
Lesson 6 Music 音乐


Part 1 Realize Music 了解音乐


(1)You'll be smarter!你会更加聪明!

One of the reasons to play a musical instrument is that it will actually make you smarter.Many studies have been done on this,and they all show that playing an instrument changes the structure of your brain,expanding the parts that control hearing and memory.Musicians have even been found to pick up new languages easier.


(2)It's an invaluable skill.它是宝贵的技能。

Being a musician for a living is tough,but knowing how to play an instrument well is a skill that can never be taken away from you.Once you learn,you'll never completely forget it.It's something to fall back on if you ever need it.Out of a job Perhaps scout out some local bands that are willing to pay for your skills at your particular instrument.Or,if you're skilled enough,you can give Lessons and make money that way.


(3)You can play other instruments.你可以演奏其他乐器。

If you can play just one musical instrument,you'll be able to learn how to play others relatively quickly.Once you've developed an ear for music,you'll be able to tell what sounds good and what doesn't,so even if you don't want to take Lessons for a new instrument,you'll be able to teach yourself.Playing many instruments is a huge benefit,and something that you'll never know when you'll need.If you wanted to go the route of giving Lessons,you'd be able to give Lessons for all the instruments you play and perhaps make that a full time job!


(4)You'll find peace.你会找到安静。

Music is a powerful emotional stimulus,and it's something you can always turn to whenever you're feeling bad.Many people I know have said that playing their instruments helped them deal with their depression and other emotional issues.It's a method of release,and even of meditation if you use it that way.If you're having overwhelming negative feelings,give an instrument a chance.It could be just the thing you need to help you through it.


2.Key Words 常见的与音乐相关的词汇
band music 军乐 jazz 爵士乐
bass 男低音 opera 歌剧
chorus 合唱 choir 合唱团
choral music 合唱音乐 sonata 奏鸣曲
march 进行曲 tango 探戈
blues 布鲁斯 rumba 伦巴
disco 迪斯科 instrumental music 器乐
musical instrument 乐器 tenor 男高音
lullaby 摇篮曲 ymphonic poem 交响诗
toccata 托卡塔 nocturn 夜曲
duet 二重奏 symphony 交响曲
concerto 协奏曲 fantasia 幻想曲
requiem 安魂曲 serenade 小夜曲
solo 独奏(唱) rhapsody 狂想曲
baritone 男中音 altz 圆舞曲,华尔兹

Part 2 Key Sentences 关键句型全知道

Do you often listen to songs on the radio?


I like listening to records better.


I don't even know how to sing.


Will you sing us a song?


I just love this new song by Backstreet Boys.


I have no ear for music.


We can sing a duet.


Music is not my line.


What concert is it?


How important is music to you?


I enjoy singing,much more listening to music.


That song is my best song.


Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.


His music is to the very taste of many of the young people.


Part 3 Let's Talk!开始交流吧!

Emma: Jessica,listen to the lyrics of this song.

艾玛: 杰西卡,听这首歌的歌词。

Jessica: What's so special about this song?

杰西卡: 这首歌有什么特别?

Emma: It's from the musical that is so popular in New York right now.Do you like it?

艾玛: 这是现在在纽约很受欢迎的一部歌舞剧里的插曲。你喜欢吗?

Jessica: Not very much.It sounds too emotional to me.

杰西卡: 不怎么喜欢。我觉得情感色彩太浓了。

Emma: That's why it is so popular.It was recorded by Barbara Martin.I've heard that when she sang this song on stage the opening night,she created quite a sensation.

艾玛: 那就是这首歌这么受欢迎的原因。这首歌是芭芭拉·马丁录制的。我听说这部剧第一天晚上首演时,她登台唱了这首歌,相当轰动。

Jessica: I'm afraid my association with Broadway musicals is rather limited.Compared with that,I know more about jazz.

杰西卡: 恐怕我对百老汇歌舞剧知道得相当有限。相比之下,我了解爵士音乐更多一点。

Emma: Well then,you need an introduction.The school drama club is putting on a musical production.How about going together?

艾玛: 那你需要入门了。学校剧社要演一出歌舞剧。我们一起去看,怎么样?

Jessica: I'm sorry.I'll go to the jazz concert and I have bought a ticket.

杰西卡: 不好意思。我要去听爵士音乐会,并且我已经买票了。

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