
Kitchen Appliances 厨房用具

caldron [ˈkɔ:drən]


n. 大锅,大汽锅


caldron glacier 火口冰川

aluminium caldron 铝锅

caldron basin 锅状盆地


Water seethed in the caldron. 水在大锅中翻滚。

A jet of coffee steam from the burnished caldron. 咖啡的蒸气从打磨得锃亮的大壶里喷出来。

stove [stəuv]


n. 火炉,窑

vt. 以火炉烤


spirit stove 酒精炉

gas stove 煤气炉

stove bolt 炉用螺栓,毛螺栓,小螺栓


I turn on the stove. 我打开火炉。

The kettle was steaming on the stove. 炉子上的壶正在冒热气。

utensil [ju:ˈtensl]


n. 器具


kitchen utensil 炊具,厨房用具

cooking utensil 烹饪用具


These cooking utensils are made of aluminum. 这些炊具是铝制的。

The cooking utensils were frozen up in the ice. 炊具都给冻在冰里了。

sink [siŋk]


v. 沉入,渗入;沉陷,消沉;降格,降级,堕落

n. 洗涤槽,污水沟,藏垢纳污之地


sink in 沉入,渗入;深深感到,充分认识到

heat sink 热沉,热耗,吸热部件,吸热器,散热片吸热,散热器,散热装置

kitchen sink 厨房洗涤池,激进现实主义,厨房洗涤盆


He beheld the boat sink. 他注视着那条船下沉。

This is a sink or swim situation. 这是一个不计成败的情况。

spatula [ˈspætʃələ]


n. 匙状小竹板,压舌片,炒菜铲


glass spatula 玻璃刮铲

metallic spatula 金属刮刀;钢刮刀

steel spatula 钢刮刀


She leveled the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula. 她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料。

Using rubber spatula, loosen edges of frittata and slide out onto platter. 用橡胶平铲铲松煎蛋饼边缘并移到盘中。

cupboard [ˈkʌbəd]


n. 食橱,碗柜,餐具柜


airing cupboard 晾衣橱

cupboard love 有所企图的亲热


The plate is kept in a locked cupboard. 圣餐具放在有锁的橱里。

We edged the large cupboard through the door. 我们把大碗柜侧着从门口搬进去。

drawer [drɔ:]


n. 抽屉,橱柜;衬裤;绘图员,开票员


pile drawer [建]拔桩机

lipped drawer 镶边的抽屉

nail drawer [五金]拔钉钳;[五金]起钉钳


The top drawer is the one with the cutlery in. 最上面的抽屉是放刀叉的。

Slide the drawer into its place. 把抽屉推进去。

microwave [ˈmaɪkrəˌweɪv]


n. 微波


microwave oven 微波炉

microwave spectroscopy 微波波谱学,微波谱法

microwave spectrum 微波波谱,微波频谱,微波谱


Reheat the soup in the microwave. 把汤放到微波炉里重新加热一下。

The microwave will bleep when your meal is ready. 烹调结束时,微波炉会发出嘟声提醒你。

colander [ˈkʌləndə, ˈkɔləndə]


n. 滤器,滤锅


colander 漏勺


When you've boiled the cabbage, strain off the water through a colander. 当你把卷心菜煮开后,用漏勺把水滤掉。

While the beef is roasting parboil your potatoes in salted boiling water for around 10 minutes and drain in colander. 在烤牛肉的同时,把土豆放到加盐的水里煮10分钟,使土豆煮到半熟,沥干水份。

pantry [ˈpæntri:]


n. 餐具室,食品室


pantry cloth 抹布

pancake pantry 薄烤饼食品店

open pantry 开敞式储物柜


The hungry children made a raid on the pantry. 饥饿的孩子把食品柜洗劫一空。

No food was left in the pantry except some bread. 食品柜里除了一些面包,其他什么也不剩。

eggbeater [ˈeɡˌbi:tə]


n. 打蛋器;直升飞机


eggbeater sprint 打蛋机式踩水快进

eggbeater whirlybird 直升飞机

eggbeater whisk 打蛋器


Fred pilots eggbeater for an oil company. 费雷德在一家石油公司开直升飞机。

You look like you comb your hair with eggbeater. 你看起来像是用打蛋器梳头。

thermos [ˈθɜ:məs]


n. 热水瓶


thermos bottle 热水瓶

thermos flask 热水瓶


When it finally went off the tracks, many people fell on me and hot water poured out of the thermos flasks. 当它最终翻出轨道后,很多人都压在我身上,热水也从水瓶中倒了出来。

It's handy to have the thermos here. 暖瓶放在这儿好拿。

kettle [ˈketl]


n. 壶;[化工]釜;罐;鼓


camping kettle 旅行壶

condensation kettle 缩聚器

tar kettle 柏油锅;沥青锅


Keep the kettle at the boil. 使水壶里的水保持沸腾。

Would you infuse a kettle of LongJing tea for me? 给我沏一壶龙井茶好吗?

refrigerator [riˈfridʒəreitə]


n. 冰箱,冷藏库


gas refrigerator 气体制冷机;[制冷]煤气冰箱;压缩气体冷冻机

pharmacy refrigerator 药房用冰箱;冷藏箱

solid refrigerator [制冷]固体制冷器


I saw a refrigerator in the dining room. 我在餐室里看见了一个电冰箱。

The demand for refrigerator has sharply abated. 对冰箱的需求已经显著减少。

dishwasher [ˈdiʃˌwɔʃə]


n. 洗碗工;洗碟机


dishwasher products 洗碗机用品

automatic dishwasher 自动洗碗机


Put dirty disher in the dishwasher, or failing that, the sink. 把脏盘子放入洗碗机,不行的话放入水池。

To pay for his schooling, he worked as a cook, dishwasher, laundryman, and housekeeper. 为了支付学费,他当过厨师、洗碗工、洗衣工和管家。

To pay for his schooling, he worked as a cook, dishwasher, laundryman, and housekeeper. 为了支付学费,他当过厨师、洗碗工、洗衣工和管家。

pan [pæn]


n. 平锅,盘子;摇镜头

vi. (镜头)被摇动

vt. 淘金;摇镜头


pan polyacrylonitrile 聚丙烯腈

pan echo 回波

oil pan [机]油底壳;引擎油底壳;油盆


The potatoes browned in the pan. 马铃薯在锅里被煎成褐色。

This will give them time to get used to your home, learn about the litter pan, etc. 这样做可以让新来的小猫有时间适应你家,学习如何使用猫砂盒,等等。

chopper [ˈtʃɔpə]


n. [电子]斩波器;斧头;切碎机

vt. 用直升机运送

vi. 乘直升机飞行


chopper amplifier [电子]斩波放大器

outlaw chopper 疯狂机车

light chopper [电子]遮光器


Chopper was carrying victims of a traffic accident. 救伤直升机带着交通事故伤者。

In a recent series of test flights, a new type of chopper has begun smashing speed records. 在最近一系列的飞行测试中,一种新型的直升机已经刷新了飞行速度纪录。

oven [ˈʌvən]


n. 炉,灶;烤炉,烤箱


electric oven 电烤箱

oil oven 油烤炉

curing oven 烘焙箱


We need an oven to roast meat and potatoes. 我们需要一个炉子来烤肉和马铃薯。

Take the cake out of the oven. 把蛋糕从烤箱中取出来吧。 MGUJQmzVdNxv3ZmT9jXglg1wli3cUiiOreCf7X1Og52EGDHA3Uw8FNOsHedEotrO
