
Comments on dress 评论服饰

uptight [ˈʌpˈtaɪt]


adj. 紧张的,拮据的,心情焦躁的


get all uptight 紧张到极点

don't get so uptight 别当真


I don't always drink uptight, just sometimes. 我喝酒少不是经常的事,只是有时罢了。

Throughout the time of the Olympics I felt uptight about all the different types of security guards. 贯穿整个奥运会,我感觉异常紧张的是不一样的安全保卫类型。

baggy [ˈbægi]


adj. 袋状的,膨胀的;宽松而下垂的


baggy pants 袋形裤;宽短裤;布袋裤;板裤

baggy shorts 宽短裤

baggy shirt 袋形衬衫


Suddenly, an old man with baggy clothes came. 突然,一位穿着松垮衣服的老人过来了。

He began to search in the right-hand pocket of his well-worn and baggy linen suit. 他开始在那件磨得很旧的,肥大的衣服上的右边口袋里东摸西摸。

fashion [ˈfæʃən]


n. 流行,时髦,时尚,时装,式样,方式

v. 形成,制造,塑造,使合适


after a fashion 勉强,马虎;拙劣地,差劲地,不高明地

fashion designer 时装设计师

fashion industry 时装工业,服装业


New things come into fashion all the time. 新产品总是很快就会流行起来。

She paints in the fashion of Picasso. 她模仿毕加索的绘画风格。

outdated [aʊtˈdeɪtɪd]


adj. 旧式的,落伍的,过时的


outdated governance 不合时宜的社会治理模式

outdated equipment 陈旧设备

become outdated 过时


The tradition of throwing rice at weddings outdated. 在婚礼上撒米的传统已经过时了。

Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears. 我们许多人都遵循祖先立下的过时习俗。

solemn [ˈsɔləm]


adj. 严肃的,郑重的,庄严的


solemn promise 庄严的誓言

solemn serious 岸然

solemn profession 终身圣愿


Presently on the scene appears a solemn mortician. 很快,一位面孔严肃的殡仪师就来到了现场。

The consular official wore a rather solemn expression. 领事馆官员脸上的表情相当严肃。

pure [pjuə]


adj. 纯的,纯粹的,纯净的,无垢的,纯洁的,清白的,完美的,无瑕的,完全的,抽象的


pure binary numeration system 纯二进制记数制,纯二进制数制

pure gold 纯金,赤金,足金

pure mathematics 纯粹数学,纯数学


Our monitor is a person who is pure in heart. 我们的班长是个心地纯洁的人。

The loser's scorn for the award is pure sour grape. 失败者对奖品的轻视纯粹是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。

brindled [ˈbrɪndld]


adj. 有斑的,有斑纹的


brindled brick 斑点砖

brindled breed 有斑点的品种


I saw his brindled cow feeding on fish remnants. 我看见他用鱼杂碎喂养的斑纹奶牛。

Nothing was stirring except a brindled, grey cat, which crept from the ashes, and saluted me with a querulous mew. 除了一只有斑纹的灰猫从灰堆上爬起来,冲我不满地喵了一声外,真是万象俱静啊。

amorous [ˈæmərəs]


adj. 多情的,表示爱情的,恋爱的


amorous feelings 男女恋爱的情怀

amorous rose 多情的玫瑰

amorous candleholder 风情万种的烛台


Maybe I am a amorous female. 也许我就是一个多情的女子。

He became quite amorous at the office party. 在职员聚会上他已春心荡漾了。

hot [hɔt]


adj. 热的,热心的,辣的,热情的,激动的,猛烈的,紧迫的,十分好或者美丽

adv. 热,紧迫地


hot and bothered 焦躁不安

hot dog 〈口〉热狗(一种中间夹有熏红肠并配有芥菜、作料等的面包)

hot pants 紧身短裤;色鬼;热切,迫不及待


I'm sure this book will sell like hot cakes. 我肯定这本书会像刚出炉的饼子一样热销。

Wool usually damages if washed in hot water. 毛织物用热水洗一般会受损。

arousal [əˈraʊzl]


n. 觉醒;激励


arousal theory 激活论;唤醒理论

arousal state 激活状态

arousal effects 唤起作用


Many will also exhibit high levels of arousal. 很多人还会表现出非常积极的状态。

This "need arousal" can be due to the lifestyle of the individual. “需要的产生”可能是来自于个人的生活方式。

gaudy [ˈgɔ:di]


adj. 俗丽的,华而不实的

n. 盛大宴会


gaudy night 俗丽之夜

euthalia lubentina gaudy baron 红斑翠蛱蝶


She wore a gaudy costume to the party. 她穿着一身色彩艳丽的服装参加宴会。

He dislikes gaudy decorations. 他不喜欢俗丽的装饰。

tawdry [ˈtɔ:dri:]


adj. 廉价而俗丽的,非常华丽的

n. 廉价而俗丽之物


tawdry clothing 价廉而花哨的衣服

a few tawdry trinkets 一些艳俗而不值钱的廉价首饰


Do you attend operas, or do you read tawdry novels? 你会参观歌剧表演,还是阅读通俗小说?

You want me to use my intelligence in tawdry competition? 你想让我把才智耗损在这种脆而不坚的竞赛上吗?

vulgar [ˈvʌlɡə]


adj. 粗俗的;通俗的;本土的

n. 平民,百姓


vulgar desires 低级欲望

Vulgar Video 粗俗录像记录片

vulgar class 粗俗的阶级


We should rid ourselves of the vulgar ways of logrolling. 我们应当去掉相互吹捧的庸俗作风。

His humor bordered on the edge of being vulgar. 他的幽默几近粗俗。

shabby [ˈʃæbi]


adj. 破旧的;卑鄙的;吝啬的;低劣的


shabby clothing 破旧的衣服

shabby-genteel 死要面子的


Otherwise, when ignored, he would become uncared shabby. 而一个人没人注意,他也就变得灰头土脸,衣冠不整了。

Winter lies too long in country towns, hangs on until it is stale and shabby, old and sullen. 冬天在乡镇上驻留太久,一直拖延到使人感到陈旧、肮脏、衰老、阴沉。

regal [ˈri:gəl]


adj. 帝王的,适于帝王的


Regal Residence 富豪居

regal lily 帝王百合


The scepter is a token of regal status. 节杖是王权的象征。

The regal lady had made a deep impression on him. 那位雍容华贵的妇人给他留下了深刻的印象。

elegant [ˈeliɡənt]


adj. 优雅的,端庄的,高雅的


Elegant simplicity 雅致朴素

elegant dwelling 优美屋宅;雅致的住宅

elegant solution 优质解;柔性攻击


The bosses on the church roof are elegant. 教堂屋顶上的浮雕很雅致。

The hostess is every whit as elegant as a lady. 女主人完全像贵妇人一样高雅。

graceful [ˈɡreisful]


adj. 优美的,雅致的


graceful degradation 降低规格;优雅降级;[计]故障弱化;平稳退化

graceful ghost 优雅的幽灵;试听

graceful heroine 优雅女主角


His dance movements are vigorous and graceful. 他的舞姿雄健优美。

The stairs ascended in a graceful curve. 楼梯以优美的曲线上升。

bright [brait]


adj. 明亮的,聪明的,鲜明的,欢快的

adv. 明亮地,欢快地


bright as a new penny 光泽鉴人;非常整洁

bright side 光明的一面;令人高兴的一面


She is a girl of a bright and cheerful disposition. 她是一个性情开朗活泼的姑娘。

He has been bright from infancy. 他从小就很聪明。

noble ['nəʊbl]


n. 贵族

adj. 高贵的,高尚的,贵族的,辉煌的


noble cane 热带种

noble gas 惰性气体,稀有气体

noble metal 贵金属


He is a noble-minded patriot. 他是一名爱国志士。

Noble ladies attended the queen. 贵妇们陪伴着女王。 mP+EY7LxxRpvxeHzqt9kR/JIhQ+q4WBkBJXvqIl3jxn+/LCYa/UGBJYighVBkVt/
