
Lesson 3 Film 电影


Part 1 Realize the Film 了解电影


A film,also called a movie or motion picture,is a series of still images which,when shown on a screen,creates the illusion of moving images due to phi phenomenon.A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera;by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques;by means of CGI and computer animation;or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects.


The individual images that make up a film are called frames.During projection,a rotating shutter causes intervals of darkness as each frame in turn is moved into position to be projected,but the viewer does not notice the interruptions because of an effect known as persistence of vision,whereby the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed.The perception of motion is due to a psychological effect called beta movement.


Films are cultural artifacts created by specific cultures.They reflect those cultures,and,in turn,affect them.Film is considered to be an important art form,a source of popular entertainment,and a powerful medium for educating.The visual basis of film gives it a universal power of communication.Some films have become popular worldwide attractions by using dubbing or subtitles to translate the dialog into the language of the viewer.


2.Key Words 常见的与电影相关的词汇
newsreel 新闻片,纪录片 documentary(film) 记录片,文献片
filmdom 电影界 literary film 文艺片
musicals 音乐片 silent film 默片,无声片
comedy 喜剧片 tragedy 悲剧片
dracula movie 恐怖片 swordsmen film 武侠片
detective film 侦探片 ethical film 伦理片
affectional film 爱情片 trailer 预告片
western movies 西部片 serial 系列片
cartoon(film) 卡通片,动画片 footage 影片长度
full-length film,feature film 长片 short(film) 短片
color film 彩色片

Part 2 Key Sentences 关键句型全知道

We begged mother so much that she gave in and let us go to the movie.


People who crunch nuts at the movies can be very annoying.


We're going to the cinema tonight.Do you want to come with us?


Care for an outing with me to the cinema Saturday evening?


I'll have to stay at home doing my homework instead of going to the cinema.


I would rather rent a video than go out to the theater.


My girlfriend blew hot and cold about going to the cinema.

我女朋友对是否去看电影拿不定主意 。

I prefer to go out to see a film rather than stay at home.


Why don't we go to the movies?


Jim is bitten with movies.


May I invite you for movies?


How about going to the cinema?


Part 3 Let's Talk!开始交流吧!

Henry: Hi,Mike!Any plan for tonight?

亨利: 麦克,你好!你今晚有什么安排吗?

Mike: Not really.It's raining.And everything is so boring.

麦克: 没想好。下这么大雨。闷死了。

Henry: Why don't you join me to watch the movie Jerry Maguire?

亨利: 是否考虑跟我一块看电影《甜心先生》呢?

Mike: Isn't that an old movie?

麦克: 那不是部老电影吗?

Henry: Well,you may say that.It was released in 1996.I've seen the movie a couple of times.But the more I see it,the better I like it.

亨利: 嗯,也许是吧。1996年出品的。我看了好几次了。越看越喜欢。

Mike: What's so good about the movie I saw it once.I don't recall much of it.It was starred by Tom Cruse and Renee Zellewager.I like Renee.She is so cute.

麦克: 有那么好看吗?我看过一次。记不大清里面的情节了。主演是汤姆·克鲁斯和蕾妮·齐薇格主演的。我喜欢蕾妮。她好可爱。

Henry: Yeah.She definitely is.She is like the little girl next door.Very sweet.

亨利: 是的,她确实可爱,她像邻家小女孩,甜甜的。

Mike: Are there any other reasons why you like the movie so much?

麦克: 你这么喜欢这部电影是不是还有什么其它原因?

Henry: Of course.One thing I learn from Jerry is never give-up.

亨利: 当然有,我从杰里那学到一点:永不放弃!

Mike: I think I will go to see the movie with you.I try to focus on too many things and I end up getting nothing done.I want to learn something from Jerry.

麦克: 我想我也要跟你去看这部电影。我总是想同时做很多事情,结果一无所成。我想从杰里身上学点东西。

Henry: Great!Let's go!

亨利: 太好了,咱们出发吧!

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