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Although Spain and Portugal(葡萄牙)moved quickly to establish a presence in the New World, other European countries moved more slowly. Not until many decades after the explorations of John Cabot(约翰·卡伯特)did the English attempt to found colonies. Early efforts were failures, most notably the Roanoke Colony, which vanished about 1590.

Late in 1606, English entrepreneurs set sail with a charter from the Virginia Company of London to establish a colony in the New World. After a particularly long voyage of five months duration including stops in Puerto Rico(波多黎各)from where they finally departed for the American mainland On April 10, 1607, the three ships, named Susan Constant, Discovery, and Godspeed, under Captain Christopher Newport(克里斯托弗·纽波特), made landfall in May 1607 at a place they named Cape Henry(亨利角). Under the first settlement orders to select a more secure location, they set about exploring what is now Hampton Roads and a Chesapeake Bay outlet they named the James River in honor of their king, James I of England.

Jamestown (or James Towne or Jamestown) was a settlement located on Jamestown Island in the Virginia Colony. Founded as "James Fort" on May 14, 1607, it was the first permanent English settlement in what is now the United States of America, following several earlier failed attempts, including the Lost Colony of Roanoke(罗诺克).

Despite the leadership of Captain John Smith early on, most of the colonists and their replacements in Jamestown died within the first five years. Two-thirds of the settlers died before arriving ships brought supplies and experts from Poland(波兰)and Germany in the next year, 1608, who would help to establish the first factories in the colony. As a result, glassware became the "first" American product to be exported to Europe. On June 10, 1610, retreating "settlers" were intercepted a few miles downriver by a supply mission from London headed by a new governor, Lord De La Warr, who brought much-needed supplies and additional "settlers". Lord De La Warr' s ship was named The Deliverance. The English called this The Day of Providence, and the state of Delaware(特拉华)was eventually named after the timely governor. Fortuitously, among the colonists inspired to remain was John Rolfe, who carried with him a cache of untested new tobacco seeds from the Caribbean.

The following year, 1614, John Rolfe began to successfully harvest tobacco. Prosperous and wealthy, he married Pocahontas(波卡洪塔斯), daughter of Chief Powhatan(波瓦坦酋长), bringing several years of peace between the English and natives.(Through their son, Thomas Rolfe, many of the First Families of Virginia trace both Virginia Indian and English roots.)However, at the end of a public relations trip to England, Pocahontas became sick and died in 1617. The following year, her father also died. As the English continued to leverage more land for tobacco farming, relations with the natives worsened. Powhatan' s brother, a fierce warrior named Opchanacanough, became head of the Powhatan Confederacy. After several years of strained coexistence, Chief Opchanacanough and his Powhatan Confederacy attempted to eliminate the English colony once and for all. Despite such setbacks, the colony continued to grow.

In 1619, the first documented Africans were brought to Jamestown, though slavery in the future United States as we know it today did not begin in Virginia until 1660.

The London Company' s(伦敦公司)second settlement, Bermuda, claims to be the oldest town in the English New World, as St. George' s, Bermuda was officially established (as New London) in 1612, whereas James Fort, in Virginia, was not to be converted into James town until 1619. Further, the latter did not survive into the present day. In 1699, the capital Jamestown was relocated to Middle Plantation, about 8 miles (13 km) distant. That community, which had also become home to the new College of William and Mary in 1693, was renamed Williamsburg in 1699. Jamestown ceased to exist as a settlement after the transfer of the capital, existing today only as an archaeological site.




decade 十年

vanish 消失

entrepreneur 企业家

depart 动身

duration 持续

landfall 着陆

permanent 永久的

glassware 玻璃器皿

intercept 截取

leverage 使用杠杆作用

archaeological 考古的

Key Words in History

1. John Rolfe 约翰·罗尔夫

John Rolfe (1585-1622) was one of the early English settlers of North America. He is credited with the first successful cultivation of tobacco as an export crop in the Colony of Virginia and is known as the husband of Pocahontas, daughter of the chief of the Powhatan Confederacy.

In competing with Spain for European markets, there was another problem beside the warmer climates the Spanish settlements enjoyed. The native tobacco from Virginia was not liked by the English settlers, nor did it appeal to the market in England. However, Rolfe wanted to introduce sweeter strains from Trinidad, using the hard-to-obtain Spanish seeds he brought with him. In 1611, Rolfe is credited with being the first to commercially cultivate Nicotine tobacco plants in North America; export of this sweeter tobacco beginning in 1612 helped turn the Virginia Colony into a profitable venture. Rolfe named his Virginia-grown strain of the tobacco "Orinoco", possibly in honor of tobacco-popularizer Sir Walter Raleigh' s expeditions in the 1580s up the Orinoco River in Guiana in search of the legendary City of Gold, El Dorado. The appeal of Orinoco tobacco was in its nicotine, and the conviviality of its use in social situations.

2. St. George' s, Bermuda 圣乔治镇-百慕大

St. George' s (formally, the Town of St. George, or St. George' s Town), located on the island and within the parish of the same names, was the first permanent settlement on the islands of Bermuda, and was the third successful English settlement in the Americas, after St. John' s, Newfoundland, and Jamestown, Virginia. However, St. George' s is claimed to be the oldest continuously inhabited English town in the New World. Although Jamestown is normally described as having been founded in 1607, this was actually James Fort, which was not converted to Jamestown until 1619, seven years after the founding of St. George' s. After the capital of Virginia was transferred from Jamestown to Williamsburg in 1699, Jamestown fell into disuse. Only below ground achaeological remains of the town exist today. As the claim of St. John' s to official establishment in the 16th Century, and to permanent settlement since that date are difficult to verify, St. George' s is not simply the oldest successful English settlement in the New World, but was also the first such town established. The town is the largest settlement in Bermuda, with a population of 1, 802 people.

Background Knowledge




为了吸引更多的英国移民前来北美洲,弗吉尼亚公司改革了土地制度,规定凡是1616年之前自费而来的移民每人授予100英亩的土地,永久免税;1616年之前由公司出资运来的移民在为公司劳动满7年后也授予100英亩土地;1616年以后到来的移民也能获得50英亩的土地。慷慨的土地政策很快吸引了大批移民,1619~1625年之间,有近5000名英国移民来到詹姆斯敦,殖民点很快扩大,并最终形成后来的弗吉尼亚殖民地。1625年,弗吉尼亚公司因经营不善与人事纠纷陷入困境,负债累累,濒于破产,英国国王查理一世宣布将殖民地收归国有,由英国政府直接管理。 I9YKrN4EapgN3Fj7wg7hne0KsM9KipUoNovm2l5kRg3dQ1alzWUA+vEPW2MppzW/
