

美西战争(Spanish-American War)是1898年,美国为夺取西班牙属地古巴、波多黎各和菲律宾而发动的战争,是列强重新瓜分殖民地的第一次帝国主义战争。古巴和菲律宾群岛既有重要的经济价值,又是美国分别向南美洲和亚洲扩张的战略基地。

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Beginning in 1492, Spain was the first European nation to sail westward across the Atlantic Ocean, explore, and colonize the Amerindian nations of the Western Hemisphere. At its greatest extent, the empire that resulted from this exploration extended from Virginia on the eastern coast of the United States south to Tierra del Fuego(火地岛)at the tip of South America excluding Brazil and westward to California and Alaska. Across the Pacific, it included the Philippines and other island groups. By 1825 much of this empire had fallen into other hands and in that year, Spain acknowledged the independence of its possessions in the present-day United States (then under Mexican control) and south to the tip of South America. The remnants that remained in the empire in the Western Hemisphere(西半球)were Cuba(古巴)and Puerto Rico(波多黎各)and across the Pacific in Philippines Islands, and the Carolina, Marshall, and Mariana Islands in Micronesia[密克罗尼西亚(西太平洋岛群)].

U.S. interest in purchasing Cuba had begun long before 1898. Following the Ten Years War, American sugar interests bought up large tracts of land in Cuba. Alterations in the U.S. sugar tariff favoring home-grown beet sugar helped foment the rekindling of revolutionary fervor in 1895. By that time the U.S. had more than $50 million invested in Cuba and annual trade, mostly in sugar, was worth twice that much. Fervor for war had been growing in the United States, despite President Grover Cleveland' s proclamation of neutrality on June 12, 1895.

The Spanish-American War was a conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States. On April 25, 1898 the United States declared war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine(“缅因号”)in Havana(哈瓦那)harbor on February 15, 1898. It ultimately ended with the Americans defeating the Spaniards. Revolts against Spanish rule had been endemic for decades in Cuba and were closely watched by Americans; there had been war scares before, as in the Virginius Affair(弗吉尼厄斯号事件)in 1873. By 1897-1898, American public opinion grew angrier at reports of Spanish atrocities . After the mysterious sinking of the American battleship Maine in Havana harbor, political pressures from the Democratic Party pushed the government of President William McKinley, a Republican, into a war McKinley had wished to avoid. Compromise proved impossible, resulting in an ultimatum sent to Madrid demanding it relinquish control of Cuba immediately, which was not accepted. First Madrid, then Washington, formally declared war.

Although the main issue was Cuban independence, the ten-week war was fought in both the Caribbean and the Pacific. A series of one-sided American naval and military victories followed on all fronts, owing to their numerical superiority in most of the battles and despite the good performance of some of the Spanish infantry units. The outcome was the 1898 Treaty of Paris——which was favorable to the U.S.——followed by temporary American control of Cuba and indefinite colonial authority over Puerto Rico, Guam(关岛)and the Philippines. The defeat and subsequent end of the Spanish Empire was a profound shock for Spain' s national psyche . The victor gained several island possessions spanning the globe and a rancorous new debate over the wisdom of imperialism .

With defeats in Cuba and the Philippines, and both of its fleets incapacitated, Spain sued for peace. Hostilities were halted on 12 August 1898, with the signing in Washington of a Protocol of Peace between the United States and Spain. After over two months of difficult negotiations, the formal peace treaty, the Treaty of Paris(巴黎和约), was signed in Paris on December 10, 1898, and was ratified by the United States Senate on February 6, 1899. The United States gained almost all of Spain' s colonies in the treaty, including the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico. The treaty came into force in Cuba April 11, 1899, with Cubans participating only as observers.




Amerindian 美洲印第安人的

remnant 剩余的

beet 甜菜

foment 煽动,挑起

rekindle 重新点燃

endemic 地方性的

atrocity 暴行

ultimatum 最后通牒

infantry 步兵团

national psyche 国名心态

imperialism 帝国主义

protocol 草案,协议

Key Words in History

1. The sinking of the Battleship Maine “缅因号”沉没

USS Mainewas the United States Navy' s second commissioned pre-dreadnought battleship. Maine had been sent to Havana, Cuba to protect U.S. interests during the Cuban revolt against Spain. On the evening of 15 February 1898, she suddenly exploded, and swiftly sank, killing nearly three quarters of her crew. Though then, as now, the cause and responsibility for her sinking were unclear; popular opinion in the U.S. blamed Spain, and the sinking (popularized in the phrase Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!) was one of the precipitating events of the Spanish-American War. Her sinking remains the subject of speculation, with various authors proposing that she sank due to the results of an undetected fire in one of her coal bunkers, that she was the victim of a naval mine, and that she was deliberately sunk for the purposes of driving the U.S. into a war with Spain.

2. Teller Amendment 特尔勒修正案

The Teller Amendment was an amendment to a joint resolution of the United States Congress, enacted on April 20, 1898, in reply to President William McKinley' s War Message. It placed a condition of the United States military in Cuba. According to the clause, the U.S. could not annex Cuba but only leave "control of the island to its people."

After Spanish troops left the island in December 1898, the United States occupied Cuba until 1902, and as promised in the Teller Amendment did not attempt to annex the island. However, under the Platt Amendment, crafted in 1901 by U.S.Secretary of War Elihu Root to replace the Teller Amendment, important decisions of the government of Cuba remained subject to override by the United States. This suzerainty bred resentment toward the U.S.According to Gregory Weeks, "The Teller Amendment, authored by a Colorado Senator who wanted to make sure that Cuba' s sugar would not compete with his state' s crop of beet sugar, prohibited the president from annexing Cuba."

3. Treaty of Paris 《巴黎和约》

The Treaty of Paris of 1898 was signed on December 10, 1898, at the end of the Spanish-American War, and came into effect on April 11, 1899, when the ratifications were exchanged.

The Treaty signaled the end of the Spanish Empire in America and the Pacific Ocean, and marked the beginning of an age of United States colonial power.

The Treaty of Paris provided that Cuba would become independent from Spain but the U.S.Congress made sure it would be under U.S. control through the Platt Amendment. Specifically, Spain relinquished all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba. Upon Cuba' s evacuation by Spain, it was to be occupied by the United States, and the United States would assume and discharge any obligations that under international law could result from the fact of its occupation.

The Treaty also assured that Spain would cede to the United States the island of Puerto Rico and other islands then under Spanish sovereignty in the West Indies, as well as the island of Guam in the Marianas or Ladrones.

The Treaty also specified that Spain would cede to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands, and comprehending the islands lying within a specified line.

Background Knowledge



1898年的美西战争标志着美国作为一个主要军事力量的崛起。这场历时仅100余天、致使3000美国人丧生的短暂的海上冲突使美国陷入了远东的复杂问题,也使敢于与美国军事力量抗衡的欧洲列强得到了警告。对美国人自己来说,这场战争则标志着它要更多地参与世界事务。 rhW8w5E9oa7MHycifZtT3ptOmvTkOwX2pQO1LwApHE33Uc1OHUcBQy29m7vyLU/j
