


Ashurst's lips twitched. Garton seemed to him an ass just then. Subtle study! She was a wild flower. A creature it did you good to look at. Study!


Garton went on:


"Emotionally she would be wonderful. She wants awakening. "


"Are you going to awaken her? "


Garton looked at him and smiled. 'How coarse and English you are! ' t hat curly smile seemed saying.

加顿看着他,笑了。他那弯弯的笑颜仿佛在说: “你真是太粗俗,太英格兰式了!”

And Ashurst puffed his pipe. Awaken her! That fool had the best opinion of himself! He threw up the window and leaned out. Dusk had gathered thick. The farm buildings and the wheel—house were all dim and bluish, the apple trees but a blurred wilderness; the air smelled of woodsmoke from the kitchen fire. One bird going to bed later than the others was uttering a half—hearted twitter, as though surprised at the darkness. From the stable came the snuffle and stamp of a feeding horse. And away over there was the loom of the moor, and away and away the shy stars which had not as yet full light, pricking white through the deep blue heavens. A quavering owl hooted. Ashurst drew a deep breath. What a night to wander out in! A padding of unshod hoofs came up the lane, and three dim, dark shapes passed—ponies on an evening march. Their heads, black and fuzzy, showed above the gate. At the tap of his pipe, and a shower of little sparks, they shied round and scampered. A bat went fluttering past, uttering its almost inaudible "chip, chip. " Ashurst held out his hand; on the upturned palm he could feel the dew. Suddenly from overhead he heard little burring boys' voices, little thumps of boots thrown down, and another voice, crisp and soft—the girl's putting them to bed, no doubt; and nine clear words "No, Rick, you can't have the cat in bed”; then came a skirmish of giggles and gurgles, a soft slap, a laugh so low and pretty that it made him shiver a little. A blowing sound, and the glim of the candle which was fingering the dusk above, went out; silence reigned. Ashurst withdrew into the room and sat down; his knee pained him, and his soul felt gloomy.

阿什赫斯特抽着烟斗,吞云吐雾。唤醒她!这个傻瓜真是自以为是!他打开窗户,将身子探出窗外。暮色渐浓。农舍和水车变得昏暗,呈浅蓝色。苹果园成为一片模糊不清的荒野,空气中弥漫着从厨房传来的薪柴燃烧的气味。一只归巢较晚的鸟漫不经心地发出几声鸣叫,仿佛为黑夜而惊讶。马厩里传来正在吃食的马的鼻音和蹄声。远处,荒原隐约可见。更远处,害羞的星星还没发出全部的光芒,在深蓝的夜空中闪着白光。一只猫头鹰发出颤颤的呜鸣。阿什赫斯特深呼了一口气。这样的夜晚,多么适合漫步啊!小路上传来一阵未钉铁蹄的马蹄声,晃过三个昏黑的影子——原来是三匹夜晚奔行的小马。从大门上方可以看到它们模糊的黑色脑袋。他敲敲烟斗,溅出一阵火花,小马立刻绕了一圈退避,跑开了。一只蝙蝠拍打着翅膀飞过,发出极其微弱的 “吱吱” 声。阿什赫斯特伸出手,向上的掌心可以感觉到有露珠。突然,上面传来小男孩们的粗喉音、靴子掉在地板上短暂的撞击声,还有一个声音,温柔清脆——肯定是那姑娘的声音,她在哄孩子们睡觉。只听她清清楚楚地说道: “不,里克,你不能把猫抱上床。” 接着又是一阵混杂的嘻笑声和咯咯声、轻轻的拍打声,还有一阵悦耳的轻笑声,让阿什赫斯特心头微微一颤。随着一声吹息,摇曳在暮色之上的烛光熄灭了,万籁俱寂。阿什赫斯特退回屋内,坐了下来。他的膝盖很痛,心情也十分低落。

"You go to the kitchen, " he said; "I 'm going to bed.”

“你去厨房吧,” 他说, “我要睡了。”

For Ashurst the wheel of slumber was wont to turn noiseless and slick and swift, but though he seemed sunk in sleep when his companion came up, he was really wide awake; and long after Carton, smothered in the other bed of that low—roofed room, was worshipping darkness with his upturned nose, he heard the owls. Barring the discomfort of his knee, it was not unpleasant—the cares of life did not loom large in night watches for this young man. In fact he had none; just enrolled a barrister, with literary aspirations, the world before him, no father or mother, and four hundred a year of his own. Did it matter where he went, what he did, or when he did it? His bed, too, was hard, and this preserved him from fever. He lay, sniffing the scent of the night which drifted into the low room through the open casement close to his head. Except for a definite irritation with his friend, natural when you have tramped with a man for three days, Ashurst's memories and visions that sleepless night were kindly and wistful and exciting. One vision, specially clear and unreasonable, for he had not even been conscious of noting it, was the face of the youth cleaning the gun; its intent, stolid, yet startled uplook at the kitchen doorway, quickly shifted to the girl carrying the cider jug. This red, blue—eyed, light—lashed, tow—haired face stuck as firmly in his memory as the girl's own face, so dewy and simple. But at last, in the square of darkness through the uncurtained casement, he saw day coming, and heard one hoarse and sleepy caw. Then followed silence, dead as ever, till the song of a blackbird, not properly awake, adventured into the hush. And, from staring at the framed brightening light, Ashurst fell asleep.


Next day his knee was badly swollen; the walking tour was obviously over. Garton, due back in London on the morrow, departed at midday with an ironical smile which left a scar of irritation—healed the moment his loping figure vanished round the corner of the steep lane. All day Ashurst rested his knee, in a green—painted wooden chair on the patch of grass by the yew—tree porch, where the sunlight distilled the scent of stocks and gillyflowers, and a ghost of scent from the flowering—currant bushes. Beatifically he smoked, dreamed, watched.


A farm in spring is all birth—young things coming out of bud and shell, and human beings watching over the process with faint excitement feeding and tending what has been born. So still the young man sat, that a mother—goose, with stately cross—footed waddle, brought her six yellow—necked grey—backed goslings to strop their little beaks against the grass blades at his feet. Now and again Mrs. Narracombe or the girl Megan would come and ask if he wanted anything, and he would smile and say: "Nothing, thanks. It's aplendid here.” Towards tea—time they came out together, bearing a long poultice of some dark stuff in a bowl, and after a long and solemn scrutiny of his swollen knee, bound it on. When they were gone, he thought of the girl's soft" Oh! "—of her pitying eyes, and the little wrinkle in her brow. And again he felt that unreasoning irritation against his departed friend, who had talked such rot about her. When she brought out his tea, he said:

春天的农场处处生机勃勃——幼小的生命脱壳、抽芽而出,人们带着微微的兴奋注视着这一切,喂养、培育着诞生的生命。这个年轻人一动不动地坐着,一只母鹅迈着庄严的交叉步子,蹒跚地领着六只黄脖子、灰脊背的小鹅到他的脚边啄草磨喙。纳拉科姆太太或梅甘姑娘时不时过来问他是否需要什么,而他总是笑着说: “什么都不需要,谢谢。这里好极了!” 临近下午茶时分,她们一起过来了,拿着一条用碗里黑乎乎的东西涂成的长长的膏药布。两人仔细地检查了好一会儿他肿胀的膝盖,然后给他系上了药布。她们走后,他回想起这个姑娘温柔的 “噢!” 声,想到她怜惜的眼神和浅浅的蹙眉。于是,他对离去的朋友再次感到无端的气恼,他竟然如此胡说八道地评论她!她为他端来茶点时,他说道:

"How did you like my friend, Megan? "


She forced down her upper lip, as if afraid that to smile was not polite. "He was a funny gentleman; he made us laugh. I think he is very clever. "

她竭力抿着嘴唇,仿佛生怕笑了会不礼貌。 “他是一位有趣的绅士。他把我们都逗乐了。我觉得他很聪明。”

"What did he say to make you laugh? "


"He said I was a daughter of the bards. What are they? "


"Welsh poets, who lived hundreds of years ago. "


"Why am I their daughter, please? "


"He meant that you were the sort of girl they sang about. "


She wrinkled her brows. "I think he likes to joke. Am I? "

她蹙了一下眉头。 “我觉得他喜欢开玩笑。我是吗?”

"Would you believe me, if I told you? "


"Oh, yes. "


"Well, I think he was right. "


She smiled.


And Ashurst thought: "You are a pretty thing! "

阿什赫斯特想: “你真是个娇美的尤物啊!”

"He said, too, that Joe was a Saxon type. What would that be? " "Which is Joe? With the blue eyes and red face? "

“他还说,乔像撒克逊人。他们是怎样的人啊?” “谁是乔?蓝眼睛、红脸的那个吗?”

"Yes. My uncle's nephew.”


"Not your cousin, then? "


"No. "


"Well, he meant that Joe was like the men who came over to England about fourteen hundred years ago, and conquered it. "


"Oh! I know about them; but is he? "


"Garton's crazy about that sort of thing; but I must say Joe does look a bit Early Saxon.”


"Yes. "


That "Yes" tickled Ashurst. It was so crisp and graceful, so conclusive, and politely acquiescent in what was evidently Greek to her.

这声 “是啊” 把阿什赫斯特逗乐了。它是那么清脆得体,那样肯定,而且礼貌地默认了她显然不知道的东西。

"He said that all the other boys were regular gipsies. He should not have said that. My aunt laughed, but she didn't like it, of course, and my cousins were angry. Uncle was a farmer—farmers are not gipsies. It is wrong to hurt people.”


Ashurst wanted to take her hand and give it a squeeze, but he only answered:


"Quite right, Megan. By the way, I heard you putting the little ones to bed last night. "


She flushed a little. "Please to drink your tea—it is getting cold. Shall I get you some fresh?”

她的脸有点红。 “请喝茶,要凉了。要我给您加点热的吗?”

"Do you ever have time to do anything for yourself? "


"Oh! Yes! "


"I've been watching, but I haven't seen it yet.”


She wrinkled her brows in a puzzled frown, and her colour deepened.


When she was gone, Ashurst thought: 'Did she think I was chaffing her? I wouldn't for the world!’ He was at that age when to some menBeauty's a flower, as the poet says, and inspires in them the thoughts of chivalry. Never very conscious of his surroundings, it was some time before he was aware that the youth whom Garton had calleda Saxon typewas standing outside the stable door; and a fine bit of colour he made in his soiled brown velvet—cords, muddy gaiters, and blue shirt; red—armed, red—faced, the sun turning his hair from tow to flax; immovably stolid, persistent, unsmiling he stood. Then, seeing Ashurst looking at him, he crossed the yard at that gait of the young countryman always ashamed not to be slow and heavy—dwelling on each leg, and disappeared round the end of the house towards the kitchen entrance. A chill came over Ashurst's mood. Clods? With all the good will in the world, how impossible to get on terms with them! And yet—see that girl! Her shoes were split, her hands rough; but—what was it? Was it really her Celtic blood, as Garton had said? —she was a lady born, a jewel, though probably she could do no more than just read and write!

她走后,阿什赫斯特想: “她不会认为我是在开她玩笑吧?我可绝对没有这个意思啊!” 对于他这个年龄的一些人来说,正如诗人所言 “美人如花” ,而且能激起他们心中的骑士精神。从不十分留心周围环境的他,过了好一会儿才注意到那个被加顿称为 “撒克逊型” 的年轻人正站在马厩外。他身上还真是色彩斑斓:脏兮兮的棕色丝绒和灯芯绒裤,沾了泥巴的橡胶靴和蓝色上衣。他的胳膊和脸庞都是红色的,头发也在阳光下从大麻色变成了亚麻色。他一动不动地站在那里,固执又冷漠,毫无笑意。然后,他发觉阿什赫斯特正看着自己,就穿过院子,消失在通向厨房入口的屋角尽头。年轻的乡下人总是为自己不会慢走而感到羞耻,他就是迈着这样的步伐,每一步都走得很沉重。阿什赫斯特不禁打了一个寒颤。乡巴佬?即使用尽世间一切好意,也不可能和他们交好!但是——瞧那姑娘!她的鞋裂了,手粗了。但是——本质是什么呢?莫非正如加顿所言,是她那凯尔特人的血统吗?她是天生的大家闺秀,是一颗宝石,即使她可能除了简单的读写之外,一无所知!

The elderly, clean—shaven man he had seen last night in the kitchen had come into the yard with a dog, driving the cows to their milking. Ashurst saw that he was lame.


"You've got some good ones there!”


The lame man's face brightened. He had the upward look in his eyes which prolonged suffering often brings.


"Yeas; they 'm praaper buties; gude milkers tu.”


"I bet they are. "


“'Ope as yure leg's better, zurr.”


"Thank you, it's getting on.”


The lame man touched his own: "I know what 't es, meself; ' t es a main worritin' t hing, the knee. I've a 'ad mine bad this ten year.”

瘸子摸了一下自己的腿,说: “我知道这滋味儿啊,膝盖这样真叫人愁。我都瘸了十年了。”

Ashurst made the sound of sympathy which comes so readily from those who have an independent income, and the lame man smiled again.


"Mustn't complain, though—they mighty near 'ad it off.”


"Ho! "


"Yeas; an 'compared with what' t was, ' t es almost so gude as nu.”


"They've put a bandage of splendid stuff on mine.”


"The maid she picks et. She 'm a gude maid wi' t he flowers. There's folks zeem to know the healin' in things. My mother was a rare one for that. 'Ope as yu'll zune be better, zurr. Goo ahn, therr!” Ashurst smiled. " Wi' t he flowers!” A flower herself!

“是那个姑娘采的。她是个懂花的好姑娘。有的人似乎知道很多可以治病的东西。俺娘就是这方面少见的能手。希望您赶快好起来,先生。得儿!驾!” 阿什赫斯特笑了。 “懂花的姑娘!” 她自己就是一朵花啊!

That evening, after his supper of cold duck, junket, and cider, the girl came in.


"Please, auntie says—will you try a piece of our Mayday cake?”


"If I may come to the kitchen for it. "


"Oh, yes! You'll be missing your friend.”


"Not I. But are you sure no one minds? "


"Who would mind? We shall be very pleased. "


Ashurst rose too suddenly for his stiff knee, staggered, and subsided. The girl gave a little gasp, and held out her hands. Ashurst took them, small, rough, brown; checked his impulse to put them to his lips, and let her pull him up. She came close beside him, offering her shoulder. And leaning on her he walked across the room. That shoulder seemed quite the pleasantest thing he had ever touched. But, he had presence of mind enough to catch his stick out of the rack, and withdraw his hand before arriving at the kitchen.


That night he slept like a top, and woke with his knee of almost normal size. He again spent the morning in his chair on the grass patch, scribbling down verses; but in the afternoon he wandered about with the two little boys Nick and Rick. It was Saturday, so they were early home from school; quick, shy, dark little rascals of seven and six, soon talkative, for Ashurst had a way with children. By four o'clock they had shown him all their methods of destroying life, except the tickling of trout; and with breeches tucked up, lay on their stomachs over the trout stream, pretending they had this accomplishment also. They tickled nothing, of course, for their giggling and shouting scared every spotted thing away. Ashurst, on a rock at the edge of the beech clump, watched them, and listened to the cuckoos, till Nick, the elder and less persevering, came up and stood beside him.


"The gipsy bogle zets on that stone, " he said.

“吉卜赛鬼就坐在那石头上。” 他说。

"What gipsy bogie? "


"Dunno; never zeen 'e. Megan zays' e zets there; an' old Jim zeed 'e once. ' e was zetting' t here naight afore our pony kicked—in father's' ead. 'e plays the viddle.”


"What tune does he play? "


"Dunno. "


"What's he like?”


" 'e's black. Old Jim zays' e's all over' air. 'e's a praaper bogle. ' e don 'come only at night.” The little boy's oblique dark eyes slid round. " D' yu think 'e might want to take me away? Megan' feared of 'e.”

“他很黑。老吉姆说他浑身长毛。他真的是鬼,晚上才出来。” 小男孩用那双黑色的斜眼四下扫视一圈,说: “你觉得他会带走我吗?梅甘很怕他。”

"Has she seen him? "


"No. She's not afeared o 'yu.”


"I should think not. Why should she be?"


"She zays a prayer for yu. "


"How do you know that, you little rascal? "


"When I was asleep, she said: 'God bless us all, an' Mr. Ashes.’ I yeard 'er whisperin’.”

“我睡觉的时候,她说: ‘愿主保佑我们,保佑阿什赫斯特先生。’ 我听到她小声说了。”

"You're a little ruffian to tell what you hear when you're not meant to hear it!”


The little boy was silent. Then he said aggressively:


"I can skin rabbets. Megan, she can't bear skinnin 'em. I like blood.”


"Oh! You do; you little monster! "


"What's that?”


"A creature that likes hurting others. "


The little boy scowled. "They 'm only dead rabbets, what us eats.”

小男孩皱着眉头,很生气。 “它们都是死兔子,是我们的食物。”

"Quite right, Nick. I beg your pardon. "


"I can skin frogs, tu. "


But Ashurst had become absent. "God bless us all, and Mr. Ashes! " And puzzled by that sudden inaccessibility, Nick ran back to the stream where the giggling and shouts again uprose at once.

但是阿什赫斯特已经走神了。 “愿主保佑我们,保佑阿什赫斯特先生。” 尼克不明白,为何他忽然就难以接近了。他又跑回到河边,笑声和喊声顿时又响成了一片。

When Megan brought his tea, he said:


"What's the gipsy bogle, Megan?”


She looked up, startled.


"He brings bad things. "


"Surely you don't believe in ghosts?”


"I hope I will never see him. "


"Of course you won't. There aren't such things. What old Jim saw was a pony.”


"No! There are bogies in the rocks; they are the men who lived long ago. "


"They aren't gipsies, anyway; those old men were dead long before gipsies came.”


She said simply: "They are all bad. "

她只是说道: “他们都很坏。”

"Why? If there are any, they're only wild, like the rabbits. The flowers aren't bad for being wild; the thorn trees were never planted—and you don't mind them. I shall go down at night and look for your bogie, and have a talk with him.”


"Oh, no! Oh, no! "


"Oh, yes! I shall go and sit on his rock. "


She clasped her hands together: "Oh, please! "

她的手紧紧攥在一起,说: “噢,求您了,千万别去!”

"Why! What 'does it matter if anything happens to me?”


She did not answer; and in a sort of pet he added:


"Well, I daresay I shan't see him, because I suppose I must be off soon.”


"Soon? "


"Your aunt won't want to keep me here.”


"Oh, yes! We always let lodging in summer. "


Fixing his eyes on her face, he asked:


"Would you like me to stay? "


"Yes. "


"I 'm going to say a prayer for you to—night!”


She flushed crimson, frowned, and went out of the room. He sat, cursing himself, till his tea was stewed. It was as if he had hacked with his thick boots at a clump of bluebells. Why had he said such a silly thing? Was he just a towny college ass like Robert Garton, as far from understanding this girl?

她的脸羞得通红,皱了一下眉头,走出房间。他坐下,不停地咒骂自己,直到茶煮好。就好像他用厚靴子踩踏了一丛风信子一样。他怎么能说出这么愚蠢的话呢?难道他和罗伯特? 加顿一样,都是从城里来的学院蠢人,根本就不了解这个姑娘?

Ashurst spent the next week confirming the restoration of his leg, by exploration of the country within easy reach. Spring was a revelation to him this year. In a kind of intoxication he would watch the pink—white buds of some backward beech tree sprayed up in the sunlight against the deep blue sky, or the trunks and limbs of the few Scotch firs, tawny in violent light, or again, on the moor, the gale—bent larches which had such a look of life when the wind streamed in their young green, above the rusty black underboughs. Or he would lie on the banks, gazing at the clusters of dog—violets, or up in the dead bracken, fingering the pink, transparent buds of the dewberry, while the cuckoos called and yafes laughed, or a lark, from very high, dripped its beads of song. It was certainly different from any spring he had ever known, for spring was within him, not without. In the daytime he hardly saw the family; and when Megan brought in his meals she always seemed too busy in the house or among the young things in the yard to stay talking long. But in the evenings he installed himself in the window seat in the kitchen, smoking and chatting with the lame man Jim, or Mrs. Narracombe, while the girl sewed, or moved about, clearing the supper things away. And sometimes, with the sensation a cat must feel when it purrs, he would become conscious that Megan's eyes—those dew—grey eyes—were fixed on him with a sort of lingering soft look which was strangely flattering.

接下来的一周,阿什赫斯特把时间都花费在了探索附近容易走到的村庄上,以确认腿已经康复。他从今年的春天里领悟到了许多。他沉醉其中:或是观赏某株开花较晚的山毛榉树粉白相间的花蕾,这树在蔚蓝的天空映衬下,在阳光中怒放;或是注视着几棵欧洲赤松的树干和枝条在强烈的日光下变成了茶褐色;或是看着原野上被大风吹弯了腰的落叶松,风穿过黑锈色的树枝上方吹着它们绿色的嫩叶时,落叶松呈现出一派生机盎然的景象。或者他会躺在土堆上,凝视着紫罗兰花丛;或走到干枯的欧洲蕨那里,抚摸悬钩子粉色透明的花蕾。此时,布谷鸟叫着,啄木鸟笑着;或者会有一只云雀在高空发出几声如水滴般美妙的欢唱下来。的确,这个春天与他以往经历过的任何春天都不一样。这个春天在他心中,而不是在他身外。白天他很难见到这家人。梅甘给他送饭时,看起来总是匆匆忙忙,不是忙着收拾屋子,就是忙着照看院子里的小东西,不能呆下来多聊一会儿。不过到了晚上,他总是坐在厨房里靠近窗户的地方,抽着烟,与瘸子吉姆和纳拉科姆太太闲聊。此时,这个姑娘则做着针线活,或是来来回回忙着收拾晚饭后的餐桌。有时,他感觉梅甘那双眼睛——那双如露珠般的灰色眼睛——正凝视着他,目光温柔流连,含有一种奇怪的讨好之意。这时,他的感觉就像小猫咕噜咕噜叫时的所感一样。 swoyVLtVgk4sWrQPfBQXSuIpmirz6CCACC4Uytt8Wd69ScQt7EEcsk/wu8Spq/GZ
