, if she heard him stealing away, it would be even worse. She took the pillow up, holding it as if reluctant to shake out the impress of his cheek, dropped it, and turned round.


"Megan! "


She put her hands up to her cheeks, but her eyes seemed to look right into him. He had never before realised the depth and purity and touching faithfulness in those dew—bright eyes, and he stammered:


"It was sweet of you to wait up for me last night. "


She still said nothing, and he stammered on:


"I was wandering about on the moor; it was such a jolly night. I—I've just come up for a book.”


Then, the kiss he had seen her give the pillow afflicted him with sudden headiness, and he went up to her. Touching her eyes with his lips, he thought with queer excitement: "I've done it! Yesterday all was sudden—anyhow; but now—I've done it!” The girl let her forehead rest against his lips, which moved downwards till they reached hers. That first real lover's kiss—strange, wonderful, still almost innocent—in which heart did it make the most disturbance?

然后,她亲吻枕头的一幕刹那间突然让他感到心痛。他走近她。他轻轻地吻了一下她的眼睛,带着奇怪的兴奋想: “我做到了!不管怎样说,昨晚一切都太突然了。但是,现在——我做到了!” 姑娘任由他亲吻前额。他的双唇慢慢向下移动,直到触到了她的双唇。这是恋人真正的初吻——奇特,美妙,依然那样纯洁无暇——这一吻究竟会在谁的心里激荡起最深的涟漪?

"Come to the big apple tree to—night, after they've gone to bed. Megan—promise!”


She whispered back: "I promise. "

她低声答道: “我答应你。”

Then, scared at her white face, scared at everything, he let her go, and went downstairs again. Yes! He had done it now! Accepted her love, declared his own! He went out to the green chair as devoid of a book as ever; and there he sat staring vacantly before him, triumphant and remorseful, while under his nose and behind his back the work of the farm went on. How long he had been sitting in that curious state of vacancy he had no notion when he saw Joe standing a little behind him to the right. The youth had evidently come from hard work in the fields, and stood shifting his feet, breathing loudly, his face coloured like a setting sun, and his arms, below the rolled—up sleeves of his blue shirt, showing the hue and furry sheen of ripe peaches. His red lips were open, his blue eyes with their flaxen lashes stared fixedly at Ashurst, who said ironically:


"Well, Joe, anything I can do for you? "


"Yeas. "


"What, then? "


"Yu can goo away from yere. Us don 'want yu.”


Ashurst's face, never too humble, assumed its most lordly look.


"Very good of you, but, do you know, I prefer the others should speak for themselves. "


The youth moved a pace or two nearer, and the scent of his honest heat afflicted Ashurst's nostrils.


"What d 'yu stay yere for?”


"Because it pleases me. "


"Twon't please yu when I've bashed yure head in!”


"Indeed! When would you like to begin that? "


Joe answered only with the loudness of his breathing, but his eyes looked like those of a young and angry bull. Then a sort of spasm seemed to convulse his face.


"Megan don 'want yu.”


A rush of jealousy, of contempt, and anger with this thick, loud—breathing rustic got the better of Ashurst's self—possession; he jumped up, and pushed back his chair.


"You can go to the devil! "


And as he said those simple words, he saw Megan in the doorway with a tiny brown spaniel puppy in her arms. She came up to him quickly:


"Its eyes are blue! " she said.

“它的眼睛是蓝色的!” 她说。

Joe turned away; the back of his neck was literally crimson.


Ashurst put his finger to the mouth of the little brown bullfrog of a creature in her arms. How cosy it looked against her!


"It's fond of you already. Ah, Megan, everything is fond of you.”


"What was Joe saying to you, please? "


"Telling me to go away, because you didn't want me here.”


She stamped her foot; then looked up at Ashurst. At that adoring look he felt his nerves quiver, just as if he had seen a moth scorching its wings.


"To—night! " he said. "Don't forget!”

“今晚!” 他说, “别忘了!”

"No. " And smothering her face against the puppy's little fat, brown body, she slipped back into the house.

“不会的。” 她用脸紧紧贴着这只棕色的小胖狗,匆忙回到屋子里。

Ashurst wandered down the lane. At the gate of the wild meadow he came on the lame man and his cows.


"Beautiful day, Jim! "


"Ah! 'Tes brave weather for the grass. The ashes be later than th' oaks this year. When th 'oak before th' ash—’”


Ashurst said idly: "Where were you standing when you saw the gipsy bogie, Jim? "

阿什赫斯特漫不经心地说: “吉姆,你看到吉卜赛鬼时站在哪儿了?”

"It might be under that big apple tree, as you might say. "


"And you really do think it was there? "


The lame man answered cautiously:


"I shouldn't like to say rightly that't was there. 'Twas in my mind as' t was there.”


"What do you make of it? "


The lame man lowered his voice.


"They du zay old master, Mist 'Narracombe come o' gipsy stock. But that's tellin’. They 'm a wonderful people, yu know, for claimin' t heir own. Maybe they knu' e was goin’, and sent this feller along for company. That's what I've a—thought about it.”


"What was he like? "


" 'e' ad 'air all over' is face, an 'goin' like this, he was, zame as if 'e' ad a viddle. They zay there's no such thing as bogies, but I've a—zeen the 'air on this dog standin' up of a dark naight, when I couldn 'zee nothin’, meself.”

“他脸上长满了毛,走起来就像这样,还好像拿着一把提琴。他们说根本没有鬼这类东西。不过那天夜里,我看到这只狗的毛都竖起来了。夜里很黑,我自己什么也没看见。” Lm+F5TMWryAq1yW7Skkd+MfiL82HB0TU6bd38Kp+hecJCt8skzmmGJb/+CVhg1jd
