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The Virgin Islands(维京群岛)of the United States (commonly called the United States Virgin Islands or U.S.Virgin Islands) are a group of islands in the Caribbean that are an insular area of the United States. The islands are geographically part of the Virgin Islands archipelago and are located in the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles. Formerly the Danish West Indies(丹麦西印度群岛), they were sold to the United States by Denmark in the Treaty of the Danish West Indies of 1916. They are classified by the UN as a Non-Self-Governing Territory(不自治地区), and are currently an organized, unincorporated United States territory.

Initially proposed in 1867, the Virgin Islands were acquired in response to an inflated fear of German hegemony during a tentative period of the First World War.

Denmark, for one, had exhausted itself in war with Germany and the great power of Prussia(普鲁士)on the question of Schleswig-Holstein(石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因)beginning in 1848, and began to sell its other possessions in India and the African coast to Britain in the 1850 s, revealing a declining Scandinavian presence in colonial world affairs as the German Empire began an extensive occupation of African land. The question naturally shifted to the probable sale of the West Indian islands, which, though invariably prosperous economically, were administratively unstable. The "precedent" to sell the islands to the United States then came to the Danish West Indies in 1867. The United States had a trading relationship with the free port of the Danish West Indies since the American Revolution. In 1867 the United States looked into buying the islands as a military and navy harbor; as early as 1865 United States Secretary of State William H.Seward approached Danish foreign minister Waldemar Raasloff to negotiate a possible purchase of the islands, but ill health and Lincoln' s assassination temporarily halted conversations. When in 1867 conversations did reach the Danes, progress was aggravated by relations with Prussia and stoppages by the Conservative government.

The Treaty of 1867 finally reached the floor at Copenhagen(哥本哈根)on October 24, which outlined the provisional government in place should the United States complete the purchase. The United States Senate, however, after much delay in pressing for ratification by both parties, finally rejected the treaty in 1870.

The sale of the islands was brought up again on diplomatic levels throughout the 1890 s, when the proposal for the Panama Canal(巴拿马运河)was discussed, and rumors began about the island' s possible transfer to Germany. After the Spanish-American War, which ceded Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines to the United States, the question of the sale of the Danish West Indies was brought up again in congressional sessions.

The Treaty of 1902 for the sale of the entire Danish West Indies was approved and ratified in the United States in February and signed by President Theodore Roosevelt in May. Denmark' s lower and upper houses, however, were divided, and a split vote was vetoed against the purchase. This aristocratic stalemate from the Danish Landsting halted the purchase of the islands until 1916, when the United States' military "urgency" was prompted by German naval aggression before the outbreak of World War I.Denmark' s own constrained bursary, under a threatened position from the encroachment of the German Empire in the south, undoubtedly facilitated the purchase.

The official transfer ceremony of the rechristened United States Virgin Islands occurred on March 31, 1917, with the previous register of using the islands primarily as a "military base." A week following the transfer, the United States entered World War I, for which the islands, despite their intent, served no direct purpose. The sale of the islands was, preparedly, retention of diplomatic fears of foreign nations, and one that proved to be unfounded, and the islands remained under military occupation until the 1930 s, gradually assuming their semi-autonomous territorial status in the following decades.

美属维尔京群岛是美国在加勒比海的一个非建制属地(Unincorporated Territory)群岛。该群岛原名为丹麦属西印度群岛,后于1916年被美国从丹麦手中买下并改为现名。



archipelago 群岛

unincorporated 非建制的

inflated 膨胀的

hegemony 霸权

Scandinavian 斯堪的纳维亚的

assassination 暗杀

aggravate 恶化

outline 概述

ratification 批准

stalemate 僵局

Landsting 上议院(旧时丹麦议会的)

encroachment 侵犯

semi-autonomous 半自治的

Key Words in History

1. Treaty of the Danish West Indies of 19161916丹麦西印度群岛条约

The Treaty of the Danish West Indies, officially the Convention between the United States and Denmark for cession of the Danish West Indies, was a 1916 treaty transferring sovereignty of the Danish West Indies from Denmark to the United States, which were renamed as the United States Virgin Islands, in exchange for a sum of US$25, 000, 000 in gold.

Famous labor leader David Hamilton Jackson made a visit to Copenhagen in May 1915. He successfully raised awareness of the growing social desperation on the islands and the need for to enter the customs territory of the United States in order for the islands to be able to cope with their economic crisis. The Danish government was convinced that the islands had to be sold for the sake of both the residents and Danish security, and that a transfer would have to be realized before the United States entered the war, so that the transfer would not become a violation of the Danish neutrality.

2. Organic Act Day: Virgin Islands 维尔京群岛组织法日

Each year, on the third Monday in June, the Virgin Islands recognize Organic Act Day, which commemorates the organization of a new government in the U.S.Virgin Islands. The U.S.Congress granted citizenship to Virgin Islanders in 1927 and universal suffrage was given in 1936 to all persons who could read and write English, but the Islanders did not have their own government. On June 22, 1936, President Franklin D.Roosevelt signed the Organic Act law that gave the Virgin Islands their own Constitution. President Dwight D.Eisenhower signed a revised Organic Act on July 22, 1954, unifying the Islands' legislature. A unicameral 15-person legislature serves the Virgin Islands, and congressional legislation gave the Islands a nonvoting representative in Congress. Residents of the islands largely enjoy the same rights as mainlanders, but they cannot vote in presidential elections.

Organic Act Day is observed during Carnival-a month-long celebration in the Virgin Islands that includes parades, fireworks, calypso music and dancing, and more.

Background Knowledge







目前美属维尔京群岛被列入联合国不自治地区的列表。1993年的全民公投只有31.4%的人参加,因此其结果(维持现状)被视为无效。目前该地区没有进行其他公投的计划。 usPi/3ND1KGMFxGe1SNf/DBN9D9ei6VIJd+bSaw2VGMExliGSJIdREK06a50dJlB
