
Lesson 7 Shanghai Expo 上海世博

2010年在上海举办的第41届世界博览会是由中国举办的首届世界博览会。上海世博会以“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City,Better Life)为主题,总投资达450亿元人民币,创造了世界博览会史上最大规模记录。同时7308万的参观人数也成为了历届世博之最。

Part 1 Realize Shanghai Expo 了解世博会


Expo 2010 was held in Shanghai,China,from 1 May to 31 October 2010.It was a major World Expo in the tradition of international fairs and expositions,the first since 1992.The theme of the exposition was“Better City-Better Life”.The opening ceremony was held in the evening of 30 April 2010 attended by dozens of world leaders.


After winning the bid to host the Expo in 2002,Shanghai began a monumental task to reshape the city.More than $48 billion was spent for the preparation,more than the cost of cleaning up Beijing in the preparations for the Olympics in 2008.During the expo,the expo site was crowded with national pavilions,sculpture gardens,shops,a sports arena and performing arts centre.By the end of the expo,over 73 million people had visited-a record attendance-and 246 countries and international organizations had participated.


The Expo introduced numerous urban best practices and concepts from all over the world which the organizers hope will be a lasting legacy for better urban life in China and around the world.It advocated for future development to focus on environmental sustainability,efficiency and diversity.United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated at the closing of the Expo,“Thanks to this Expo,millions of people learned about possibilities for making our cities healthier and safer,cities that better integrate nature and technology,cities that offer their citizens cleaner air and water,and better lives all around”.


2.Key Words 常见的与世博会相关的词汇
Expo Logo 世博会徽标 Expo Mascot 世博会吉祥物
Expo Souvenir 世博会纪念品 Expo Park 世博园
International Pavilion 国际馆 Theme Pavilion 主题馆
Enterprise Pavilion 企业馆 China Pavilion 中国馆
Symposium 专题讨论会 Expo Village 世博村
Expo Dining Center 世博餐饮中心 shuttle bus 专线车
Expo First-aid Center 世博急救中心 volunteers 志愿者
Shanghai Tourist Attractions 上海景点 International Convention Center 国际会议中心
Commercial Building 商业大厦 Expo Center 世博中心

Part 2 Key Sentences 关键句型全知道

The philosophies of Shanghai Expo are understanding,communication,togetherness and cooperation.


The secondary themes of Shanghai Expo are:multi-cultural integration,the promotion of city economy,technological innovation,the reconstruction of city communities,and the interaction of urban and rural sectors.


The mascot of Shanghai Expo is“Haibao”,which in Chinese means the treasure of the ocean.It's designed to resemble the Chinese character for“human”,which corresponds to the theme of the Expo.


The emblem of Shanghai Expo looks like the Chinese character for“world”;it is also combined with the numbers“2010”in an elegant way that resembles a celebrating family.It expresses the philosophies of Shanghai Expo:“Understanding,communication,togetherness,and cooperation.”


The main site of Shanghai Expo can be summarized as“one Axis and four Pavilions”,these are:the Expo Axis,the China Pavilion,the Theme Pavilion,the Expo Center,and the Expo Performance Center.


Shanghai Expo will be a feast of city life,a symphony of innovation and integration,and a dialogue of human civilization.


Part 3 Let's Talk!开始交流吧!

Ken: Hey,Ashley!Did you know that there's an expo going on in Shanghai at this very moment?

肯: 嘿,阿什莉!你知道现在上海在举办世博会吗?

Ashley: Yes,Ken.It sounds pretty exciting.The world's fair is also called an expo or exposition.An expo is a huge event that shows off new industrial products and technology.Another word we can use to describe this event is an exhibition.People from all over the world attend expos to have a glimpse of exciting new products and inventions.

阿什莉: 哦,肯,是啊,我听说了。这听起来很令人兴奋啊。世界交易会也被称为博览会或展览会。世界博览会是展示新的工业产品和技术的盛会。我们还可以用另一个字眼来形容这个盛会,那就是“展览”。来自世界各地的人都会来参加博览会,一睹令人振奋的新产品和发明的风采。

Ken: Interesting!So,what kind of things would you find at an expo?

肯: 真有趣!那么,在世博会上你能发现什么呢?

Ashley: Well,new industrial products and technology.

阿什莉: 哦,新的工业产品和技术。

Ken: I find that the Shanghai Expo will center around the city,or the idea of city life.In other words,it is“Better city,better life”.Have you got any idea about this?

肯: 我发现上海世博会围绕城市和城市生活理念,换句话说,就是“城市,让生活更美好”,对此你有什么想法?

Ashley: Well,this Expo focuses on the theme of city,it will investigate or try to explore and find out answers to questions about the challenges and the consequences of urbanization.

阿什莉: 嗯,本届博览会的焦点就是城市主题,它将围绕城市化问题进行调研,或尝试去探索和发现有关城市化所带来的挑战和可能带来的后果等问题的答案。

Ken: Good answer.

肯: 你说的太好了。

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