
Design and Workmanship 款式做工

design [diˈzain]


vt. 设计,构思,绘制

vi. 计划,谋划;设计,构思,绘制

n. 设计,图样;计划,企图


by design 故意地

design criteria 设计标准,设计准则

interior design 内部装饰


His business skill complements her flair for design. 他的经营技巧和她的设计才能相辅相承。

Don't expect them to approve of the design right away. 不能期望他们马上批准这个设计。

tuxedo [tʌkˈsi:dəʊ]


n. 男士无尾半正式晚礼服;无尾礼服


Tuxedo worsted 礼服呢

Mosaic tuxedo 马赛克礼服;礼服马赛克

Red tuxedo 红尾礼服


Can I rent this tuxedo? 我可以租这套晚礼服吗?

The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo. 新郎则穿着一套正式的西装或无尾晚礼服。

maternity [məˈtɜ:nɪti:]


n. 母性,母道;[妇产]妇产科医院

adj. 产科的;产妇的,孕妇的


maternity leave 分娩假;分娩假期

maternity pen 分娩室

maternity clothes 孕妇装


Maternity ward is on the second floor. 产科病房在二楼。

The pregnant woman looked forward to her maternity. 孕妇期待着做母亲。

bridal wear [ˈbraidl wɛə]


n. 新娘装


Bridal-wear retail chains 婚纱连锁零售店

Your Bridal Wear 婚纱贸易网


Maggie was so against a fuss that she even refused to wear bridal regalia. 麦琪大力反对铺张,甚至拒绝穿华丽的新婚礼服。

Our products include bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, evening dresses, flower girl dresses, prom dresses and so on at unbeatable discount prices. 我们的产品包括婚纱,伴娘礼服,晚礼服,花童礼服,舞会礼服等,有着无与伦比的折扣价格。

pajamas [pəˈdʒɑ:məz]


n. 睡衣;宽长裤


flannel pajamas 法兰绒睡衣

percale pajamas 棉布睡衣

pajamas party 睡衣派对


Do I have clean pajamas, Mother? 我有干净的睡衣吗,妈妈?

We're supposed to go in our pajamas and take a dress. 我们准备各自带上睡衣和一套衣服。

overall [ˈəuvərɔ:l]


adj. 全部的;全体的;一切在内的

adv. 全部地;总的说来

n. 工装裤;罩衫


overall magnetization 整体磁化

overall design 总体设计;总设计;整体造型;组件

overall width 全厚;[机]总宽;外廓宽度;[机]全宽


Overall, however, it makes the most money. 但总体看来,它赚了最多的钱。

Overall, though, such schemes cover only about a quarter of all workers. 然而总的来说,这种方案只涵盖了四分之一的工人。

bra [brɑ:]


n. 胸罩


silicone bra 硅胶文胸;硅胶胸垫;自粘式硅胶胸罩;硅胶隐形文胸

seamless bra 无接缝胸罩;无缝胸罩

nylon bra 尼龙乳罩


How sexy she is! Perfect shape with cleavage! Her bra must help a lot! 她真性感!完美的胸形,有乳沟。她的胸罩一定帮了她很多。

The bra is equipped with a small clock that allows the wearer to set an engagement date. 这种文胸上装有一个小小的闹钟,女性可设定一个订婚日期。

costume [ˈkɔstju:m]


n. 服装,装束;戏装,剧装

vt. 给……穿上服装


costume tweed 粗花呢;弹力呢

costume design 最佳服装设计;最佳服装设计奖;服装;服装设计

costume jewelry 低档珠宝首饰;人造珠宝


I wish someone would invite me to a costume party. 我想有个人来请我参加盛装晚会。

The Casual Dressing City of Guangkong Building is a professional costumes market as well as a place full of costume culture. 广控大厦休闲服装城不但是一个专业的服装交易市场,而且还是一个服装文化浓厚的地方。

casual [ˈkæʒuəl]


adj. 随便的;非正式的;临时的;偶然的

n. 便装;临时工人;待命士兵


casual leave 事假;例假

casual water 临时积水区;临时的雨水或滴水系统积水;临时出现的水区

casual shoe 便鞋;休闲鞋


It's difficult for me to be casual about anything. 要我轻松处事很难。

I also bought some casual clothes for the weekend. 我还买了些周末穿的休闲装。

culottes [kjuːˈlɒts]


n. 女用裙裤(culotte的复数形式)


long culottes 裙状长裤

shorts culottes 短裙裤


The culottes are very beautiful and look like a skirt at a distance. 这条裤裙很漂亮,远看就像裙子一样。

It is suitable for sewing underwear, tights, underskirt, culottes, etc. 适用于缝制内衣裤、紧身衣、衬裙、衬衣、裤裙等产品。

safari [səˈfɑ:ri]


n. 旅行;狩猎远征;旅行队;旅行装


apple safari 苹果浏览器;网页浏览器

african safari 非洲狩猎旅行;非洲之旅;非洲旅行

safari sketch 旅行素描


She went safari out of Nairobi, and swam in the Indian Ocean. 她到内罗毕市外去远足,在印度洋中畅游。

Roosevelt's expedition helped make Kenya the capital of the safari business. 罗斯福的探险为肯尼亚能成狩猎之都做出了贡献。

kimono [kəˈməʊnə]


n. 和服


kimono sleeve 和服袖;日本和服手袖

kimono brocade 和服花绸

kimono flannel 和服法兰绒


They can wear whatever they like, but a lot of females choose to wear costly tailor-made kimono. 穿什么样的服装来参加都可以,但女性大多会穿专为这一天定做的昂贵的和服。

Newspapers published photos Sunday of the prince wearing a kimono embroidered with images of a crane, a symbol of Japan and longevity. 周日报纸登出悠仁小王子身穿和服的照片,和服上绣有鹤的图案。鹤代表日本,也象征长寿。

needlework [ˈni:dlˌwɜ:k]


n. 刺绣,缝纫;女红的作品


needlework box 针线盒

art needlework 艺术用针绣

chaos needlework 乱针绣


Those girls one side done needlework while chatted. 那些姑娘一边做针线活一边聊天。

Through the eye of needle, the needlework embroiders the appearance of youth. 穿越梦的针眼,针针缝绣着青春的容颜。

embroider [emˈbrɔɪdə]


vt. 刺绣;装饰;镶边

vi. 绣花;刺绣


embroider wallet 绣荷包

embroider machine 绣花机

embroider pouch 绣荷包


These hand-embroider ones are all first class goods. 这些手绣织品都是一等品。

I embroidered wild flowers on the pillow. 我在这枕头上绣了野花。

appliqué [ˌæplɪ'keɪ]


n. 贴花;嵌花;缝花

adj. 贴花的;嵌花的

vt. 缝上饰物;在……上贴花


swiss appliqué 植绒薄纱

appliqué net 贴花网眼纱

appliqué handbag 贴花手提包;贴花手提袋


We want to buy Embroidery, Lace Appliqué, Collar, Giupure, Curtain, Cafe Curtain and Non-Woven (Water Soluble) Fabrics, Ribbons and Laces. 我们要采购刺绣,花边,衣领,窗帘,咖啡厅窗帘和非织造布(水溶性)织物以及彩带和鞋带。

Appliqué design suits those who be used in table to decorate very much on, besides color, design but outside as mutual as table reflect, more can stomachic. 补花图案非常适合用在餐桌的布置上,除了颜色、图案可与餐桌相互辉映外,还能增进食欲。

lace [leis]


n. 花边;鞋带;饰带;少量烈酒

vt. 饰以花边;结带子

vi. 系带子


lace curtain 挑花窗帘;蕾丝窗帘;花边窗帘;窗纱

lace wedding 周年;花边婚;彩婚;周年花边婚

lace loop 系带鞋;穿环;穿带孔


Let me lace you nicely. 让我为你打个漂亮的结。

She wore a murrey-coloured gown with a little lace collar. 她穿了一件带花边小领子的黑紫色长袍。

hem [hem]


n. 边,边缘;褶边

vt. 包围;给……缝边

vi. 做褶边


hem cuff 反脚

hem facing 脚贴

shirttail hem 衬衫圆下摆;衬衣下摆


I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles. 在荆棘丛中我抓住了衣服的边缘。

After all, when share prices fall and hem lines follow, then a guy needs something to cheer himself up. 毕竟,当股票下跌,裙摆也跟着“向下”延长时,总得有什么东西让人振奋起来。

pleat [pli:t]


vt. 使……打褶

n. 褶;褶状物


inverted pleat 内工字褶;暗裥

knif pleat 单向褶

kick pleat 助行褶


I like a pleat in the front. 我喜欢前面有褶的。

You can pleat palm fronds to make huts, umbrellas and baskets. 人们可以把棕榈叶折叠起来盖棚屋,制伞,编篮子。

attachment [əˈtætʃmənt]


n. 附件;依恋;连接物;扣押财产


attachment theory 依附理论;依恋理论

bracket attachment 肘板附件;肘板联结件;肘板连接件

attachment face 安装面


Sounds like "secure attachment" is the one to look for. 看来我们真正需要的应该是安全型依恋。

The item for this attachment is already open. First close the open item or switch to the open item and open the attachment there. 该附件的项目已被打开。首先必须关闭打开的项目,或者切换到打开的项目并打开附件。

sartorius [sɑ:ˈtɔriəs]


n. 缝纫机


sartorius muscle 缝匠肌

sartorius lubricant 缝纫机油


He took apart Sartorius at the age of 10. 他10岁时拆卸了一台缝纫机。

One possible cause is if the Sartorius is mistaken for the TFL at the initial outset of the procedure. 一个可能的原因是在手术开始时将缝匠肌误认为是扩筋膜张肌。

seam [si:m]


n. 缝;接缝

vt. 缝合;接合;使留下伤痕

vi. 裂开;产生裂缝


open seam 开骨;爆口;露边接缝;烫开缝骨

seam slippage 散口;接缝滑裂;线缝松脱;爆口

seam twist 缝骨扭;扭缝骨;缝骨扭曲


The tailor stitched the split seam in seconds. 裁缝一会儿工夫就把破缝缝好了。

Fold the side seam under and cut out the armhole. 折叠侧缝线并剪下袖窿。 mYsyHFQ6BRFcexmIE1iOqaqCS9F7pLSIBRsv/pRWtnhMN3PYpOzyX+dUwVsKTpRK
