
Daily Meals 一日三餐

breakfast [ˈbrekfəst]


n. 早餐


bed and breakfast 住宿加(次日)早餐

continental breakfast 欧式早餐


I'll probably have eggs and toast for breakfast. 我或许吃点鸡蛋和土司当早餐。

I had ham and eggs for breakfast. 早饭我吃了火腿和蛋。

lunch [lʌntʃ]


n. 午餐,便餐;午餐的食品

vi. 吃午餐

vt. 为……供应午餐


picnic lunch 便当

business lunch 商业午餐;商务午餐;业务午餐;工作餐

lunch break 午休时间;经营午餐汉堡店;午餐时间;午饭时间


She gave me a generous lunch. 她请我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。

She gobbled down her lunch and hastened to her appointment. 她大口吃完午饭便匆忙赴约去了。

supper [ˈsʌpə]


n. 晚饭


supper club 夜总会

last supper 最后的晚餐

lord's supper 圣餐(仪式)


Grandpa took a stroll after supper. 爷爷吃过晚饭出去溜达了一阵。

Guess what I make you for the supper. 猜猜看我给你做了什么晚饭?

dinner [ˈdinə]


n. 正餐,晚餐;宴会


dinner service 成套的餐具

boiled dinner 〈美〉炖食(配上蔬菜煮的肉)

dinner bucket 饭盒,饭桶


Bob and Liz entertained us to dinner last night. 鲍勃和莉兹昨晚请我们吃饭。

I like beef for dinner. 晚餐我要牛肉。

meal [mi:l]


n. 一餐,膳食,粗粉

n. 豆粕(食品)

vi. 进餐


square meal 充足的餐饭

oil meal 油粕

meal ticket 〈美〉餐券,饭票,〈俚〉提供生活来源的人,赖以为生的工作(或工具,技能等)


I drink a glass of milk with every meal. 每餐我都喝一杯牛奶。

After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep. 他饱餐一顿以后就松开腰带睡着了。

rice [rais]


n. 米,饭,稻

vt. 舂(米)


rice paper 米纸(用于裹食物,本身可食),卷烟纸

brown rice 糙米,极粗糙米

cultivated rice 栽培稻


The sun beamed downed on the rice field. 阳光照耀稻田。

Rice is the staple food in many Asian countries. 大米是许多亚洲国家的主食。

bread [bred]


n. 面包,生计,食物

vt. 裹以面包屑


bread and butter 涂黄油的面包,生计

bread board 面包板

break bread 进餐


He packed some bread and cheese for his dinner. 他包了一些面包和干酪准备正餐吃。

A salad and a piece of bread would go down well. 一份色拉和一片面包倒挺合我胃口的。

fish [fiʃ]


n. 鱼,鱼肉,鱼类,接合板

vt. 钓,钓鱼,查出,用接合板连接

vi. 捕鱼,钓鱼


basket fish 筐鱼

fish farm 养鱼场

fish fry 油炸鱼,吃炸鱼的野餐


I think his fish is a little bigger than mine. 他的鱼似乎比我的大了一点。

Fish occur in most waters. 大多数的江河湖海中都有鱼。

meat [mi:t]


n. 肉,肉食,食物;实质,内容


meat pie 肉馅饼

red meat 未煮前颜色是红色的肉类(尤指牛、羊肉)

coconut meat 椰肉


The butcher did me the meat was underweight. 肉店老板骗了我——那肉分量不足。

It would do violence to his principles to eat meat. 吃肉与他的原则相违。

chicken [ˈtʃikin]


n. 小鸡,鸡肉;胆小鬼


chicken salad 鸡丁沙拉,鸡沙拉

chicken breast [医]鸡胸

chicken out 胆怯地退缩,畏缩,因胆小而放弃(俚语)


Mother stewed the chicken for a long time. 妈妈炖鸡炖了很久了。

A chicken bone lodged in his throat. 一根鸡骨头卡住了他的喉咙。

pork [pɔ:k]


n. 猪肉


pork barrel 议员为选民所争取得到的地方建设经费

pork pie 猪肉派,猪肉馅饼

pork sausage 猪肉香肠


This bill is a "pork barrel" proposition. 这项法案是一项“政治分肥”的办法。

I want some pork. 我买一些猪肉。

mutton [ˈmʌtn]


n. 羊肉;羊;娼妓


mutton tallow 羊脂

mutton chop 羊排,络腮胡


He consumed the best part of a leg of mutton. 他吃掉羊腿肉的最好部分。

We had roast mutton for dinner. 我们晚餐吃烤羊肉。

vegetables [ˈvedʒitəblz]




vegetables shop 蔬菜店

curry vegetables 咖哩素菜

salted vegetables 咸小菜;咸菜;酱腌菜;盐渍菜


He thinks the vegetable is a bit tasteless. 他觉得蔬菜没有什么滋味。

He works all day cultivating his vegetable garden. 他整天种他的菜园子。

cauliflower [ˈkɔliflauə]


n. 花椰菜,菜花


cauliflower ear 菜花耳,皱缩耳

cauliflower omelette 菜花炒鸡蛋

pickled cauliflower 酸菜花


The bunch is not common, consisting of cauliflower and broccoli. 这束花不是普通的花,是由西兰花和菜花组成的。

They think broccoli is only green and cauliflower is only white. 他们认为西兰花只有绿色的,而菜花都是白色的。

celery [ˈseləri]


n. 芹菜


celery cabbage 大白菜(也作Chinese cabbage)

celery salt 食盐

wild celery 独活


The celery is fresh and crisp. 这芹菜新鲜脆嫩。

The edible wild herbs products series including Weicai, bamboo shoot, celery, mushroom, Chinese toon and Houtuicai are to be developed. 境内有着丰富的山野菜资源优势,拟开发薇菜、竹笋、山芹、蘑菇、香椿、猴腿菜等天然山野菜系列产品。

potato [pəˈteitəu]


n. 土豆,马铃薯


hot potato 困境,烤马铃薯

couch potato 终日懒散在家的人;电视迷

jacket potato 带皮烤的马铃薯


This room is hot enough to bake potatoes. 这间屋子热得可以烘土豆了。

Supping on cold potatoes was never very satisfying. 用餐迟了吃冷土豆总是不令人满意的。

tomato [təˈmɑ:təu]


n. 西红柿,番茄


tomato fruitworm 柿铃虫

tomato juice 番茄汁

tomato ketchup 番茄酱,番茄沙司


Tomatoes squash easily. 番茄容易压坏。

Green tomatoes are sour. 未熟的番茄是酸的。

dessert [diˈzə:t]


n. 餐后甜点


dessert plate 点心碟

dessert spoon 甜品匙;甜点心匙

dessert wine 甜酒


I'll have ice cream for dessert. 我的甜点是冰激凌。

You need to clean off your plate before dessert. 上甜点前你必须吃光你盘子里的东西。

appetizer [ˈæpɪˌtaɪzə]


n. 开胃食品,开胃物


appetizer cocktail 开胃酒

Chinese appetizer 中式头盘

assorted appetizer 什锦冷盘


If your last name starts with A~D, please bring appetizer. 如果你的姓以字母A~D 打头,请自带开胃小吃。

For appetizer my wife will have smoked salmon, but I prefer a shrimp cocktail. 我太太要熏鲑鱼作开胃菜,但是我想要虾子。

soup [su:p]


n. 汤,浓雾,困境;马力

v. 加大马力


fish soup 三丝烩鱼肚

pea soup 豌豆汤

beef soup 牛肉汤


The soup needs more flavoring. 这汤应该再加点调料。

She seasoned the soup with salt. 她加盐进汤里调味。 SstinbgmAkiJyudUcf2uXAgBe0IU8fCJQ2xAOTzf2dkeh6XQF8+cLpFFJf3SBSJq
