
Do some Cleaning 打扫卫生

mop [mɔp]


n. 拖把,鬼脸乱蓬蓬的头发

vt. 用拖把洗擦,擦,拭

vi. 做鬼脸


mop handle 拖把柄

mop up 作扫尾工作,痛击,吃完


Mops for cleaning the floor have a long handle. 擦洗地板的拖把有一个长柄。

Please sop up the water with a mop. 请用拖把把水吸干。

vacuum [ˈvækjuəm]


n. 真空,空间,真空吸尘器

adj. 真空的,产生真空的,利用真空的

vt. 用吸尘器打扫


vacuum bottle 热水瓶

vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器

vacuum flask 保温瓶,热水瓶


I reckon I'll vacuum the carpets. 我想我要用真空吸尘器打扫地毯。

It would be a great help to have a vacuum cleaner. 吸尘器可以帮大忙。

sanitary [ˈsænɪˌteri:]


adj. 卫生的;保健的;清洁的


sanitary cup 一次性杯子

sanitary ware 卫生洁具

sanitary water 卫生用水


I don't think it's sanitary to eat there. 我认为在那里吃不卫生。

Hospital operating instruments must be sanitary. 医院的手术器械必须是消过毒的。

broom [bru:m][brum]


n. 扫帚;金雀花

vt. 扫除

vi. 桩顶开花或开裂


bamboo broom 竹扫帚

broom fibre 金雀花属纤维


Bright blows the broom on the brook's bare brown banks. 布赖特吹动在小溪旁棕色土地上的扫帚。

The Broom Lady stopped sweeping. 拿扫帚的妇女停止扫地。

dustbin [ˈdʌstˌbɪn]


n. 垃圾箱


plastic dustbin 塑料垃圾桶

room dustbin 客房垃圾桶

compression dustbin 压缩垃圾箱


There is an awful whiff coming from the dustbin. 垃圾箱里冒出很臭的味。

We put waste in the dustbin. 我们把废弃物扔进垃圾箱里。

dustpan [ˈdʌstpæn]


n. 簸箕


dustpan shape 簸箕形

plastic dustpan 塑料簸箕

dustpan dredger [船]吸盘挖泥船


You see a shovel or a dustpan? 你看到铁铲或簸箕了吗?

A dustpan is often used to pickup rubbish. 簸箕通常用于扫垃圾。

cloth [klɔθ]


n. 织物,衣料;台布,揩布


emery cloth 砂布,金刚砂布

face cloth 方巾

monk's cloth 僧侣布


Please wipe the table with a dry cloth. 请用干抹布擦桌子。

Wet the cloth and clean the table with it. 把布蘸湿了擦一下桌子。

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,阻止物,行李票,象棋中将军

vt. 检查,阻止,核对,寄存;控制


check in 登记,报到

check into 登记住进

check mark [计]复选标记


The reports were still being checked. 报告还在审查。

Let me check your baggage. 请你把行李箱打开。

deliver [diˈlivə]


vt. 投递,传送;发表,表达;移交,交付;释放,解救;接生


to deliver 送;递送;送去

actually deliver 实际交付

deliver system 传递系统


The postman delivered the letters promptly. 邮递员投递信件很迅速。

The doctor delivered Mrs Jones of twins. 这个医生给琼斯太太接生了双胞胎。

post [pəust]


n. 柱,杆,准星,邮件,邮政,标竿,职位,岗位,哨所,兵营

vt. 张贴,邮递,公布


parcel post 包裹邮递,邮包

post card 明信片

post office 邮政局,邮局


You buy stamps at a post office. 邮票在邮局买。

It is less than one kilometer to the village post office. 到村里的邮局不到一公里。

subscription [səbˈskrɪpʃən]


n. 捐献,订金,订阅,签署,同意


subscription right 认购股权,认购权

subscription warrant 认股凭证,认股权证


The club has decided to increase subscriptions. 会所决定增加报刊订阅份数。

Subscription selling bloomed splendidly. 订阅销售量激增。

tutor [ˈtju:tə]


n. 家庭教师,导师,助教,监护人

vt. 当……的教师,教,指导,约束


private tutor 私人教师;私人老师;私塾先生

tutor testamentarius 遗嘱监护人


William was farmed out one term with a man tutor. 威廉被派给校外的一位男指导教师指导了一个学期。

I'm going to learn whatever my tutor wishes. 我要学会导师希望我学的东西。

body-build [ˈbɔdi bild]




body-building exercises 健美运动

body-building foods 健身食品

body-building club 塑形健身俱乐部


I hate these girly sports like gymnastics, swimming, body building, tennis and tabletennis. 我讨厌像体操,游泳,健美,网球和乒乓球这些女孩子的运动。

I don't want to advise or persuade anyone, for body building is good for one's own health and to invest for the future. 我可不想劝说任何人,也不打算说服任何人,因为健身是每个人自己的事,是为将来做投资的。

garden [ˈɡɑ:dn]


n. 庭园,菜园,果园,花园,公园

v. 种菜园,种植花卉,从事园艺


botanical garden 植物园

garden party 游园会

roof garden 屋顶花园


I spent the whole day weeding in the garden. 我一整天都在锄园子里的草。

The botanical garden has turned into a wilderness. 植物园成了一片荒野。

security [siˈkjuəriti]


n. 安全,安全性,防护物,保卫,可靠性,担保人,抵押品,保证金


social security 社会福利事业,社会保险制度

collective security 集体安全

security measures 安全措施,保密措施


Police operated under the umbrella of the security forces. 警方在保安部队的掩护下采取了行动。

The UN Security Council has yet to make its position clear. 联合国安理会还没有清楚地阐述自己的立场。

fax [fæks]


n. 传真

v. 传真


fax modem 传真数据机

fax service 传真服务

fax server 传真服务器


Our fax number is 112-2334. 我们传真号码是112-2334。

We'll send the shipment details by fax shortly. 我们会立即将出货明细传真出去。

housekeeping [ˈhaʊsˌki:pɪŋ]


n. 家事,家政,持家


housekeeping data 内务数据

housekeeping information 内务信息

housekeeping manager 管家部经理


Housekeeping, can I help you? 家务部,有什么可以为你效劳?

Let me check with Housekeeping / the Laundry Service. 让我和管家部/洗衣房核对一下。

baby sitter [ˈbeibi ˈsɪtə]




senior baby-sitter 资深保姆

looking for a baby-sitter 寻保姆


Maybe you need to hire a baby sitter. 也许你需要请一位保姆。

Children were left with the baby sitter. 孩子留给临时保姆照看。

plumber [ˈplʌmə]


n. 水管工人


general plumber 普通管道工

plumber shop 管工场

plumber block 中间轴轴承


Dong is a plumber by trade. 董的职业是做管道工。

Call the plumber to fix the toilet. 给水管工打个电话来修理厕所。

drainage [ˈdreinidʒ]


n. 排水,放水


drainage area 排水面积

drainage basin 〈美〉流域,流域盆地

drainage ditch 排水沟


Both uses tend to improve drainage. 两者对排水都有改进作用。

He came to look at the drainage. 他是来检查排水设备的。

sports center [spɔ:ts ˈsentə]




warsaw sports marketing center 华沙体育产业中心

global sports healing center 环球运动按摩治疗中心

national sports training center 国家运动选手训练中心


But how am I going to get to the sports center? 可是我将怎么去体育中心呢?

Let's go to the olympic sports center gymnasium. 让我们去奥运匹克体育中心吧。

book [buk]



v. 登记,预订


blue book 名人录,蓝皮书,英国官方报告

book review 书评

book up 预定


The new book is entitled "How To Write Letters". 这新书名为《怎样写信》。

Her book the definitive work on Milton. 她的书是论述弥尔顿的权威著作。

inquire [inˈkwaiə]


vi. 询问;调查

vt. 问,打听;调查



He has inquired out the deployment of the enemy troops. 他已查出敌军的兵力部署情况。

Let's inquire how to get there. 咱们去打听一下怎样到那儿去。

express [iksˈpres]


vt. 表达,表示,表现;压榨,榨出

n. 直达快车,快邮,快件

adj. 特快的,特殊的


express mail 快件,快信

express trust 明示信托

pony express 驿马快信的制度


I want to send an express telegram. 我想发一份急电。

We have expressed the depth of our gratitude to them. 我们向他们表示了深切的谢意。

electricity [ilekˈtrisiti]


n. 电,电流,电学,热情,电荷


atmospheric electricity 大气电,大气电学,天电

dynamic electricity 动态电

static electricity 静位电


Copper conducts electricity better than other materials. 铜的导电性能比其他材料好。

Electricity in Britain is 240 volts, AC. 英国的电压是交流电240伏。 wo4Rpp595I9KYIGaspTpdtpuONVtVf2mpengRJwsc97312+wW21X5hQub3VXXAvE
