


"That you, Lestrade? " said Holmes.

“是您吗,莱斯特雷德?” 福尔摩斯说。

"Yes, Mr. Holmes. I took the job myself. It's good to see you back in London, sir. "


"I think you want a little unofficial help. Three undetected murders in one year won't do, Lestrade. But you handled the Molesey Mystery with less than your usual—that's to say, you handled it fairly well. "


We had all risen to our feet, our prisoner breathing hard, with a stalwart constable on each side of him. Already a few loiterers had begun to collect in the street. Holmes stepped up to the window, closed it, and dropped the blinds. Lestrade had produced two candles and the policemen had uncovered their lanterns. I was able at last to have a good look at our prisoner.


It was a tremendously virile and yet sinister face which was turned towards us. With the brow of a philosopher above and the jaw of a sensualist below, the man must have started with great capacities for good or for evil. But one could not look upon his cruel blue eyes, with their drooping, cynical lids, or upon the fierce, aggressive nose and the threatening, deep—lined brow, without reading Nature's plainest danger—signals. He took no heed of any of us, but his eyes were fixed upon Holmes's face with an expression in which hatred and amazement were equally blended. "You fiend! " he kept on muttering. "You clever, clever fiend! "

对着我们的是一张很阳刚却又奸诈险恶的面孔。这人长着哲学家的前额和酒色之徒的下颌,似乎是个天赋之才,但这 “才” 是好是坏姑且不论。可是,只要一看他那冷酷凶狠的蓝眼睛,下垂讥诮的眼皮,凶恶挑衅的鼻子和那咄咄逼人的浓眉,谁都能认出这是造物主最明显的危险信号。他完全忽略了其他人的存在,死死盯着福尔摩斯的脸,眼神中仇恨和惊讶交织着。 “你这个魔鬼!” 他不停地嘟哝, “你这个狡猾、狡猾至极的魔鬼!”

"Ah, Colonel! " said Holmes, arranging his rumpled collar; " 'journeys end in lovers' meetings, ' as the old play says. I don't think I have had the pleasure of seeing you since you favoured me with those attentions as I lay on the ledge above the Reichenbach Fall. "

“啊,上校!” 福尔摩斯边说边整理弄皱了的衣领, “就像老戏里常说的: ‘不是冤家不碰头’ 。自从在赖兴巴赫瀑布的悬崖边承蒙您关照以后,我一直没能有幸再见到你。”

The Colonel still stared at my friend like a man in a trance. "You cunning, cunning fiend! " was all that he could say.

上校就像个精神恍惚的人那样,仍旧死死地地盯着我的朋友。他能说出的只有这一句: “你这狡猾的、狡猾至极的魔鬼!”

"I have not introduced you yet, " said Holmes. "This, gentlemen, is Colonel Sebastian Moran, once of Her Majesty's Indian Army, and the best heavy game shot that our Eastern Empire has ever produced. I believe I am correct, Colonel, in saying that your bag of tigers still remains unrivalled? "

“我还没有介绍您呢。” 福尔摩斯说, “先生们,这位是塞巴斯蒂安·莫兰上校,曾在女王陛下的印度陆军中效力,他是咱们东方帝国所培养的最优秀的射手。上校,我想这样说是对的,您在猎虎方面的成就仍然是无人能及吧?”

The fierce old man said nothing, but still glared at my companion; with his savage eyes and bristling moustache he was wonderfully like a tiger himself.


"I wonder that my very simple stratagem could deceive so old a shikari, " said Holmes. "It must be very familiar to you. Have you not tethered a young kid under a tree, lain above it with your rifle, and waited for the bait to bring up your tiger? This empty house is my tree and you are my tiger. You have possibly had other guns in reserve in case there should be several tigers, or in the unlikely supposition of your own aim failing you. These, " he——pointed around—— "are my other guns. The parallel is exact. "

“奇怪,我这个很简单的计策能让这么一个老练的猎手上当,” 福尔摩斯说, “您应该很熟悉这样的办法。您不是也在一棵树下拴只小山羊,自己带着来福枪藏在树上,等着这只作为诱饵把老虎引来吗?这座空房子成了我的树,您就是我想猎取的虎。您大概还带着其他几支备用的枪,以防出现好几只老虎,或是万一您没射中,当然这是不太可能的。这些,” 他指了指周围的人, “都是我的备用枪支。” “这是个确切的比喻。”

Colonel Moran sprang forward, with a snarl of rage, but the constables dragged him back. The fury upon his face was terrible to look at.


"I confess that you had one small surprise for me, " said Holmes. "I did not anticipate that you would yourself make use of this empty house and this convenient front window. I had imagined you as operating from the street, where my friend Lestrade and his merry men were awaiting you. With that exception all has gone as I expected. "

“我承认您有一招有点儿出乎我的意料,” 福尔摩斯说, “我没想到您也会利用这间空屋和这扇方便的前窗。我原以为您会在街上行动,我的朋友雷斯垂德和他的随从正在那里等着你。除此之外,一切都如我所料。”

Colonel Moran turned to the official detective.


"You may or may not have just cause for arresting me, " said he, "but at least there can be no reason why I should submit to the gibes of this person. If I am in the hands of the law let things be done in a legal way. "

“你可能有、也可能没有逮捕我的正当理由,” 他说, “但起码没有理由叫我忍受这个人的嘲弄。如果我现在是在法律的掌控中,那就一切依法办事吧!”

"Well, that's reasonable enough, " said Lestrade. "Nothing further you have to say, Mr. Holmes, before we go? "

“你说得倒是很合理。” 莱斯特雷德说, “福尔摩斯先生,我们走以前,您没什么别的要讲吗?”

Holmes had picked up the powerful air—gun from the floor and was examining its mechanism.


"An admirable and unique weapon, " said he, "noiseless and of tremendous power. I knew Von Herder, the blind German mechanic, who constructed it to the order of the late Professor Moriarty. For years I have been aware of its existence, though I have never before had the opportunity of handling it. I commend it very specially to your attention, Lestrade, and also the bullets which fit it. "

“真是一件了不起的独特武器,” 他说, “无声并且威力无比。我认识这个双目失明的德国技工冯·赫德,这支枪是按已故的莫里亚蒂教授的要求特制的。我知道有这么一支枪已经好几年了,虽然以前没有机会摆弄它。莱斯特雷德,我特别把这支枪,还有这些配套的子弹,都交给你们保管。”

"You can trust us to look after that, Mr. Holmes, " said Lestrade, as the whole party moved towards the door. "Anything further to say? "

“放心交给我们吧,福尔摩斯先生。” 莱斯特雷德说。大家都向门口走去。 “您还有什么要说的吗?”

"Only to ask what charge you intend to prefer? "


"What charge, sir? Why, of course, the attempted murder of Mr. Sherlock Holmes. "


"Not so, Lestrade. I do not propose to appear in the matter at all. To you, and to you only, belongs the credit of the remarkable arrest which you have effected. Yes, Lestrade, I congratulate you! With your usual happy mixture of cunning and audacity you have got him. "


"Got him! Got whom, Mr. Holmes? "


"The man that the whole force has been seeking in vain—Colonel Sebastian Moran, who shot the Honourable Ronald Adair with an expanding bullet from an air—gun through the open window of the second—floor front of No. 427, Park Lane, upon the 30th of last month. That's the charge, Lestrade. And now, Watson, if you can endure the draught from a broken window, I think that half an hour in my study over a cigar may afford you some profitable amusement. "


Our old chambers had been left unchanged through the supervision of Mycroft Holmes and the immediate care of Mrs. Hudson. As I entered I saw, it is true, an unwonted tidiness, but the old landmarks were all in their place. There were the chemical corner and the acidstained, deal—topped table. There upon a shelf was the row of formidable scrap—books and books of reference which many of our fellow—citizens would have been so glad to burn. The diagrams, the violin—case, and the piperack—even the Persian slipper which contained the tobacco—all met my eyes as I glanced round me. There were two occupants of the room—one Mrs. Hudson, who beamed upon us both as we entered—the other the strange dummy which had played so important a part in the evening's adventures. It was a wax—coloured model of my friend, so admirably done that it was a perfect facsimile. It stood on a small pedestal table with an old dressing—gown of Holmes's so draped round it that the illusion from the street was absolutely perfect.


"I hope you preserved all precautions, Mrs. Hudson? " said Holmes.


"I went to it on my knees, sir, just as you told me. "


"Excellent. You carried the thing out very well. Did you observe where the bullet went? "


"Yes, sir. I 'm afraid it has spoilt your beautiful bust, for it passed right through the head and flattened itself on the wall. I picked it up from the carpet. Here it is! "


Holmes held it out to me. "A soft revolver bullet, as you perceive, Watson. There's genius in that, for who would expect to find such a thing fired from an air—gun. All right, Mrs. Hudson, I am much obliged for your assistance. And now, Watson, let me see you in your old seat once more, for there are several points which I should like to discuss with you. "

福尔摩斯伸手把子弹递给我。 “一颗铅头左轮子弹。跟你想的一样,沃森。真巧妙,谁会想到这样的东西是从汽枪中打出来的?好的,赫德森太太,非常感谢你的帮助。现在,沃森,请你在老位子上再坐下来,有几点我想和你讨论一下。”

He had thrown off the seedy frock—coat, and now he was the Holmes of old in the mouse—coloured dressing—gown which he took from his effigy.


"The old shikari's nerves have not lost their steadiness nor his eyes their keenness, " said he, with a laugh, as he inspected the shattered forehead of his bust.

“这个老猎手居然手不抖,眼不花,” 他一边检查蜡像的破碎前额一边笑着说。

"Plumb in the middle of the back of the head and smack through the brain. He was the best shot in India, and I expect that there are few better in London. Have you heard the name? "


"No, I have not. "


"Well, well, such is fame! But, then, if I remember aright, you had not heard the name of Professor James Moriarty, who had one of the great brains of the century. Just give me down my index of biographies from the shelf. "


He turned over the pages lazily, leaning back in his chair and blowing great clouds from his cigar.


"My collection of M's is a fine one, " said he. "Moriarty himself is enough to make any letter illustrious, and here is Morgan the poisoner, and Merridew of abominable memory, and Mathews, who knocked out my left canine in the waiting—room at Charing Cross, and, finally, here is our friend of to—night. "

“我收集在 ‘M部’ 的这些材料很不错。” 他说道。 “莫里亚蒂这个人不论摆在哪里都是出众的。这是放毒犯莫根,这是遗臭万年的梅里丢,还有马修斯,那个在查林十字广场候诊室把我左边犬齿打掉的家伙。最后这个就是咱们今晚见到的朋友。”

He handed over the book, and I read: Moran, Sebastian, Colonel. Unemployed. Formerly 1st Bangalore Pioneers. Born London, 1840. Son of Sir Augustus Moran, C. B., once British Minister to Persia. Educated Eton and Oxford. Served in Jowaki Campaign, Afghan Campaign, Charasiab (despatches), Sherpur, and Cabul. Author of Heavy Game of the Western Himalayas (1881); Three Months in the Jungle (1884). Address: Conduit Street. Clubs: The Anglo—Indian, the Tankerville, the Bagatelle Card Club.


On the margin was written, in Holmes's precise hand: The second most dangerous man in London.


"This is astonishing, " said I, as I handed back the volume. "The man's career is that of an honourable soldier. "

“真不可思议,” 我把本子递回给他时说, “这人的职业还是个体面的军人呢。”

"It is true, " Holmes answered. "Up to a certain point he did well. He was always a man of iron nerve, and the story is still told in India how he crawled down a drain after a wounded man—eating tiger. There are some trees, Watson, which grow to a certain height and then suddenly develop some unsightly eccentricity. You will see it often in humans. I have a theory that the individual represents in his development the whole procession of his ancestors, and that such a sudden turn to good or evil stands for some strong influence which came into the line of his pedigree. The person becomes, as it were, the epitome of the history of his own family. "

“确实,” 福尔摩斯回答说, “从一定程度上说,他干得不错。他一向很有胆量,直到现在,印度还流传着他爬进水沟去追一只受伤的吃人猛虎的故事。沃森,有些树木在长到一定高度的时候,会突然长成难看的古怪形状。这一点常常会在人身上看到。我有个理论,那就是个人的发展体现了他历代祖先发展的整个过程。像这样突然地变好或者变坏代表着某种强烈影响力影响着他的家族。” 可以这么说,这个人成了家族历史的缩影。”

"It is surely rather fanciful. "


"Well, I don't insist upon it. Whatever the cause, Colonel Moran began to go wrong. Without any open scandal he still made India too hot to hold him. He retired, came to London, and again acquired an evil name. It was at this time that he was sought out by Professor Moriarty, to whom for a time he was chief of the staff. Moriarty supplied him liberally with money and used him only in one or two very high—class jobs which no ordinary criminal could have undertaken. You may have some recollection of the death of Mrs. Stewart, of Lauder, in 1887. Not? Well, I am sure Moran was at the bottom of it; but nothing could be proved. So cleverly was the Colonel concealed that even when the Moriarty gang was broken up we could not incriminate him. You remember at that date, when I called upon you in your rooms, how I put up the shutters for fear of air—guns? No doubt you thought me fanciful. I knew exactly what I was doing, for I knew of the existence of this remarkable gun, and I knew also that one of the best shots in the world would be behind it. When we were in Switzerland he followed us with Moriarty, and it was undoubtedly he who gave me that evil five minutes on the Reichenbach ledge.


"You may think that I read the papers with some attention during my sojourn in France, on the look—out for any chance of laying him by the heels. So long as he was free in London my life would really not have been worth living. Night and day the shadow would have been over me, and sooner or later his chance must have come. What could I do? I could not shoot him at sight, or I should myself be in the dock. There was no use appealing to a magistrate. They cannot interfere on the strength of what would appear to them to be a wild suspicion. So I could do nothing. But I watched the criminal news, knowing that sooner or later I should get him. Then came the death of this Ronald Adair. My chance had come at last! Knowing what I did, was it not certain that Colonel Moran had done it? He had played cards with the lad; he had followed him home from the club; he had shot him through the open window. There was not a doubt of it. The bullets alone are enough to put his head in a noose. I came over at once. I was seen by the sentinel, who would, I knew, direct the Colonel's attention to my presence. He could not fail to connect my sudden return with his crime and to be terribly alarmed. I was sure that he would make an attempt to get me out of the way at once, and would bring round his murderous weapon for that purpose. I left him an excellent mark in the window, and, having warned the police that they might be needed—by the way, Watson, you spotted their presence in that doorway with unerring accuracy—I took up what seemed to me to be a judicious post for observation, never dreaming that he would choose the same spot for his attack. Now, my dear Watson, does anything remain for me to explain? "


"Yes, " said I. "You have not made it clear what was Colonel Moran's motive in murdering the Honourable Ronald Adair. "

“有,” 我说, “你还没说清楚莫兰上校谋杀罗纳德·阿代尔的动机是什么。”

"Ah! my dear Watson, there we come into those realms of conjecture where the most logical mind may be at fault. Each may form his own hypothesis upon the present evidence, and yours is as likely to be correct as mine. "


"You have formed one, then? "


"I think that it is not difficult to explain the facts. It came out in evidence that Colonel Moran and young Adair had between them won a considerable amount of money. Now, Moran undoubtedly played foul—of that I have long been aware. I believe that on the day of the murder Adair had discovered that Moran was cheating. Very likely he had spoken to him privately, and had threatened to expose him unless he voluntarily resigned his membership of the club and promised not to play cards again. It is unlikely that a youngster like Adair would at once make a hideous scandal by exposing a well—known man so much older than himself. Probably he acted as I suggest. The exclusion from his clubs would mean ruin to Moran, who lived by his ill—gotten card gains. He therefore murdered Adair, who at the time was endeavouring to work out how much money he should himself return, since he could not profit by his partner's foul play. He locked the door lest the ladies should surprise him and insist upon knowing what he was doing with these names and coins. Will it pass? "


"I have no doubt that you have hit upon the truth. "


"It will be verified or disproved at the trial. Meanwhile, come what may, Colonel Moran will trouble us no more, the famous air—gun of Von Herder will embellish the Scotland Yard Museum, and once again Mr. Sherlock Holmes is free to devote his life to examining those interesting little problems which the complex life of London so plentifully presents. "

“这些会在审讯时得到证实,或者遭到反驳。同时,不论发生什么,莫兰上校再也不会打搅咱们了。冯·赫德这支出了名的汽枪将使苏格兰场博物馆增色不少,而福尔摩斯先生又可以自由地投身到案件调查中去了,伦敦错综复杂的生活中还有许许多多有趣的小问题在等着他去解决呢。” KWGYq76YEI6KounIoo3+CYHci42zMKeTVgpoO59yPsCA9D+mPfTXBFQEW1TlG2nh
