
Chinese Restaurant 中餐馆

simmer [ˈsimə]


vi. 炖;内心充满;即将爆发


n. 炖;即将沸腾的状态;即将发作


simmer switch 变光开关

simmer pumpkin 日式煮南瓜

simmer down 被煮浓


Simmer the stew for an hour. 用文火把菜炖一小时。

Add the mustard and milk and bring to simmer. 加入芥末和牛奶后用文火慢慢煮。

braise [breiz]


vt. 炖;蒸

n. 文火炖熟的肉;赤鲷


Braise Pascal 巴斯噶

Braise Trepang 烩海参

Braise Cook 上扎厨师


Add in the veal rack and braise. 将煎好的小牛排放入红酒汁中焖煮。

Lower the eggplant and egg noodles, and braise for a while until sauce thickened. 最后加入茄子及面条,慢火烩煮一会儿至汁浓稠,便可上碟慢用。

soy sauce [sɔɪ sɔ:s]


n. 酱油


pure soy bean sauce 原汁酱油

assorted soy-sauce pickles 什锦酱菜

solidified soy sauce 固态酱油


And finally, add some soy sauce and salt. 最后,加上一些酱和盐。

Korean style soy sauce is Korea traditional soy sauce for Korean Soup, stew. 韩式酱油是韩国传统的酱油,用于韩国的汤、炖菜中。

vinegar [ˈviniɡə]




white vinegar 白醋;白酒醋

wine vinegar 葡萄酒醋;酒醋

vinegar spinel 黄红色尖晶石


You can imagine their surprise to find out that it was almost a hundred percent vinegar! 你可以想象得出当他们发现那调料几乎是百分之百的醋时他们惊讶的神情。

As the best wine makes the sharpest vinegar, so the deepest love turns to the deadliest hatred. 就像最好的酒造就了最浓烈的醋,最深的爱变成了最势不两立的仇恨。

steamed bun [sti:md bʌn]




steamed chicken bun 鸡包仔

steamed stuffed bun vendors 卖包子的


The two-year-old girl slapped jam on the steamed bun. 这个两岁的小女孩往馒头上涂了许多果酱。

Can Chinese traditional fast food like steamed bun and dumpling be improved so as to compete with foreign products? 中国的传统快餐,像包子和饺子,能不能改进一下,与外国的产品竞争?

bamboo shoot [bæmˈbu: ʃu:t]




dried bamboo shoot 笋干

slender bamboo shoot 小竹笋

sliced bamboo shoot 竹笋片


Remove crust from fresh bamboo shoot and peel. 鲜笋去外壳,刨去外皮。

In addition, it may cause hyper susceptibility. Therefore, the elders and the children should not have much as well, no more than half bamboo shoot for each meal. 另外,吃春笋还要防过敏,尤其是老人、儿童不宜多吃,每餐最好不要超过半根。

bean curd [bi:n kɜ:d]


n. 豆腐


bean curd cheese 腐乳

bean curd sheets 百页

bean curd puff 豆腐泡


Why not try Mapo bean curd? 您不妨试试麻婆豆腐。

Would you like another piece of bean curd? 你们要不要再吃一些豆腐?

mushroom [ˈmʌʃrum]


n. 草,蘑菇,暴发户

vi. 迅速生长,迅速增加,采蘑菇

adj. 蘑菇形的,迅速生长的


horse mushroom 田野伞菌

mushroom anchor 蘑菇形锚

mushroom cloud 蘑菇状烟云,蘑菇状云


She has an especial fondness for mushrooms. 她对蘑菇有特殊的偏好。

Tourism is a mushroom to the country. 旅游业是这个国家发展极快的行业。

wonton ['wɔn'tɔn]


n. 馄饨


shrimp wonton 鲜虾小馄饨

wonton food 云吞食品


In winter, people in the north will eat dumpling and wonton while those in the south eat rice dumpling and long noodle. 北方地区有冬天吃饺子、馄饨的习俗,南方地区则有吃米团、长线面的习惯。

Next time you order takeout wonton soup and a spicy Number 82, you might want to make sure it comes with brown rice. 下次叫外卖馄饨粉和82号酸辣汤时,你也许应该确认一下这些东西是不是糙米做的。

dumpling [ˈdʌmplɪŋ]


n. 饺子,汤团;面团布丁


steamed dumpling 蒸饺

fried dumpling 锅贴

sweet dumpling 汤团


I know a good dumpling restaurant that is very reasonable. 我知道一家不错的饺子馆,价钱非常公道。

Well, I have put something in the dumpling; do you want to find out what I have put in? 我在饺子里放了神秘物;你想不想知道我放了什么呀?

noodles [ˈnu:dlz]


n. 面条,挂面(noodle的复数形式)


Instant noodles 速食面

Flat noodles 板条;板面;板条

Soba noodles 荞麦面


Uh, noodles again. I hate noodles. 唉,又吃面条,我讨厌吃面条。

My mother looked around. No one was eating noodles. 我母亲向周围看看,没有人在吃面条。

spicy [ˈspaɪsi]


adj. 香的,多香料的,辛辣的,下流的


spicy market 香料市场

spicy flavor 麻辣味粉


I like spicy food once in a while. 偶尔我也喜欢吃些味浓的东西。

This is the hottest of the four major categories—it's great stuff if you like spicy food, but keep the drinking water handy. 川菜乃是四大菜系中最为“劲辣”的一支——如果你喜嗜麻辣,那正好可以大快朵颐,不过,手边可少不了水。

sour [ˈsauə]


adj. 酸的,酸臭的,发酵的,愠怒的,讨厌的,拙劣的

vi. 变酸,变乖戾,厌烦


sour grapes 酸葡萄

sour cherry 欧洲酸樱桃

sour dock 酸模


Their relationship soon went sour. 他们的关系不久就变坏了。

His remarks about the skating champion are sour grapes. 他对那个溜冰冠军的批评是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。

bitter [ˈbitə]


adj. 激烈的,苦涩的,辛酸的,厉害的,悲痛的

n. 辛酸,苦味,苦酒


bitter almond oil 苦扁桃仁油,苦杏仁油

bitter orange 臭橙,酸橙

bitter aloes 泻药


The youth's harsh retort proclaimed his bitter anger. 那年轻人刺耳的反驳声显示了他的恼怒。

The shelter was proof against the bitter weather. 这个棚子可以避寒。

sweet [swi:t]


n. 甜蜜,糖果,情人

adj. 甜的,芳香的,悦耳的,漂亮的,和蔼的,淡的,灵活的


short and sweet 短小精悍

sweet almond 甜扁桃

sweet birch 山桦


My house is a sweet home. 我家是个可爱的家。

The soprano's voice sounded clear and sweet. 那女高音歌手的嗓音响亮而动听。

salt [sɔ:lt]


n. 盐,风趣,刺激

adj. 含盐的,咸的,风趣的,辛辣的

vt. 加盐于,用盐腌


old salt 老水手,经验丰富的水手

salt away 腌制;积蓄,贮存

salt marsh 盐沼


She employs an irreverent humor to salt her observations. 她运用玩世不恭的幽默使她的评论更为有趣。

The old couple salted away money for their retirement. 老夫妇为退休储钱。

leek [li:k]


n. 韭菜;似蒜葱


frozen leek 冻韭菜

pickled leek 酸荞头

leek oil 韭菜油


Add carrots, leek, celery, sage, parsley and some red wine and oyster sauce. 然后加入胡萝卜,韭菜,西芹,鼠尾草,荷兰芹以及一些红酒和蚝油。

The set of chairs and tables are of good material, leek color, massiness and elegance. 这套座椅工料精良,色泽韭深,厚重典雅,可谓精美绝伦。

garlic [ˈɡɑ:lik]


n. 大蒜


garlic clove 大蒜瓣,蒜瓣

garlic salt 大蒜盐(大蒜粉、盐、淀粉的混合物)


I don't touch garlic. 我不吃大蒜。

scallion [ˈskæljən]


n. 青葱,冬葱,大葱


organic scallion 有机香葱

scallion prawn 葱塌大虾

scallion cake 葱油饼


Scallion is usually used for seasoning seafood dishes. 青葱常被用来佐制海鲜食品。

Why don't you steam those lobsters with ginger and scallion now? 你现在何不把那些龙虾和姜、葱一起蒸呢? ZBBIte0pWNUfZbRpbsn+hSYEIgZt1B4GbJc9t0R7Dzx2y7HVu+BOsZ+twkSzqHBF
