
Lesson 2 Fast FoodCulture 快餐文化


Part 1 Realize Fast FoodCulture 了解快餐文化


Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly.While any meal with low preparation time can be considered fast food,typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients,and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out.Fast food outlets are take-away or take-out providers,often with a“drive-through”service that lets customers to order and pick up food from their cars,but most also have indoor or outdoor seating areas where customers can eat on-site.


Nearly from its inception,fast food has been designed to be eaten“on the go,”often does not require traditional cutlery,and is eaten as a finger food.Common menu items at fast food outlets include fish and chips,sandwiches,pitas,hamburgers,fried chicken,French fries,onion rings,chicken nuggets,tacos,pizza,hot dogs,and ice cream.


The United States has the largest fast food industry in the world,and American fast food restaurants are located in over 100 countries.Approximately 4.1 million U.S.workers are employed in the areas of food preparation and food serving,including fast food in the USA.Worries of an obesity epidemic and its related illnesses have inspired many local government officials in the United Sates to propose to limit or regulate fast-food restaurants.


2.Key Words 常见的与快餐相关的词汇


KFC 肯德基 McDonald's 麦当劳


Hamburger 汉堡包 Cheese Burger 干酪汉堡
French Fries 薯条(ketchup番茄酱) Salad 沙拉
Orange Juice 橙汁 Milk Shake 奶昔
CSD 碳酸饮料 Hot Cake 热香饼/松饼
McChicken 麦香鸡 Bagel 贝果
Hot Pie

Part 2 Key Sentences 关键句型全知道

Nowadays,to keep up with the quickening pace of our society,many people turn to fast food to cut down their time spent in eating.


Fast food is any food that is quick,convenient,and usually inexpensive.


Fast food is usually rapidly served in cartons or bags or in a plastic wrapping,in a fashion which minimizes cost.


We acknowledge that fast food really gratifies our strong desire to save time.


Relying on fast food on a long-term basis may cause a person to suffer from malnutrition.What is more serious is that most fast food contains many calories which can turn into fat.As we know,too much fat is harmful to our health.


Fast-food restaurants do not serve alcohol.The soft drinks most often sold are Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola,plus fizzy drinks.


McDonald's restaurants are found in 119 countries and territories around the world and serve 58 million customers each day.


Most standalone McDonald's restaurants offer both counter service and drive-through service,with indoor and sometimes outdoor seating.


KFC in the US has been accused by Greenpeace of a large destruction of the Amazon Rainforest,because of the supply of soy used for chicken food.


Fast food is very poor in vitamins and minerals.


Fast food business has developed tremendously in the past 50 years.Nowadays people will see all kinds of fast food restaurants here and there.


The concept of ready-cooked food for sale is closely connected with urban development.


Nearly from its inception,fast food has been designed to be eaten“on the go”,often does not require traditional cutlery,and is eaten as a finger food.


Part 3 Let's Talk!开始交流吧!

Emily: Do you usually have fast-food for lunch?

艾米丽: 你午餐经常吃快餐吗?

Mike: Yeah,I usually have it at McDonald's or KFC.

麦克: 是的,经常在麦当劳或者肯德基吃午餐。

Emily: I don't like the food there.

艾米丽: 我不怎么喜欢那里的食物。

Mike: The most important thing is that the food will be made soon,so you can save a lot of time.

麦克: 最重要的是,速度很快,可以节省很多时间。

Emily: I agree with you.But food there is unhealthy.It contains a high amount of fat and calories.

艾米丽: 我同意你的观点,但是不健康,那里的东西都高脂肪高热量。

Mike: I am just too busy to cook.There is no other way.

麦克: 上班太忙,往往自己没有时间做饭,没有办法的事情。

Emily: You may bring meal for yourself.Nowadays,there are usually refrigerator and micro waver in the office.

艾米丽: 你可以自己带饭,现在很多办公室里都有冰箱和微波炉。

Mike: Yes,there are.It might be a good idea.

麦克: 公司里的确有,也许是个不错的主意。

Emily: You can cook the food as lunch for the next day,and then put it in the refrigerator.

艾米丽: 嗯,你可以做好第二天的午餐,然后放到冰箱里。

Mike: Good idea.Just like the lunch package.

麦克: 对,就像盒饭一样。

Emily: The lunch package is very popular in Britain.But what British?

bring is usually home-made sandwiches.

艾米丽: 盒饭在英国很流行的,不过英国人一般都是自备三明治做午餐。

Mike: It can also save a lot of money.But the question is that my cooking is not so good.

麦克: 自带盒饭还可以节省开销。但问题是我厨艺不佳。

Emily: Maybe I can prepare more,so we can share together.

艾米丽: 也许我可以多准备一点,到时候一起分享。

Mike: Really Isn't it inconvenient?

麦克: 真的吗?不会不方便吧。

Emily: Of course not.Home-made food is much healthier than fast food.

艾米丽: 不会,自制的食物可比快餐营养。

Mike: Thanks a lot.

麦克: 谢谢。

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