
Clothes Type 衣物类型

clothes [kləuðz]


n. 衣服,服装


clothes dryer 干衣机

clothes moth 蠹虫,蠹鱼子,衣蛾

clothes tree 柱式衣帽架


All her earnings go on clothes. 她挣来的钱都花在衣服上了。

The clothes are soaking in soapy' water. 衣服泡在肥皂水里。

socks [sɔks]


n. 短袜,袜子,鞋内的衬垫,轻软鞋

n. 巨款,存款,存钱处,银箱

n. 拳打,一击,重击


give sb socks 毒打某人

pull one's socks up 振作起来


I guess I can wear these socks one more day. 我想这双袜子还可以再穿一天。

There is a hole in the toe of my sock. 我的袜子尖有一个洞。

skirt [skə:t]


n. 裙子,下摆,边缘,郊区

vt. 位于……边缘,回避

vi. 位于边缘


ballet skirt 芭蕾舞短裙

bias skirt 斜裙

fish tail skirt 鱼尾裙


The dress maker gathered the skirt. 成衣工把裙子打褶。

You look really wonderful in that blue skirt. 你穿那条蓝裙子真是漂亮极了。

suit [sju:t]


n. 一套衣服;官司,诉讼

vt. 合身,穿起来,好看;适合,适应

vi. 适当


business suit 〈美〉西装

civil suit 民事诉讼案件

follow suit 跟着做,跟着出同花色的牌


She wore a modest bathing suit. 她穿一件不太暴露的游泳衣。

It doesn't suit you to have your hair cut short. 你不适合剪短发。

veil [veil]


n. 面纱,面罩,借口,幕,帐,遮蔽物

vt. 戴面纱,隐藏,遮蔽,掩饰

vi. 蒙上面纱


take the veil 当修女

universal veil 总菌幕

partial veil 不完全菌幕,绿膜


The spy veiled his plans. 这个间谍将其计划掩盖起来。

He retreated behind a veil of cigarette smoke. 他隐藏在一层香烟烟雾之后。

pattern [ˈpætən]


n. 图案,模范,榜样;型,式样;样品;图样

vt. 摹制,仿造;以图案装饰


herringbone pattern 人字形布置,人字形图案

key pattern 曲折回纹

radiation pattern 辐射方向图,辐射图


She cut a pattern for her own coat. 她给自己的外衣剪了一个样子。

Why should all writers follow a pattern? 为什么作家都遵循一个模式写作呢?

vest [vɛst]


n. 背心,内衣

vt. 使穿衣服,授予

vi. 穿衣服,归属


life vest 救生衣

vest and underpants 马甲和短裤


He is vested with very power to act. 赋予他采取行动的一切权利。

The policeman survived because of his bulletproof vest. 警察因穿有防弹背心而幸免于难。

robe [rəub]


n. 宽松长袍,礼服,披肩,覆盖物

vt. vi. (给)穿长袍


judge's robe 法官服

bathrobe 浴衣


The queen's long robe trailed behind. 女王的长袍拖在后面。

A white robe is an emblem of purity. 白袍是纯洁的象征。

coat [kəut]


n. 外套,上衣;皮毛,表皮;层,涂层

vt. 涂上,盖上,包上


choroid coat 脉络层

coat of paint 涂漆层

dust coat 防尘外壳


It's too bothersome to take off my coat. 脱外套太麻烦。

Your tongue's rather coated. 你的舌苔比较厚。

dress [dres]


n. 衣服,服装,女装,连衣裙

v. 穿衣,打扮,化妆


dress down 训斥,狠揍

dress rehearsal 彩排

dress suit 大礼服


The woman's long dress was beaded with silver. 这女人的长衣缀有银珠子。

He dressed in rags. 他衣着褴褛。

garment [ˈɡɑ:mənt]


n. 衣服,衣装,外表


foundation garment 妇女紧身胸衣

garment bag 保护衣服用的塑胶套


The garment is sewn by hand. 这件衣服是手工缝制的。

This garment is guaranteed fireproof. 这种衣服保证防火。

uniform [ˈju:nifɔ:m]


n. 制服

adj. 统一的,一律的,始终如一的


dress uniform 军装,军服

in uniform 一致;服役


The earth turns round at a uniform rate. 地球以不变的速度旋转。

We were supplied with a uniform. 我们发了一套制服。

gown [ɡaun]


n. 睡衣,法衣,大学全体师生,礼服

vt. 使穿睡衣


evening gown 女子夜礼服

tea gown 宽松的女袍

academic gown 学(位)袍


She wore an antique gown to the costume party. 她穿着一件过时的长袍参加化妆舞会。

She slipped on a dressing-gown. 她匆忙穿上浴衣。

jacket [ˈdʒækit]


n. 短上衣,夹克衫;救生衣

vt. 给……穿短上衣;给……包上护套


life jacket 救生衣

shell jacket 紧身夹克衣

air jacket 救生衣


This jacket comes in three sizes. 本店这种夹克有三种尺寸。

Her ambition was strait-jacket by her family. 她的抱负被她的家庭扼杀了。

scarf [skɑ:f]


n. 围巾,头巾,领带,领巾,嵌接

vt. 围围巾,嵌接


scarf joint 嵌接

scarf bandage [医]三角带,三角巾


Jamie was snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf. 杰米围着一条白色羊毛围巾,舒适而暖和。

Look at this lovely scarf! I must get it. 瞧这条漂亮的围巾!我一定要把它买下来。

pocket [ˈpɔkit]


n. 口袋,钱袋,钱,容器,孤立地区

vt. 装……在口袋里,隐藏,抑制,私吞,搁置

adj. 袖珍的;小型的


air pocket(大气中使汽机突然下跌的)气陷,气穴

patch pocket 贴袋

pocket edition 袖珍本,小型的东西


Money burns a hole in the pocket. 钱会把衣服口袋烧出一个洞。

Just reach into your pocket and take out a piece of sugar. 只要你从口袋里拿出一块糖果。

cuff [kʌf]


n. 袖口,巴掌

vt. 用巴掌打

vi. 殴斗


off the cuff 当场,即席,无准备地

collar and cuffs 领口和袖口


She braided the neckline, hem and cuffs of the dress. 她用穗带装饰连衣裙的领口、褶边和袖口。

The guard unlocked the cuffs of the prisoner. 警卫打开了囚犯的手铐。

shirt [ʃə:t]


n. 衬衣,衬衫,内衣


sport shirt 运动衫

stuffed shirt 自命不凡的顽固者,有钱的人,呆板的人,自命不凡的人

hair shirt(苦行者穿的)刚毛衬衣


Blood turned his shirt to a red colour. 血将他的衬衫染成红色。

He has torn a hole in his shirt. 他的衬衫扯破了一个洞。

blouse [blauz]


n. 宽松的上衣;女衬衣


middy blouse 水手衫

silk blouse 丝质衬衫


The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line. 新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。

She sighed when she saw the hole in her blouse. 她看到罩衫上有个洞就叹了口气。 QiEH9Pu2a9zCE9js/Rtb7YKp1N3uVAMq1YxLtA/1uF7THJa/1EAzYAPmLpYYuj7D
