
Common Tableware 常用餐具

table [ˈteibl]


n. 桌子,表格


billiard table 台球台

refectory table(修道院食堂中的)长餐桌

round table 圆桌会议


Can you help me set the table? 你可以帮我把饭桌准备好吗?

Can we sit at the table near the window? 我们能坐在靠窗的那张桌子旁吗?

tableware [ˈteib(ə)lweə]


n. 餐具


metalic tableware 金属餐具

ceramic tableware 陶瓷餐具

Japanese tableware 基本和式餐具


What about that set of blue and white porcelain tableware? May I have a look? 那套蓝白色的餐具怎么样?我可以看看吗?

I clean dematerialized water in the bathtub, tableware, tea sparkling spots without watermarks. 我用软化水清洗的浴缸、餐具、茶具晶莹剔透,无水渍斑点。

cutlery [ˈkʌtləri]


n. 刀;利器刀剑制造业;餐具


Cutlery Steel 刀具钢

Cutlery Series 宝贝餐具系列

union Cutlery 刀具公司


The top drawer is the one with the cutlery in. 最上面的抽屉是放刀叉的。

They have some sterling silver cutlery. 他们有一些标准纯银餐具。

spoon [spu:n]


n. 匙,调羹,匙形的铲子

vt. 以匙舀起,调情,使成匙状


marrow spoon 骨髓匙;细长调羹

test spoon 试验用匙

flushing spoon 冲洗匙


The child eats with a spoon. 这孩子用调羹吃。

Give the spoons a good rub to get them clean. 把这些匙擦干净。

fork [fɔ:k]


n. 叉,耙,叉形物;餐叉;分岔,岔口

vi. 分歧,分叉

vt. 叉,叉起,耙


tuning fork [声]音叉;共振子;音叉骨针;[声]调音叉

firing fork 火叉

shift fork 挂档叉;拨叉;挂档;挂档叉驱动拨叉


The mother taught the child to handle a knife and fork. 母亲教孩子用刀叉。

Their paths diverged at the fork in the road. 他们在道路的岔口处分道而行。

knife [naif]


n. 小刀,匕首

vt. 用刀切割,伤害,切,戳

vi. 劈开,穿过


straight knife 直刀式电剪;[机]直刀

knife edge 刀口;刀棱;插刀式砌口;直尺

Riving knife 劈刀


I have to grind the knife, it is blunt. 我得磨刀,它钝了。

The handle of this knife is made of horn. 这把刀的柄是用角制成的。

plate [pleit]


n. 碟,盘子,金属板,图版,金银餐具

vt. 镀金,电镀,给……装钢板


angle plate [建][机]直角板;[建][机]角板;[建][机]角型板;角钢

metal plate 钣金;金属板;铁板

active plate 活动板;移动板块;活动板块;勾当板


The ring wasn't solid gold—it was only gold-plated. 这戒指不是纯金的——只不过是镀金的。

I dropped the plate and it fell to pieces. 我把盘子摔得粉碎。

bowl [bəul]


n. 碗,木球,大酒杯

vi. vt. 滚木球,快而稳地行驶


bowl over 拌倒,撞倒;使震惊,使不知所措

toilet bowl 抽水马桶

cereal bowl 谷类食盐盘


We spread white covers over the bowls to keep flies away. 我们在碗上铺了白的覆盖物防止苍蝇。

Our dog eats out of his own bowl. 我家的狗从专用食钵里进食。

chopsticks [ˈtʃɔpstɪks]


n. 筷子


chopsticks rack 筷架

silver chopsticks 银筷

chopsticks wrapper 筷子套


She is still awkward with chopsticks. 她用筷子还不熟练。

We use chopsticks. Try them, please. 我们用筷子来试一试。

porcelain [ˈpɔ:slin]


n. 瓷器,瓷

adj. 瓷制的,精美的,脆的,易碎的


porcelain bottle 瓷瓶

porcelain enamel 搪瓷;珐琅

porcelain doll 搪瓷娃娃;播放;瓷玩偶图片;瓷公仔


The shop sells a great variety of porcelain ware. 这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。

Excessive detonation has caused the porcelain on this plug to break away. 过分的爆炸会引起火花塞上的陶瓷头的破裂。

goblet [ˈgɔblɪt]


n. 有脚杯,酒杯


goblet glass 高脚酒杯

goblet cells 杯状细胞

water goblet 水杯


Goblet of red wine and one bottle of beer, please. 请拿一杯红葡萄酒和一瓶啤酒。

Whenever they stopped to refresh themselves with wine, he emptied the goblet just as they were lifting it to their lips. 每当他们停下来喝酒提神,刚把酒杯举到唇边,他就把杯里的酒喝干。

teacup [ˈti:ˌkʌp]


n. 茶杯,一茶杯的量


storm in a teacup 大惊小怪;茶杯里的风暴

tiny teacup poodle 茶杯贵宾犬


The host refreshed our teacups. 主人又为我们斟茶。

Their arguments were like a storm in a teacup. 他们的争论是小题大做。

glass [ɡlɑ:s]


n. 玻璃;玻璃器皿;玻璃杯;镜子,透镜;眼镜,望远镜


tapering glass 圆锥形酒杯

glass paper [纸][机]玻璃砂纸

glass ceiling 玻璃天花板;阻碍某人升迁的无形障碍


He dashed the glass to the ground. 他把玻璃杯猛摔到地上。

She is looking in the glass. 她在照镜子。

pot [pɔt]


n. 盆,罐,壶,坩埚,奖杯

vt. 装入盆中,在锅中煮,近距离射击

vi. 射击[美俚]大麻(叶)


go to pot 荒芜,衰败,潦倒,破产;死,完蛋

melting pot 坩锅,熔炉;各民族融会之国

pepper pot 胡椒粉盒,辣味浓汤


The lid of this jam pot won't unscrew. 这果酱罐的盖子拧不开。

You can't put a quart into a pint pot. 你不能做那不可能的事。

stainless [ˈsteɪnlɪs]


adj. 无瑕的,不锈钢的


stainless steel 不锈钢

Stainless Condensor 白铁管冷却器

stainless rule 不锈钢尺


Though born in a corrupted world, Qu Yuan was stainless. 屈原生在浊世而独自清白。

The group have also used their machine to punch holes in hardened steel, including stainless steel. 研究人员还用他们的机器在包括不锈钢在内的强化钢铁上打孔。

disposable [dɪˈspəʊzəbəl]


adj. 可任意使用的;一次使用后即丢掉的,一次性的;(纳税后的钱)可自由支配


disposable glove 一次性手套

disposable tip 一次性吸头;一次性吸管

disposable mask 用后可弃面罩;一次性使用面罩


Every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire. 每一种可用的设备都被大火烧毁了。

It's more hygienic to use disposable paper tissues. 使用一次性餐巾纸更为卫生。

recyclable [ˌri:ˈsaikləbl]


adj. 可再循环的;可回收利用的


recyclable waste 可循环再造的废物

recyclable plastic 可循环再用

recyclable product 可循环产品


Researchers are developing ways to make plastics as recyclable as metal or glass. 研究人员正在开发让塑料像金属和玻璃一样可以循环使用的方法。

Some plastic and glass bottles are recyclable. 有些塑胶和玻璃瓶是可回收的。

fragile [ˈfrædʒail]


adj. 易碎的,脆的


fragile hearts 深情相系

coeur fragile 脆弱的心

fragile material 脆性材料


The fragile dish broke into smithereens. 易碎的盘子摔成了碎片。

Crystal is fragile. 水晶易碎。

tablecloth [ˈteɪbəlˌklɔ:θ]


n. 桌布


paper tablecloth 纸桌布

damask tablecloth 锦缎台布

burnout tablecloth 烧花台布


Particles of dirt settled on the tablecloth. 尘埃落在台布上。

She spread a tablecloth on the table. 她在桌上铺了一块桌布。

ladle [ˈleɪdl]


n. 杓子,长柄杓

vt. 以杓舀取,以杓掬,不分对象予以赠送


hand ladle 手提浇桶;手勺

buggy ladle 推车式浇桶;浇包车;钢包车


He said nothing, drank a ladle of cold water and left. 他一言不发,喝了瓢凉水,走了出去。

He ladled the soup into the plate. 他用勺把汤盛进盘子中。 K66P33IN4E5Omx3MqtLaDGP3eC8SwdovPtwGl526BkFrejZ1p3DKKUUTLb10HMVm
