
Beverage Category 饮料类别

beverage [ˈbevəridʒ]


n. 饮料


beverage tax 饮料税

beverage alcohol 饮料酒精

beverage can 饮料罐头;饮料罐


The beverage is often colored with caramel. 这种饮料常用焦糖染色。

Drinking a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage helps stave off drunkenness. 每次喝完酒精饮品后再喝杯水,这样就不容易醉了。

category [ˈkætiɡəri]


n. 种类,分类;[数]范畴


job category 工作类型

source category 源种类

price category 价格分类


"Middle-class" describes an income category but also a set of attitudes. “中产阶级”描述的不仅是一种收入分类,也是一套看法。

Both genetic engineering and industrial ecology promise the third category of bionic systems—part biology, part machine. 基因工程和工业生态都有望生成第三类仿生系统——部分生物,部分机器。

fluid [ˈflu:ɪd]


adj. 流动的;流畅的;不固定的

n. 流体;液体


fluid computation 计算流体

working fluid 工作流体

pore fluid 孔隙液


Sometimes the bending is caused by the rising fluid in an upwelling. 有时这种扭曲是由涌升流里上升的流体造成的。

At pressures and temperatures greater than the critical point, carbon dioxide exists only as a supercritical fluid. 在压力和温度大于其临界点时,二氧化碳只可能以超临界流体形式存在。

quench [kwentʃ]


vt. 熄灭,结束,冷浸,淬火

vi. 熄灭,平息;压制,抑制,止(渴),遏止;阻尼;弱化;减震


quench tank 骤冷槽

source quench 源抑制

quench furnace 淬火炉


The fire was quenched with a bucket of water. 火被一桶水浇灭了。

She quenches her thirst with a glass of milk. 她喝了杯牛奶解渴。

slake [sleɪk]


vt. 消除,平息,熄灭


air slake 空气熟化

slake tub 钻头淬火箱

slake lake 湖泊是消除疲劳的地方


Nothing but his death can slake my anger. 除了他的死没有什么能消除我的怒火。

On a sultry afternoon you may find a long line of people at the drinking fountain, waiting to slake their thirst. 在一个闷热的午后,你会发现一队长长的人在饮水处等着解渴。

thirst [θə:st]


n. 口渴,渴望

vi. 口渴,渴望


thirst for knowledge 渴望求知

thirst drive 渴驱力


The beer satisfied my thirst. 啤酒解了我的渴。

I drank a cup of tea to relieve my thirst. 我喝了一杯茶止渴。

soda [ˈsəʊdə]


n. 小苏打,纯碱


soda fountain 冷饮柜

soda water 苏打水

baking soda 碳酸氢钠,发酵粉


He goes there to drink a soda and eat a hamburger. 他到那里喝一瓶汽水,吃一块汉堡面包。

A whisky and soda, please. 请来杯搀苏打水的威士忌。

carbonate [ˈkɑ:bəneit]


n. 碳酸盐

vt. 使变成碳酸盐,使充满二氧化碳


ammonium carbonate 碳酸铵

calcium carbonate [化]碳酸钙

lead carbonate 碳酸铅


Carbonated drinks are fizzy. 含二氧化碳的饮料会起泡沫。

Soda water is a carbonated drink. 苏打水是一种含二氧化碳的饮料。

juice [dʒu:s]


n. 果汁;体内分泌液,体液

vt. 从……榨出汁;在……中加汁


juice up 使有精力,使活跃

orange juice 橘子汁

digestive juice 消化液,胃液


He does not want any orange juice at the moment. 此刻他不想要桔子汁。

We strained the juice of the blackberries to make jelly. 我们滤出黑草莓汁做果冻。

nutrient [ˈnju:triənt]


adj. 营养的,滋养的

n. 营养物,滋养物


nutrient agar 营养琼脂,肉叶琼脂

nutrient artery 滋养动脉


In the Southern Ocean, iron is indeed often the limiting nutrient. 在南冰洋海域,铁元素是限制性营养元素。

Soybeans have rarely been used as an experimental plant in nutrient uptake studies. 在研究养分吸收问题时,很少用大豆作供试验用作物。

wine [wain]


n. 葡萄酒,果酒,暗红色

vt. vi. (请)喝酒


wine and dine 以好酒好菜招待

fortified wine 强化酒

port wine 葡萄酒


The water will dilute the wine. 水会使酒变淡。

This wine is hardly drinkable. 这种葡萄酒几乎不适合饮用。

tea [ti:]


n. 茶,茶叶,茶点,茶会


beef tea 牛肉汁,牛肉茶

black tea 红茶

cup of tea 所喜爱的人或事,得心应手的事


The shopkeeper reached for a packet of tea. 店主伸手拿了一包茶叶。

He dissolved the sugar in his tea. 他把糖放入茶里溶掉。

beer [biə]


n. 啤酒


draught beer 生啤酒;桶装啤酒

small beer 淡啤酒;无足轻重,微不足道

beer bottle 啤酒瓶


I drank no less than ten bottles of beer. 我喝了不少于十罐啤酒。

A cold beer would be my salvation. 喝冷啤酒会使我恢复元气。

distillation [ˌdɪstəˈleɪʃən]


n. 蒸馏


destructive distillation 分解蒸馏

fractional distillation 精馏


There exist two physical methods of obtaining very pure wastewater freezing and distillation. 有两种达到高纯处理废水的物理方法:冷冻和蒸馏。

It is not easy to separate a mixture of liquids into pure substances by fractional distillation. 通过分级蒸馏把液体中的混合物分解成纯物质是不容易的。

ferment [fəˈment]


n. 酵素,发酵,动乱

vt. vi. (使)发酵,(使)动乱


regenerating ferment 赋活再生酵素

vitreoscilla ferment 透明颤菌酵素

oxidizing ferment 氧化酶


Then he let the soup of identical bugs replicate and ferment. 然后他令这些一模一样的菌虫复制并发酵。

The whole country was in a state of ferment that year. 那一年这个国家全部处于动乱状态。

water [ˈwɔ:tə]


n. 水,雨水,海水,水位,水面,流体

vt. 供以水,注入水,使湿

vi. 流泪


come hell or high water 无论困难多大

distilled water 蒸馏水

hold water(理论、计划等)证明正确合理,说得通,(容器)不漏水


The dyke was built to retain the flood waters. 那条堤坝是为拦洪修建的。

The whale expelled water from his blow hole. 那鲸鱼从鼻孔喷出水来。

mineral [ˈminərəl]


n. 矿物,无机物,苏打水

adj. 矿物的,似矿物的


mineral tar 土沥青

mineral vein 矿脉

mineral water 矿水,矿质水


Those countries are rich in mineral resources. 那些国家矿物资源很丰富。

Finally, a mineral must have definite chemical composition. 再一点,一种矿物必须具有一定的化学成分。

milk [milk]


n. 奶,乳状物

vt. 挤乳,榨取

vi. 产乳


coconut milk 椰奶,椰子汁

malted milk 〈美〉麦乳精,麦芽乳

milk bar 奶品冷饮点心铺


This milk is on the turn. 这牛奶快要变酸了。

The milk powder has lumped. 奶粉结成了块。

coffee [ˈkɔfi]


n. 咖啡,咖啡豆,咖啡色


coffee cake 早点蛋糕;水果蛋糕

coffee cup 咖啡杯

coffee grounds 咖啡渣


I'll percolate some coffee for you. 我给你滤煮一些咖啡。

We have coffee at 11. 我们11点钟喝咖啡。 MAIBafVI81PCzonAfe7Xhmq5lHweVuRp5+aAC5QmFC+uUZq/NzvTu8fUMtCPhImj
