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Liberia(利比里亚)was set up by citizens of the United States as a colony for former African-American slaves. It is one of only two sovereign states in the world that were started by citizens of a political power as a settlement for former slaves from the same political power: Sierra Leone(塞拉利昂), begun for that same purpose by Britain, being the other.

From around 1800, in the United States of America ideas and plans were being conceived, to set up a colony in Africa for freed African-American slaves. Between 1821 and 1847, by a combination of purchase and conquest, American "Societies" developed the colony "Liberia", which in 1847 declared itself an independent nation.

As early as the period of the American Revolution, many white members of American society could see no way for African Americans to live in "their" society as free people, either because they considered blacks physically and mentally inferior to whites, or because they saw racism and societal polarization as insurmountable obstacles for harmonious integration of the races, or for a number of other reasons. As a solution acceptable for these worried whites as well as for those proposing immediate, nationwide abolition of slavery, the young politician Thomas Jefferson proposed colonization; relocating free blacks outside the new nation.

After 1783 the ranks of free blacks expanded, due to manumission efforts sparked by the Revolutionary War and to the abolition of slavery in Northern states of the U.S.In 1800 and 1802, unsuccessful slave rebellions occurred in Virginia, which were brutally suppressed , and Americans in Southern states feared free blacks would encourage slaves to run away or revolt. Meanwhile, the number of free African-Americans in the United States kept increasing. In 1790, there were 59, 467 free blacks, out of a total U.S. population of almost four million and a total black U.S. population of 800, 000. By 1800, there were 108, 378 free blacks in a population of 7.2 million. These factors significantly influenced the popularity of the concept of colonization as a "solution" to the "problem" of free blacks.

American Paul Cuffee(保罗·库非)saw as a viable option to bring African-Americans out of the United States to the British colony of Sierra Leone. With support from some members of Congress, and from British officials, he in 1816 took thirty-eight American blacks at his own expense to Freetown(弗里敦). Subsequent voyages of this kind were precluded by Cuffe' s death in 1817. This private initiative again added to the favor in the U.S. for the concept of colonization.

In this same period, in 1816 the American Colonization Society (ACS) (美国殖民协会)was established in Washington D.C. by American politicians, senators and religious leaders from a variety of orientations , who, with sometimes divergent reasoning, united themselves on the project of "colonizing" free blacks out of the U.S., to Africa. From January, 1820, the ACS sent ships from New York to West Africa, the first one with 88 free black emigrants and three white ACS agents on board. After several attempts and hardships, ACS representatives in December 1821 succeeded to buy Cape Mesurado(蒙塞拉多角), a 36-mile long strip of land near current day Monrovia, from indigenous ruler King Peter. From the beginning, the colonists were attacked by indigenous peoples like the Malinkétribes, and suffered from diseases, the harsh climate, lack of food and medicine, and poor housing conditions.

Up until 1835, five more colonies were started by American Societies other than the ACS, and one by the U.S. government, all on the same West African coast. The first colony on Cape Mesurado was extended, along the coast as well as inland, sometimes by use of force, and in 1824 named Liberia, with capital Monrovia. By 1842, four of the other American colonies were incorporated into Liberia, one was destroyed by natives. The colonists of African-American descent, varying from slightly less "black" than the indigenous Africans to nearly "white", were soon indicated as America-Liberians. The maturing colony was gradually given more self-governance. In 1839, it was renamed the Commonwealth of Liberia.



sovereign 有主权的

inferior 下等的

polarization 两级分化

insurmountable 不可克服的

harmonious 和谐的

manumission (奴隶的)解放

suppress 镇压

viable 可行的

preclude 排除

orientation 来源

divergent 分歧的

incorporate 并入

Key Words in History

1. Paul Cuffee 保罗·库非

Paul Cuffee was a Quaker businessman, patriot, and abolitionist of Aquinnah Wampanoag and African Ashanti descent. Cuffee built a lucrative shipping empire. He established the first school in Westport, Massachusetts to be racially integrated.

A devout Christian, Cuffee often preached and spoke at the Sunday services at the multi-racial Society of Friends meeting house in Westport. In 1813, he donated most of the money to build a new meeting house. He became involved in the British effort to resettle former slaves in the colony of Sierra Leone; many had been transported from the US to Nova Scotia after the American Revolution after gaining freedom with the British. Cuffee helped to establish The Friendly Society of Sierra Leone, to gather financial support for the colony.

2. The American Colonization Society 美国殖民协会

The American Colonization Society (in full, The Society for the Colonization of Free People of Color of America), founded in 1816, was the primary vehicle to support the "return" of free African Americans to what was considered greater freedom in Africa. It helped to found the colony of Liberia in 1821-1822 as a place for freedmen. Its founders were Henry Clay, John Randolph, and Richard Bland Lee.

The ACS was a coalition made up mostly of Quakers who supported abolition, and slaveholders who wanted to remove the perceived threat of free blacks to their society. They found common ground in support of so-called "repatriation". They believed blacks would face better chances for full lives in Africa than in the U.S.The slaveholders opposed abolition, but saw repatriation as a way to remove free blacks and avoid slave rebellions. From 1821, thousands of free black Americans moved to Liberia from the United States. Over 20 years, the colony continued to grow and establish economic stability. In 1847, the legislature of Liberia declared the nation an independent state.

3. Jehudi Ashmun and The African Intelligencer 阿什蒙和《非洲理念》

In July 1820, the ACS published The African Intelligencer, edited by Jehudi Ashmun (1794-1828), a young teacher who hoped to become a missionary to Africa. Its thirty-two pages contained articles on the slave trade, African geography, the expedition of the Elizabeth (the ship that carried the first group of colonists to Liberia), and the ACS constitution. Upset by the expense and the lack of public support for the journal, ACS managers canceled the monthly journal after one issue.

Ashmun went to Africa in 1822, where he became an early leader of the Liberian colony before from a fever in 1828. This copy belonged to William Thornton, architect of the United States Capitol and a supporter of colonization.

Background Knowledge




18世纪末19世纪初,自由黑人数量急剧增加,这引起了包括废奴主义者和蓄奴主义者的共同恐慌,他们担心自由黑人会造成大批白人工人失业,担心城市犯罪率提高,担心自由黑人在南方鼓动黑奴暴动,甚至担心“没有教养的黑人”让美国社会“贬值”……总之,整个社会形成了一种有利于“黑人家园派”的氛围:赶紧把这批黑人送到他们该去的地方吧,不管花多大代价,不管那究竟是什么所在。 HNm1BDA/oYCA4uouDNoTVJ2/zId69rto1vNAKm5SuPPAST9aCQOr7nelLpOHrfNg
