
Unit 01 Personality 个性

Key Words 常见的与主题相关的词汇

★ curiosity [ˌkjuriˈɔsiti] n. 好奇,好奇心

★ conceit [kənˈsiːt] n. 自负;狂妄

★ character [ˈkæriktə] n. 性格

★ aggressiveness [əˈɡresivnis] n. 攻击性;进取精神

★ ambition [æmˈbiʃən] n. 野心;雄心;抱负;志向

★ coyness [ˈkɔinis] n. 羞怯,怕羞

★ caution [ˈkɔːʃən] n. 小心,谨慎

★ enthusiasm [inˈθjuːziæzəm] n. 热情,热忱

★ kindness [ˈkaindnis] n. 仁慈;好意

★ loyalty [ˈlɔiəlti] n. 忠诚;衷心;忠实

★ humor [ˈhjuːmə] n. 幽默;诙谐

★ joy [dʒɔi] n. 欢欣,喜悦;乐事,乐趣

★ impulse [ˈimpʌls] n. 冲动,一时的念头;推动,驱使;脉冲

★ TV/radio/sports personality 电视/广播电台/运动明星

★ personality chips 个性芯片;性格芯片

★ impulse [ˈimpʌls] n. 冲动,一时的念头;推动,驱使;脉冲

★ capable [ˈkeipəbl] a. 有能力的,有才能的

★ caring [ˈkeəriŋ] a. 有同情心的

★ charitable [ˈtʃæritəbl] a. 宽厚的

★ cheerful [ˈtʃiəful] a. 开朗的

★ comical [ˈkɔmik(ə)l] a. 滑稽的

★ conceited [kənˈsiːtid] a. 自以为是的

★ conscientious [ˌkɔnʃiˈentəs] a. 认真的;凭良心的

★ constructive [kənˈstrʌktiv] a. 建设性的

★ cooperative [kəuˈɔpərətiv] a. 有合作精神的

★ creative [kriːˈeitiv] a. 富于创造力的

★ dashing [ˈdæʃiŋ] a. 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的

★ dedicated [ˈdedikeitid] a. 有奉献精神的

★ determined [diˈtəːmind] a. 坚决的

★ dependable [diˈpendəbl] a. 可靠的

★ depressing [diˈpresiŋ] a. 沉闷的

★ discreet [disˈkriːt] a. (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎

★ disorganized [disˈɔːɡənaizd] a. 无组织的

★ dynamic [daiˈnæmik] a. 精悍的

★ earnest [ˈəːnist] a. 认真的

★ easy-going [ˌiːziːˈɡəuiŋ] a. 随和的

★ efficient [iˈfiʃənt] a. 有效率的

★ enthusiastic [inˌθjuːziˈæstik] a. 充满热情的

★ faithful [ˈfeiθful] a. 守信的,忠诚的

★ forceful [ˈfɔːsful] a. (性格)坚强的

★ diligent [ˈdilidʒənt] a. 勤勉的;用功的

★ industrious [inˈdʌstriəs] a. 勤勉的

Key Sentences 单词情景应用

bad-tempered /ˈbædˈtempəd/˗əd/ a. 脾气暴躁的

例句 People always become bad-tempered for lack of sleep.

中译 缺少睡眠的人会变得易怒。

personality traits (=typical ways of behaving, such as calmness or enthusiasm) 个性品质

例句 William does not look at all like Walter, but he shares many of his personality traits.

中译 威廉看起来一点也不像沃尔特,但和他有很多共同点。

personality clash n. 性格不合

例句 He said he left the company because of a personality clash with the director. (=They could not work together because they were so different.)

中译 他说他离开公司是因为和主管的性格不合。

open-minded [ˈəupənˈmaindid] a. 心胸宽广的,能接受新思想的;无先入之见的,无偏见的

例句 It is advisable to take an open-minded approach to new ideas.

中译 对新思想采取不存先入之见的态度是明智的。

extroverted [ˈekstrəvɜːtid] a. 性格外向的;外向性的;喜社交的

例句 Some provinces in China is vigorously developing extroverted agriculture.

中译 中国的一些省在大力发展外向型农业。

strong-willed [ˈstrɔŋˈwild,ˈstrɔːŋ˗] a. 意志坚强的;固执的

例句 He is a strong-willed man.

中译 他是个意志坚强的人。

strong personality n. 个性很强

例句 He was an ambitious man with a strong personality.

中译 他是一个个性强又很有野心的人。

stubborn [ˈstʌbən] a. 顽固的;固执的

例句 Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen.

中译 很多人固执地追求他们选择了的道路。

warm-hearted [ˌwɔːmˈhaːtid] a. 热心的;热诚的;热心肠的

例句 I like its clean streets, clear sunny skies, and warm-hearted people.

中译 我喜欢它干净的街道,透明晴朗的天空和热心的老百姓。

personality profile 人格剖析图;个性特征

例句 Those who belong to personality profile Type C are believed to get cancer easily.

中译 有C型个性特征的人被认为很容易得癌症。

Let'sTalk 最高频主题会话

A: What kind of personality do you have?

B: Well, I am always energetic and enthusiastic. That's my strongest personality.

A: What makes you so energetic?

B: I like all kinds of sports, baseball, swimming, and so on. Maybe it is just the reason why I am so energetic and vigorous.

A: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

B: Hum, as I have said, I'm diligent and industrious. On the other hand, sometimes I'm too hard-working and I put myself under too much pressure to make things perfect.

A: What qualities would you expect of persons working as a team?

B: To work in a team, in my opinion, two characteristics are necessary for a person. That is, the person must be cooperative and aggressive.

A: What makes you angry?

B: Dishonesty. It's unacceptable.

A: What are your personal weaknesses?

B: I'm afraid I'm a poor talker. I'm not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I have been studying public speaking.













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