
Furniture 家具

sofa [ˈsəufə]


n. 沙发


sofa bed 坐卧两用的长沙发

assembled sofa 随意拼装沙发

office sofa 沙发茶几;办公沙发


I want to buy that yellow sofa bed. 我想买那个黄色的沙发床。

There is a long sofa against the wall. 靠墙的是一个长长的沙发。

couch [kautʃ]


n. 长椅,睡椅,卧榻

vt. 横躺,睡,暗示

vi. 躺下,蹲伏


couch grass 茅草

studio couch 可以当床用的长沙发

couch potato 终日懒散在家的人


I couched criticism on him in tactful language. 我用得体的语言向他提出了批评。

I like to curl up on a couch with a good Book. 我喜欢卷伏在沙发上读一本好书。

curtain [ˈkə:tn]


n. 帐,幕,窗帘

vt. 装帘子于,遮掉


curtain call 谢幕,要求演员谢幕的掌声和呼声

curtain off 遮掉,隔开

drop curtain 垂幕


The curtain hooks run along a slot in the curtain rail. 窗帘的吊钩可沿轨槽滑动。

I bought enough material to curtain the house. 我买了足够的材料为这房子制作帘幔。

bed [bed]


n. 床,底座,路基,一堆,一层

vt. 使睡,栽种,安装

vi. 上床,分层


bed down 铺床睡

bed linen 亚麻布床单

bed of roses 温床


I was making the bed when the telephone rang. 我在铺床时电话铃响了。

I'd like a twin-bedded room facing the garden. 我想要间朝花园的备有两张单人床的房间。

dressing table [ˈdrɛsɪŋ ˈtebəl]




dressing table set 成套梳妆台

at the dressing table 梳妆


There are some bottles on the dressing table. 梳妆台上有几只瓶子。

You'd better put the dressing table on the left. 你最好把梳妆台放在左边。

chair [tʃɛə]


n. 椅子,席位,讲座

vt. 使入座,使就任要职


camp chair 轻便折椅

chair lift 空中吊椅

deck chair 轻便折叠躺椅


He had a snatch of sleep sitting in his chair. 他坐在椅子里稍睡片刻。

He stuffed me into a floppy chair. 他把我按在一张柔软的椅子里坐下。

mattress [ˈmætris]


n. 床垫,空气垫,沉床


air mattress 橡胶气垫

spring mattress 弹簧垫子,钢丝垫子


I am your lifetime companion—the spring mattress. 我是您的人生伴侣——席梦思床垫。

The mattress is made of spring wires. 这个床垫是用弹簧做的。

locker [ˈlɔkə]


n. 柜,箱;有锁的存物柜


die locker 锁模器

luggage locker 行李暂存箱;行李间

Registry Locker 注册表锁定工具


Luggage locker can be rent at the airport. 可在机场租用带锁的行李寄存柜。

Their ship was sent to Davy Jones's locker, ie. it was sunk. 他们的轮船去见龙王爷了(沉没了)。

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏幕,银幕,屏风,掩蔽物,屏蔽,筛子

vt. 掩蔽,放映,拍摄,掩护,筛


projection screen 放映银幕

rood screen 圣坛屏,教堂内的圣坛隔板

screen door 纱门


Window screens are effective in keeping out mosquitoes. 纱窗能有效地挡住蚊子。

The dense forest screened the guerrilla's movements. 密林掩护了游击队的行动。

mirror [ˈmirə]


n. 镜子,写真,典范

v. 反映,映出


mirror image 镜像,一模一样

rearview mirror(汽车等的)后视镜

mirror symmetry 镜面对称


The mirror flew to pieces. 镜子打得粉碎。

The election results mirror public opinion quite well. 选举结果有效地反映了公众的意见。

marble [ˈmɑ:bl]


n. 大理石,石弹,雕刻品

adj. 大理石的,冷酷无情的,坚硬的


onyx marble 细纹大理石

marble cake 有大理石花纹的蛋糕


Marble Arch is a famous London landmark. 大理石拱门是著名的伦敦标志。

There was a portrait of his wife over the marble fireplace. 大理石壁炉的上面有一幅他妻子的画像。

crib [krib]


n. 婴儿小床,食槽,栅栏

vi. 抄袭

vt. 拘禁,关入栅栏


crib death [儿科]婴儿暴毙症

pediatric crib 儿童栏床

folding crib 折叠小孩床


The teacher vetoed the use of a crib. 那位老师严禁使用夹带。

Step away from crib! I have a weapon! 不要靠近婴儿床!我有武器!

shelf [ʃelf]


n. 架子,搁架


continental shelf [地质]大陆架

shelf life(包装食品的)货架期,保存限期

ice shelf 冰架


Put the packet up on the top shelf. 把这个包放到架子顶格上去。

He butted his head against the shelf as he was getting up. 他起来时一头撞在搁架上了。

commode [kəˈməud]


n. 洗脸台,小橱,便桶


bedside commode 床边洗脸台;床头柜

detachable commode 座厕椅

commode chairs 大便坐椅


There is a commode in my grandfather's room. 我爷爷的房间有一个五斗柜。

Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean. 无论厕所还是猫都会干净得闪闪发光。

cradle [ˈkreidl]


n. 摇篮,发祥地,摇篮时代

vt. 放在摇篮内,抚育

vi. 刈割


cradle cap 摇篮帽

cat's cradle 挑棚子的游戏;翻线戏(二人互翻一线圈使成各种形状的游戏)


The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle. 母亲摇动摇篮使婴儿入睡。

Ancient Athens is said to be the cradle of democracy. 据说古代雅典是民主的摇篮。

television [ˈteliˌviʒən]


n. 电视;电视机


television channel 电视频道

television set 电视接收机,电视机

television tube 电视显像管


The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。

Please turn on the television. 请打开电视。

radio [ˈreidiəu]


n. 无线电,收音机,无线电报,无线电广播,无线电台

vt. vi. 用无线电发送


radio beam 无线电射线

radio compass 无线电罗盘

radio frequency 无线电频率


They listen in to Radio Taipei every day. 他们每天收听台北广播电台的节目。

I often use the radio just for listening to tapes. 我通常是为了听录音带才用收音机。

console [kənˈsəul]


n. 控制台

v. 控制台

vt. 安慰,藉慰


console table(用支架托住螺形脚的)桌案(一种古式家具)

control console [自]操纵台


I have a console model with a 25-inch picture tube. 我有一台25英寸映像管的落地式电视机。

I'll buy a console radio. 我要买一架落地式收音机。

closet [ˈklɔzit]


n. 壁橱,小室

adj. 秘密的,空论的

vt. 关入小室


closet drama 不适合演出的剧本

water closet 盥洗室,厕所

broom closet 清洁间


He went to a kind of closet. 他走到一个壁橱样的东西前。

I suspect he's a closet fascist. 我怀疑他是秘密的法西斯分子。 pE8z7gouwHJswKeUWN+9djOQT68WCjp0AvNWWhlzoSofQRCfYpTR1JYUji4CLu0C
