
Lesson 9 Western Festival Craze in China 西方节日风靡中国


Part 1 Realize Western Festivals Craze in China 了解西方节日风靡中国


Most Young Chinese,rushing to buy flowers and chocolates in a craze,don't know the historical origin of Valentine's Day!Then what's the real cause of this phenomenon?


First,commercial benefits are the best impetus!Why do more and more people come to know about western festivals Because it is too hard to deny those advertisements all around you!Regardless of whether Chinese are importing the essence of Western festivals,business owners must seize the opportunity to fill their cash registers.Maybe the businessmen,rather than the young people,are the happiest on such occasions.


Second,western festivals pay much attention to sentiment.For example,people take Valentines'Day as an opportunity to express love to their lovers.It is the emotional appeal that attracts us.On the other hand,Chinese traditional Valentines'Day has never been a big event in China.Young women,demonstrating their domestic skills,such as sewing and weaving,and praying to marry a good husband seems to be far out of date.


Recently,a survey shows that most females think they become too tired during traditional festivals,because serious cooking and delightful eating are always the major activities on these occasions.And it is the women who always take on the cooking part.But on western holidays there aren't so many burdens.


With social development,festivals are going through change.Some are weakened;some are strengthened;while others are endowed with new meanings or connotations.This is the natural process of cultural selection.Therefore,it is unnecessary to feel embarrassed about the invasion of foreign festivals.This is only an aspect of world cultural integration.


2.Key Words 常见的与西方节日相关的词汇
New Year's Day 新年 Happy New Year! 新年快乐!
Christmas Day 圣诞节 Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!
Easter Day 复活节 Easter eggs 复活节彩蛋
Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 April Fool's Day 愚人节
Christmas Eve 圣诞前夕 New Year's Eve 新年前夕
Santa Claus 圣诞老人 Christmas tree 圣诞树
Halloween/All Saints'Day 万圣节 Trick-or-treat! 不给糖就捣蛋!
Saint Valentine's Day/Valentine's Day 情人节 Labor day 劳动节
Mother's day 母亲节 Father's day 父亲节
Turkey 火鸡 pudding 布丁

Part 2 Key Sentences 关键句型全知道

Best wishes for a happy New Year!


Merry Christmas!


Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success.


Thank you for making my haunted house full of fun!Happy Halloween!


May you have the best Christmas ever.


Did the Easter bunny bring you any Easter eggs?


More and more Chinese young people are ignoring traditional festivals while showing more interest in western holidays.


I'll forward him an e-card and he can get it from the e-mail.


Easter used to be a religious festival but now it's just a chance to eat chocolate and candy.


They will have parties for showing their amazing weird costumes.


Part 3 Let's Talk!开始交流吧!

Jerry: The exciting Halloween is coming next week.Usually people get dressed up in different costumes.

杰瑞: 下周就是万圣节了。人们通常会穿上不同的奇装异服。

Dannie: It sounds cool.How do we celebrate Halloween?

丹尼: 真有意思。我们怎么庆祝万圣节呢?

Jerry: Usually it's fun that some kids going around playing pranks,like punching the pumpkins left outside people's doors,or hanging a roll of toilet paper in someone's tree.They usually do it late at night.

杰瑞: 孩子们通常会到处走动搞一些恶作剧,比如说把别人家门口的南瓜灯上戳几个洞,或者在树上挂上一卷卫生纸。他们经常深夜出来干这种事。

Dannie: Is there anything more interesting?

丹尼: 还有更好玩的吗?

Jerry: The kids are supposed to say“Trick or Treat”.Then their neighbor is supposed to hand out some candies.

杰瑞: 孩子们会说“不给糖就捣蛋”。然后,邻居们就会分发糖果给他们。

Dannie: There must be a lot of fun.Can adults get together with friends that night?

丹尼: 那一定很有意思。那天晚上大人们能和朋友们聚会吗?

Jerry: Yes.They will have parties for showing their amazing weird costumes.And people might trick on each other and do something funny.

杰瑞: 当然。他们将举行一些派对展示奇装异服人们也会耍些恶作剧,做些好玩的事情。

Dannie: It is great.I can't wait for that day.

丹尼: 真棒,我都等不及了!

Jerry: I already have all my things be ready.I bought two pumpkins and a big bag of candy.Do you want to help me make a jack-o'-lantern?

杰瑞: 我都准备好了。我买了两个南瓜和一大袋糖果。你愿意帮我做个南瓜灯吗?

Dannie: Yes.I love to.

丹尼: 是的,我很乐意。

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