

"The Apple—tree, the singing and the gold. "




In their silver—wedding day Ashurst and his wife were motoring along the outskirts of the moor, intending to crown the festival by stopping the night at Torquay, where they had first met. This was the idea of Stella Ashurst, whose character contained a streak of sentiment. If she had long lost the blue—eyed, flower—like charm, the cool slim purity of face and form, the apple—blossom colouring, which had so swiftly and so oddly affected Ashurst twenty—six years ago, she was still at forty—three a comely and faithful companion, whose cheeks were faintly mottled, and whose grey—blue eyes had acquired a certain fullness.


It was she who had stopped the car where the common rose steeply to the left, and a narrow strip of larch and beech, with here and there a pine, stretched out towards the valley between the road and the first long high hill of the full moor. She was looking for a place where they might lunch, for Ashurst never looked for anything; and this, between the golden furze and the feathery green larches smelling of lemons in the last sun of April—this, with a view into the deep valley and up to the long moor heights, seemed fitting to the decisive nature of one who sketched in water—colours, and loved romantic spots. Grasping her paint box, she got out.


"Won't this do, Frank?”


Ashurst, rather like a bearded Schiller, grey in the wings, tall, long—legged, with large remote grey eyes which sometimes filled with meaning and became almost beautiful, with nose a little to one side, and bearded lips just open—Ashurst, forty—eight, and silent, grasped the luncheon basket, and got out too.


"Oh! Look, Frank! A grave! "


By the side of the road, where the track from the top of the common crossed it at right angles and ran through a gate past the narrow wood, was a thin mound of turf, six feet by one, with a moorstone to the west, and on it someone had thrown a blackthorn spray and a handful of bluebells. Ashurst looked, and the poet in him moved. At cross—roads—a suicide's grave! Poor mortals with their superstitions! Whoever lay there, though, had the best of it, no clammy sepulchre among other hideous graves carved with futilities—just a rough stone, the wide sky, and wayside blessings! And, without comment, for he had learned not to be a philosopher in the bosom of his family, he strode away up on to the common, dropped the luncheon basket under a wall, spread a rug for his wife to sit on—she would turn up from her sketching when she was hungry—and took from his pocket Murray's translation of theHippolytus. He had soon finished reading of "The Cyprian" and her revenge, and looked at the sky instead. And watching the white clouds so bright against the intense blue, Ashurst, on his silver—wedding day, longed for—he knew not what. Maladjusted to life—man's organism! One's mode of life might be high and scrupulous, but there was always an undercurrent of greediness, a hankering, and sense of waste. Did women have it too? Who could tell? And yet, men who gave vent to their appetites for novelty, their riotous longings for new adventures, new risks, new pleasures, these suffered, no doubt, from the reverse side of starvation, from surfeit. No getting out of it—a maladjusted animal, civilised man! There could be no garden of his choosing, of "the Apple—tree, the singing, and the gold, " in the words of that lovely Greek chorus, no achievable elysium in life, or lasting haven of happiness for any man with a sense of beauty—nothing which could compare with the captured loveliness in a work of art, set down for ever, so that to look on it or read was always to have the same precious sense of exaltation and restful inebriety. Life no doubt had moments with that quality of beauty, of unbidden flying rapture, but the trouble was, they lasted no longer than the span of a cloud's flight over the sun; impossible to keep them with you, as Art caught beauty and held it fast. They were fleeting as one of the glimmering or golden visions one had of the soul in nature, glimpses of its remote and brooding spirit. Here, with the sun hot on his face, a cuckoo calling from a thorn tree, and in the air the honey savour of gorse—here among the little fronds of the young fern, the starry blackthorn, while the bright clouds drifted by high above the hills and dreamy valleys here and now was such a glimpse. But in a moment it would pass—as the face of Pan, which looks round the corner of a rock, vanishes at your stare. And suddenly he sat up. Surely there was something familiar about this view, this bit of common, that ribbon of road, the old wall behind him. While they were driving he had not been taking notice—never did; thinking of far things or of nothing—but now he saw! Twenty—six years ago, just at this time of year, from the farmhouse within half a mile of this very spot he had started for that day in Torquay whence it might be said he had never returned. And a sudden ache beset his heart; he had stumbled on just one of those past moments in his life, whose beauty and rapture he had failed to arrest, whose wings had fluttered away into the unknown; he had stumbled on a buried memory, a wild sweet time, swiftly choked and ended. And, turning on his face, he rested his chin on his hands, and stared at the short grass where the little blue milkwort was growing....

有条与公路直角相交的小道从公地的顶端延伸而下,经过狭长的小树林,穿过一个大门。公路的边上有一方覆盖着薄薄青草的土丘,六英尺长,一英尺宽,西面立着一块花岗石。有人在土丘上放了一枝黑刺李和一把风铃草。阿什赫斯特看着,眼前之景触动了他的诗人情怀。葬在岔路口——那一定是一个自杀者的坟墓!可怜而迷信的世人啊!但是,不管是谁葬在这里,他都占据了最好的坟墓:它不是夹在其他阴森的坟墓之间的湿冷墓穴,墓碑上也没有刻着那些废话——有的只是一块天然的石头、广阔的天空和路边的祝福!阿什赫斯特什么都没说,因为他已经学会不在家人面前做一个哲学家了。他大步走上那片公地,把餐篮放在墙根,在地上铺了一块毯子,等着妻子来坐——她饿了,自然就会停下画笔,来这儿吃饭。阿什赫斯特从兜里掏出默里翻译的《希波吕托斯》读了起来。很快,他就读完了 “圣西普里安” 和她的复仇故事,然后抬头望起天来。朵朵白云在湛蓝的天空映衬下分外明亮。在银婚日,阿什赫斯特渴望着——渴望着他自己也不清楚的什么东西。男人的有机组织和生活是多么不协调啊!一个男人的生活方式可能是高尚的、小心谨慎的,但总是存在一股贪婪的暗流、一种渴望和一种蹉跎之感。女人也会有这样的感觉吗?谁知道呢?然而,那些纵情于新奇、一味追求新的不平凡经历、新的冒险和新的享乐的男人,毫无疑问,并不是因饥饿所苦。恰恰相反,他们为饮食过度而苦。文明的男人犹如一只精神失常的野兽,困在这里,无法逃离!对于任何一个具有审美感的男子来说,没有自己钟爱的花园——如同动听的希腊颂歌中唱到的那种充满 “苹果树、歌声和金子” 的花园,没有他可抵达的天堂,或者说,没有一个幸福的永久安息所。没有什么能与艺术品中捕捉到的那份美相比,这种美是永恒的,只要看到它或读到它,就总能获得同样珍贵的欢乐和沁心的迷醉。毋庸置疑,生活中从不缺乏那种美的时刻,也不缺出人意料、忽然而至的狂喜。可问题是,它们持续的时间短暂如云朵掠过太阳。你不能留下它们,像艺术捕捉到美并牢牢抓住它那样。它们转瞬即逝,就像你看到的自然中灵魂那闪着微光或金色的幻影那样,只能瞥上几眼它飘渺而沉思的神采。太阳热辣辣地照在他的脸上,荆棘树上一只布谷鸟咕咕地叫着,空气中弥漫着金雀花的芳香,嫩绿的蕨叶中如星星般点缀着黑刺李,白云飘荡在群山和如梦如幻般的山谷之上的高空——此时此地,正是这样的一瞥。但是,马上它就像牧羊神的脸一样,刚从石头的一角露出来,你一注视,便消失得无影无踪。突然,他坐了起来。这个地方的确有点儿眼熟——这块公地、这条小路和身后的这堵老墙。他们开车的时候,他一直没有注意到,从来没注意到——他在想着遥不可及的事,或什么都没想——但是,现在他看清了。二十六年前,也是在这个时节,那天他从托基离这个地方不到半英里的农舍出发。可以说他那次一走就再也没有回来。他心中忽然一痛:他正好撞到过往生命中的一段往事上了,他没能捕捉到其中的美好和欢乐,它扑着翅膀飞入未知的世界了。他触及了一段尘封的回忆,想起了那段狂野、甜蜜、但被迅速扼杀的时光。于是,他转过身,两手托着下巴,凝视着长着蓝色小远志花的那片矮草地……

And this is what he remembered.


On the first of May, after their last year together at college, Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton were on a tramp. They had walked that day from Brent, intending to make Chagford, but Ashurst's football knee had given out, and according to their map they had still some seven miles to go.

大学毕业后的第一个五月一日,弗兰克? 阿什赫斯特和朋友罗伯特? 加顿正在徒步旅行。这一天,他们从布伦特出发,目的地是查格福德。但是,阿什赫斯特踢足球时受伤的膝盖已坚持不了了。按照地图,他们还有约七英里的路要走。

They were sitting on a bank beside the road, where a track crossed alongside a wood, resting the knee and talking of the universe, as young men will. Both were over six feet, and thin as rails; Ashurst pale, idealistic, full of absence; Garton queer, round—the—corner, knotted, curly, like some primeval beast. Both had a literary bent; neither wore a hat.


Ashurst's hair was smooth, pale, wavy, and had a way of rising on either side of his brow, as if always being flung back; Carton's was a kind of dark unfathomed mop. They had not met a soul for miles.


"My dear fellow, " Garton was saying, "pity's only an effect of self—consciousness; it's a disease of the last five thousand years. The world was happier without.”

“亲爱的朋友,” 加顿说, “怜悯只是自觉意识的一种作用罢了。它是延续了五千年的一种顽疾。以前没有它的时候,世界更快乐呢。”

Ashurst, following the clouds with his eyes, answered:


"It's the pearl in the oyster, anyway.”


"My dear chap, all our modern unhappiness comes from pity. Look at animals, and Red Indians, limited to feeling their own occasional misfortunes; then look at ourselves—never free from feeling the toothaches of others. Let's get back to feeling for nobody, and have a better time.”


"You'll never practise that.”


Garton pensively stirred the hotch—potch of his hair.


"To attain full growth, one mustn't be squeamish. To starve oneself emotionally's a mistake. All emotion is to the good—enriches life.”


"Yes, and when it runs up against chivalry? "


"Ah! That's so English! If you speak of emotion the English always think you want something physical, and are shocked. They're afraid of passion, but not of lust—oh, no! —so long as they can keep it secret.”


Ashurst did not answer; he had plucked a blue floweret, and was twiddling it against the sky. A cuckoo began calling from a thorn tree. The sky, the flowers, the songs of birds! Robert was talking through his hat!


And he said: "Well, let's go on, and find some farm where we can put up.” In uttering those words, he was conscious of a girl coming down from the common just above them. She was outlined against the sky, carrying a basket, and you could see that sky through the crook of her arm. And Ashurst, who saw beauty without wondering how it could advantage him, thought: " How pretty! "The wind, blowing her dark frieze skirt against her legs, lifted her battered peacock tam—o’ —shanter; her greyish blouse was worn and old, her shoes were split, her little hands rough and red, her neck browned. Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face was short, her upper lip short, showing a glint of teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight; but her grey eyes were the wonder—dewy as if opened for the first time that day. She looked at Ashurst—perhaps he struck her as strange, limping along without a hat, with his large eyes on her, and his hair falling back. He could not take off what was not on his head, but put up his hand in a salute, and said:

于是,他说道: “好了,咱们赶路吧,还得找个农场过夜。” 正说着,他发觉一个姑娘正从他们上方的公地上走下来。她挎着篮子,天空成为她轮廓的背景,还能从她的臂弯处看到那方天空。阿什赫斯特是那种看到美人从不会想到自己会得到什么好处的人,只是心想: “真美啊!” 风吹起她黑色的粗绒呢裙,拂着她的腿,掀起压扁了的孔雀蓝苏格兰圆帽。她的浅灰色短罩衫已经破旧了,鞋子也裂开了,两只小手粗糙发红,脖子晒成了棕色。她那乌黑的头发凌乱地散落在宽阔的前额上。她的脸是短的,上唇是短的,露出亮亮的牙齿,眉毛又直又黑,睫毛又长又黑,鼻梁很直。但是,她那双灰色的眼睛真是奇妙,像朝露一样水汪汪的,仿佛是那天第一次睁开似的。她打量着阿什赫斯特。也许他的模样让她觉得奇怪——没戴帽子,头发向后撩着,大大的眼睛盯着她,一瘸一拐地朝她走来。他没戴帽子,所以无法脱帽致敬,只好举手问候,说道:

"Can you tell us if there's a farm near here where we could stay the night? I've gone lame.”


"There's only our farm near, sir.” She spoke without shyness, in a pretty soft crisp voice.

“附近只有我们家的农场,先生。” 她毫不羞涩地说道,声音十分温柔清脆。

"And where is that? "


"Down here, sir. "


"Would you put us up? "


"Oh! I think we would. "


"Will you show us the way? "


"Yes, Sir. "


He limped on, silent, and Garton took up the catechism.


"Are you a Devonshire girl? "


"No, Sir. "


"What then? "


"From Wales. "


"Ah! I thought you were a Celt; so it's not your farm?”


"My aunt's, sir.”


"And your uncle's?”


"He is dead. "


"Who farms it, then? "


"My aunt, and my three cousins. "


"But your uncle was a Devonshire man? "


"Yes, Sir. "


"Have you lived here long? "


"Seven years. "


"And how d 'you like it after Wales?”


"I don't know, sir.”


"I suppose you don't remember?”


"Oh, yes! But it is different. "


"I believe you! "


Ashurst broke in suddenly: "How old are you? "

阿什赫斯特突然插话道: “你多大了?”

"Seventeen, Sir. "


"And what's your name?”


"Megan David. "

“梅甘? 戴维。”

"This is Robert Garton, and I am Frank Ashurst. We wanted to get on to Chagford. "

“这位是罗伯特? 加顿,我叫弗兰克? 阿什赫斯特。我们本来要到查格福德去。”

"It is a pity your leg is hurting you. "


Ashurst smiled, and when he smiled his face was rather beautiful.


Descending past the narrow wood, they came on the farm suddenly—a long, low, stone—built dwelling with casement windows, in a farmyard where pigs and fowls and an old mare were straying. A short steep—up grass hill behind was crowned with a few Scotch firs, and in front, an old orchard of apple trees, just breaking into flower, stretched down to a stream and a long wild meadow. A little boy with oblique dark eyes was shepherding a pig, and by the house door stood a woman, who came towards them. The girl said:


"It is Mrs. Narracombe, my aunt. "


"Mrs. Narracombe, my aunt, " had a quick, dark eye, like a mother wild—duck's, and something of the same snaky turn about her neck.


"We met your niece on the road, " said Ashurst; "she thought you might perhaps put us up for the night. "

“我们在路上碰到您的侄女,” 阿什赫斯特说道, “她想也许您能让我们在这里过夜。”

Mrs. Narracombe, taking them in from head to heel, answered:


"Well, I can, if you don't mind one room. Megan, get the spare room ready, and a bowl of cream. You'll be wanting tea, I suppose.”


Passing through a sort of porch made by two yew trees and some flowering—currant bushes, the girl disappeared into the house, her peacock tam—o’ —shanter bright athwart that rosy—pink and the dark green of the yews.

梅甘穿过由两根紫杉木和一些开着花的醋栗枝搭成的 “走廊” ,头上孔雀蓝的苏格兰圆帽与玫瑰粉色和墨绿色的紫杉木相映生辉。接着,她便消失在屋子里了。

"Will you come into the parlour and rest your leg? You'll be from college, perhaps?”


"We were, but we've gone down now.”


Mrs. Narracombe nodded sagely.


The parlour, brick—floored, with bare table and shiny chairs and sofa stuffed with horsehair, seemed never to have been used, it was so terribly clean. Ashurst sat down at once on the sofa, holding his lame knee between his hands, and Mrs. Narracombe gazed at him. He was the only son of a late professor of chemistry, but people found a certain lordliness in one who was often so sublimely unconscious of them.


"Is there a stream where we could bathe? "


"There's the stream at the bottom of the orchard, but sittin 'down you'll not be covered!”


"How deep? "


"Well, 't is about a foot and a half, maybe.”


"Oh! That'll do fine. Which way?” " Down the lane, through the second gate on the right, an' t he pool's by the big apple tree that stands by itself. There's trout there, if you can tickle them.”

“哦!这就够了。怎么走?” “沿着这条小路,穿过右边第二道门,有棵大苹果树,池塘就在苹果树边上。池塘里还有鳟鱼,你们可以摸鱼玩。”

"They're more likely to tickle us!”


Mrs. Narracombe smiled. "There'll be the tea ready when you come back.”

纳拉科姆太太笑了。 “等你们回来,茶点就准备好了。”

The pool, formed by the damming of a rock, had a sandy bottom; and the big apple tree, lowest in the orchard, grew so close that its boughs almost overhung the water; it was in leaf, and all but in flower—its crimson buds just bursting. There was not room for more than one at a time in that narrow bath, and Ashurst waited his turn, rubbing his knee and gazing at the wild meadow, all rocks and thorn trees and field flowers, with a grove of beeches beyond, raised up on a flat mound. Every bough was swinging in the wind, every spring bird calling, and a slanting sunlight dappled the grass. He thought of Theocritus, and the river Cherwell, of the moon, and the maiden with the dewy eyes; of so many things that he seemed to think of nothing; and he felt absurdly happy.


During a late and sumptuous tea with eggs to it, cream and jam, and thin, fresh cakes touched with saffron, Garton descanted on the Celts. It was about the period of the Celtic awakening, and the discovery that there was Celtic blood about this family had excited one who believed that he was a Celt himself. Sprawling on a horse hair chair, with a hand—made cigarette dribbling from the corner of his curly lips, he had been plunging his cold pin—points of eyes into Ashurst's and praising the refinement of the Welsh. To come out of Wales into England was like the change from china to earthenware! Frank, as a d—d Englishman, had not of course perceived the exquisite refinement and emotional capacity of that Welsh girl! And, delicately stirring in the dark mat of his still wet hair, he explained how exactly she illustrated the writings of the Welsh bard Morgan—ap—Something in the twelfth century.


Ashurst, full length on the horsehair sofa, and jutting far beyond its end, smoked a deeply—coloured pipe, and did not listen, thinking of the girl's face when she brought in a relay of cakes. It had been exactly like looking at a flower, or some other pretty sight in Nature—till, with a funny little shiver, she had lowered her glance and gone out, quiet as a mouse.


"Let's go to the kitchen, " said Garton, "and see some more of her. "

“咱们去厨房,多看她几眼。” 加顿说。

The kitchen was a white—washed room with rafters, to which were attached smoked hams; there were flower—pots on the window—sill, and guns hanging on nails, queer mugs, china and pewter, and portraits of Queen Victoria. A long, narrow table of plain wood was set with bowls and spoons, under a string of high—hung onions; two sheep—dogs and three cats lay here and there. On one side of the recessed fireplace sat two small boys, idle, and good as gold; on the other sat a stout, light—eyed, red—faced youth with hair and lashes the colour of the tow he was running through the barrel of a gun; between them Mrs. Narracombe dreamily stirred some savoury—scented stew in a large pot. Two other youths, oblique—eyed, dark—haired, rather sly—faced, like the two little boys, were talking together and lolling against the wall; and a short, elderly, clean—shaven man in corduroys, seated in the window, was conning a battered journal. The girl Megan seemed the only active creature—drawing cider and passing with the jugs from cask to table. Seeing them thus about to eat, Garton said:


"Ah! If you'll let us, we'll come back when supper's over, " and without waiting for an answer they withdrew again to the parlour. But the colour in the kitchen, the warmth, the scents, and all those faces, heightened the bleakness of their shiny room, and they resumed their seats moodily.

“啊!如果你们不介意的话,等你们吃完饭我们再过来。” 没等回答,他们就退回客厅里去了。但是,厨房里的色彩、暖意、香味,还有那些面孔,让这间明净的客厅更显得冷清。他俩心绪不宁地坐回椅子上。

"Regular gipsy type, those boys. There was only one Saxon—the fellow cleaning the gun. That girl is a very subtle study psychologically.” iWiE0ltSAI/ZWwptWfV8YMdDluROTC/gbhZKuD9CfNgFXx2mIQ/pV/Ef35WFx0eX
