
Part 1 介绍中国2


His personal motto is “treat the unlimited as limited”.


He said: “Water is invisible. If you put water into a cup, it will be a cup shape; into the bottle, it is a shape of the bottle; into the pot, that is, the shape of the pot. Water is my friend.”

李小龙有句名言: “水是无形的。如果你把水倒进杯子里,它就会成为杯子的形状;把水倒进瓶子里,它就是瓶子的形状;倒进茶壶里,就是茶壶的形状。水是我的朋友。”

Bruce Lee said: “To know and hope is not enough, we should learn to use and do it.”

李小龙说过: “光是知道是不够的,必须加以运用,光是希望是不够的,非去做不可。”

Only by cleaning your cup up can you fill it.


His Kungfu movies are popular overseas.


Chinese martial art represents the enormous variety of martial arts originated in China. It’ s commonly called Wushu or Kungfu.


Kung fu meaning “learned skill” or “great achievement” in Chinese has now given rise to more than 1, 000 styles of martial arts. The Shaolin style is still the most famous of all.

功夫中文含义是 “学到的技艺” 或者 “伟大的成就” ,如今已发展出上千种武术流派。少林派仍然是其中最有名的派系。

Bruce Lee: “You will be in deep misery, if you live a dramatic life”.

李小龙说: “生活在戏剧化的人生里,结果使自己陷于不能自拔的深渊。”

Bruce Lee: “Why we are scared? Because we can not make a prompt decision, even withdraw from advancing. But, if we can make a clear judgment of something, weather it is valuable or not, we will not shrink back.”

李小龙说: “我们为什么会害怕?这是由于我们做事不能当机立断,一旦犹豫不决的时候,我们便会畏缩。但如果能够对某件事作明确的判断时,不论有无价值,我们都不会畏缩。”

He wrote many books about Kungfu, such as Tao of Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee: Dao of Kungfu.


Yewen is Lee’ s master.


Drunken Boxing, because of its multi—roll or flapping movements, it is also considered to be one kind of “ditang boxing”.

醉拳由于其内容中有很多跌扑滚翻动作,故又被认为是 “地趟拳” 的一种。

In modern times, Chinese Kung—fu was first introduced to the United States by Chinese—American Kung—fu master Bruce Lee.


Chinese Kung Fu developed with the Chinese social society.


The highest level of most Wushu (martial arts) is Qigong.


In Hollywood, there are two famous KungFu stars called Jet Li and Jackie Chan.


Bruce Lee won the Cha Cha Champion of Hong Kong in 1958.


Let’ s Talk!


Mary: What’ s your favorite sport?


John: My favorite sport is Chinese Kung Fu.


Mary: Oh, Chinese Kung Fu is the pride of our country, have you learnt it?


John: For three months.


Mary: How deep you have achieved? Can you practice a little to me?


John: Ah, it’ s a little bit difficult. I just start my study, and I don’ t practice the actions well.


Mary: En, what do you think of Chinese Kung Fu?


John: Kung fu was originally intended for self—defense, but it became something more than defense skills now. Today we are apt to treat it as an art.


Mary: Bingo, isn’ t there a phrase, “martial arts”, in your language? This is the best explanation of it.

玛丽:这说对了,你们英文里不是有个词组叫martial arts吗?这就是对功夫的最好解释啊。

John: Yeah, it’ s popular all over the world now.


Mary: Do you know some Kung Fu stars?


John: Bruce Lee, Jet Li and Jackie Chan are very popular in movies circle.


Mary: En, they are the most famous action stars in the field, especially Bruce Lee.


John: I heard that he is the representative of Kungfu, and you are admiring of him, right?


Mary: Right, he is the master of martial art forever in our heart.


John: I envy you have such a star. There goes the bell. I’ m going to the class, we can chat next time.


Mary: OK, bye.


Artistic Paper Cutting


剪纸,是中国最为古老、流行的民间艺术之一,一直是广大人民群众喜闻乐见的艺术形式。剪纸艺术是一门 “易学” 但却 “难精” 的民间技艺,作品大多出于乡村妇女和民间艺人之手。由于他们以现实生活中的事物作题材,对物象观察,全凭纯朴的感情与直觉的印象为基础,因此形成剪纸艺术浑厚、单纯、简洁、明快的特殊风格,反映了农民那种朴实无华的精神。如此神奇的手工作品,你一定也想知道它的历史和制法,一起来看吧!

Realize Artistic Paper Cutting



The folk art of paper cutting in China is a national quintessence just as the traditional paintings, calligraphy and Peking Opera. It is also a precious non—material cultural heritage the Chinese ancestors have left to the people of the world. Paper cutting can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. People paste patterns on windows, door lintels or desks for festival atmosphere.

It’ s difficult to tell when it originated. One saying is that it originated from some religious ceremony of offering sacrifices. Ancient people cut papers into the shapes of animals or people, then they either buried them with the dead or burned them on the funerals, wishing those things that paper stand for could be with the dead. A thousand years ago, paper cutting was used for decoration. According to historic books, women in Tang Dynasty used paper cutting as headdress. In Song Dynasty, it was the decoration of gifts. People use them as decorations on walls, mirrors or lanterns. Some people made a living by it.

To the author, the folk paper cutting work is not just a folk art form or a “handicraft”, but a means that expresses the inner self of the author through the art of paper cutting. To master this, it requires skillful application of the laws that govern the matching of scissors and paper through years of practice by author. It also requires an in—depth accumulation of his or her observation of various objects in nature and a thorough understanding of life.

As a main form of folk arts, Chinese paper cutting has a long history. But nowadays under the impact of commodity economy and modern ideas, great changes have taken place in cultural psychology and standards of beauty appreciation, and all folk arts, including paper cutting, are facing serious challenges.



Paper cutting is all made by hand. It is easy to learn the rudiments. Non—craftsmen need only a knife and paper. For craftsmen, they need knives and gravers of various types to make complicated patterns. It can be one piece of paper or many pieces. Simple patterns can be cut with a knife. For complicated patterns, people first pasted the pattern on the paper and then use various kinds of knives to make it. No mistake can be made during the process otherwise the work would fail.





Paper cutting covers nearly all topics, such as flowers, birds, animals, legendary people, figures in classic novels, types of facial make—up in Peking opera. Paper cutting has various styles in different parts of China.



Custom and superstition俗信类



Key words&Sentences


Wangcheng Cathay paper—cutting museum in Hunan province is the first folk paper—cutting museum with rich and unique collection of works.


Up to now, paper—cuts are popular in countryside throughout China.


The rustic and exuberant Yingge dance, the melodic Ditao music and the exquisite paper—cutting are billed as three treasures of Chaoyang folk arts.

粗犷奔放的英歌舞,清扬悦耳的笛套音乐,精细至极的剪纸,被誉为 “潮阳民间艺术三宝” 。

Paper—cutting is inexpensive and makes excellent gift for family and friends.


Paper—cutting will not be excellent without superb skills.


Paper cutting has various styles in different parts of China.


At present, there are professional paper cutting factories in China.


At present, the earliest paper cutting we can see has a history of more than 1, 500 years.


Paper cutting is not only a traditional art form, but a culture.


The aesthetics of folk paper cutting is demonstrated in embodying the original spirit of the art and in enlightening the active thinking.


Now fewer and fewer people can grasp the skill.


Paper cutting can develop our patience.


Red paper is generally used to express joy in paper cutting.


Once you can master paper—cut, there will be a lot of fun.


In ancient times, women usually express their ability through paper—cut.


Our country has advocated to protecting ancient folk arts, such as Peking Opera, paper cutting and Kungfu.


Paper—cut is commonly used in religious ceremonies, decorations and so on.


Paper cuttings, as well as the New Year pictures, are come into being because of the psychological needs of exorcism and praying for happiness.


One of the hometowns of Chinese paper cuttings is Fujian Zhangpu.


Animals, especially Chinese zodiac, are the most common themes in paper cuttings.


The main tool is cutting scissor.


Women usually do paper cutting at home while men would do it only when he is free in ancient time.


Let’ s Talk!


Wang Yi: Hello! What did you buy at the market?


Mike: Chinese mountain—water paintings, clay figurines, seals, Weifang New Year pictures, and many paper cuttings!


Wang Yi: It seems that you’ ve bought the whole market!


Mike: Yeah. I really wanted to. I love those handicrafts, especially the paper cutting.


Wang Yi: Paper cuttings are all hand—made. Let me see the paper cuttings you bought—cat, dog, tiger, all animals?


Mike: I love animals! Besides, aren’ t animals the main content of Chinese paper cuttings?


Wang Yi: Yeah. Animals, especially Chinese zodiac, are the most common themes in paper cuttings. But there are other themes, like plants, babies, legendary figures, etc.


Mike: Hey, can you make paper cuttings?


Wang Yi: Sure.


Mike: Where did you learn it?


Wang Yi: I learned it from my friend. She knows a lot about paper—cutting, and also good at paper cutting.


Mike: So you must know a lot about paper cutting. What is the paper cuttings used for?


Wang Yi: I just know a little. Today, people often use them for decoration, such as ornament windows, doors, walls and so on. Some people also use them as good gifts.


Mike: It sounds very interesting.


Wang Yi: What’ s more, those paper cuttings are not just some beautiful papers. They also have special meanings. They reflect people’ s wish for harvest, property, health, happiness and so on.


Traditional Chinese Medicine



Realize Traditional Chinese Medicine



Traditional Chinese Medicine ( “TCM” ) is an integral part of Chinese culture. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China. Today both of TCM and western medicine are being used in providing medical and health services in China. TCM, with its unique diagnostic methods, systematic approach, abundant historical literature and materials, has attracted many attentions from the international community. TCM is well recognized for its remarkable effectiveness in off setting the side effect caused by the toxic and chemical treatment of cancer cases in western medical system.

The practice of acupuncture probably dates back to the Stone Age, as suggested by findings of ancient stone needles. Also, hieroglyphs and pictographs documenting acupuncture and moxibustion have been found which are dating back to Shang Dynasty (1600BC–1046 BC). When acupuncture (and herbal medicine) became integrated into an embracing medical theory system, it is difficult to judge. TCM theory is, however, inextricably intertwined with the principles of Yinyangism, which was represented for the first time by Zou Yan (340 BC–260 BC) ).

Traditional Chinese medicine includes a range of traditional medical practices originating in China. It is considered as a complementary or alternative medical system in much of the western world while remaining as a form of primary care throughout most of Asia.

In China, TCM is under the administration of State Administration of TCM and Pharmacology. TCM and its development are regulated. National strategies, law and regulations governing TCM are now in place to guide and promote the research and development in this promising industry.








transdermal patch贴药术



The earliest and most fundamental composition identified in TCM is Huang Di Nei Jing (also called Yellow Emperor’ s Inner Canon) probably dating back to the second century BC. According to legend, it was composed by the mythical Yellow Emperor (said to have lived 2697BC—2597 BC) as a result of a dialogue with his ministers. It states that to be a master physician, one must master the use of metaphors as they apply to medicine and the body.

Yellow Emperor’ s Inner Canon黄帝内经

The Book of Shennong’ s Herb and Medicine


The Book of Medical Problems难经

Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease and

Miscellaneous Disease伤寒杂病论


Key words&Sentences


Chinese medicine is useful.


It can date back to several thousand years ago.


It can not only cure the sickness but also keep people healthy.


Many illnesses can not be healed by modern medicine but the Chinese medicine. Lots of foreigners come to China to ask for Chinese medicine’ s help.


Chinese medicine won’ t harm your stomach, and it has no side effect.


Chinese medicine originated in China’ s Yellow River Basin, and has long established academic system. In the long process of development, Chinese medicine generated a number of famous doctors, as well as appeared a lot of important schools and classics.


As early as the Xia and Shang Dynasty (about 2070 century BC—1046 BC), tincture and medical soup had emerged in China.


The earliest existing pharmaceutical monograph, Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing is the book that made by a number of medical experts collecting and summarizing many medical pharmaceutical materials in Qin and Han Dynasty (221 BC AD 220).


During Qin and Han Dynasties, there formed the Huang Di Nei Jing with systemic theory.


From Wei, Jin, South and North Dynasties (220AD 589AD) to Sui, Tang, and Wudai Dynasties (581AD 960AD), pulse—check has made outstanding achievements. Wang Shuhe summarized 24 pulse conditions in his book The Book of Pulse.


Tang dynasty enjoyed a economic prosperity, thus promoting the development of TCM. The government of Tang dynasty took the lead in completing editing the world’ s first pharmacopoeia book—the Tang Ben Cao.


With western medicine introduced into China from the Ming dynasty, a group of doctors suggested the combination of Chinese and western medicine which was the harbinger of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine. When it comes to Ming dynasty (AD 1368—1644), medical experts Li Shizhen finished TCM masterpiece Ben Cao Gang Mu, including 1892 medicines, becoming the greatest Chinese materia work.

从明代开始,西方医学传入中国。一批医学家们主张 “中西医汇通” ,成为当代中西医结合的先声。到了明代(公元1368—1644年),医药学家李时珍历时27年,完成了中药学巨著《本草纲目》,全书载药1892种,成为中国本草史上最伟大的集成之作。

In the end of the Qing dynasty, the Westernization Movement caught the traditional Chinese medicine—field’ s attention.


Traditional Chinese Medicine generally refers to the medicine based on the traditional medicine created by the people of Han nationality, it is also called Han medicine.


In the modern medical system, Chinese medicine is classified as an alternative medicine.


Now, traditional Chinese medicine is still a common means of treating disease in China.


TCM theory comes from a summary of medical experience, the concept of Yin and Yang and the concept of the five elements (of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth) in ancient China.


Let’ s Talk!


Zhou Meng: Jack, you don’ t look very good, what’ s the matter?


Jack: I don’ t know, I don’ t feel quiet well.


Zhou Meng: Then you see a doctor?


Jack: Yes, but the doctor just told me to have more rest.


Zhou Meng: You must have gone for the western medicine? Maybe you should try Chinese medicine.


Jack: Are there any differences?


Zhou Meng: Of course! There are differences between them! If you’ re sick, it can treat. if you are not sick, it can also help take care of your body. And it will not have side effects, which is very different from Western medicine. My family members are willing to turn to Chinese medicine.


Jack: Really? I have heard of Chinese medicine, but had never tried. So I don’ t know whether it works.


Zhou Meng: Do not worry. Chinese medicine came into being two thousand years ago. It focus on fusion of Yin and Yang, mix of the five elements and offer the most effective treatment according to individual circumstances.


Jack: Wow, that sounds unbelievable. Where can I find a Chinese mediciner?


Zhou Meng: In the city center there is a Chinese medicine hospital, doctors in there are very experienced.


Jack: Good, are you free this afternoon? Will you go with me?


Zhou Meng: Of course.


Jack: Thank you very much, see you this afternoon.


Traditional Chinese Painting



Realize Traditional Chinese Painting



Chinese painting is a form of Chinese art. In imperial time, painting and calligraphy were the most highly appreciated arts in court circles and were produced almost exclusively by amateurs—aristocrats and scholar—officials—who alone had the leisure to perfect the technique and sensibility necessary for great brushwork. Calligraphy was thought to be the highest and purest form of painting. The implements were the brush pen, made of animal fur, and black inks made from pine soot andanimal glue. In ancient times, writing, as well as painting, was done on silk. But after the invention of paper in the 1st century C.E., silk was gradually replaced by the new and cheaper material. Original writings by famous calligraphers have been greatly valued throughout China’ s history and are mounted on scrolls and hung on walls in the same way that paintings are.

Though Chinese painting has much in common with western painting from an aesthetic point of view, it still possesses its unique character. Chinese traditional painting seldom follows the convention of central focus perspective or realistic portrayal, but gives the painter freedom on artistic conception, structural composition and method of expression so as to better express his subjective feelings. Chinese painting has absorbed the best of many forms of art, like poetry, calligraphy, and seal engraving.

Since the turn of the century, China has experienced great political, economic, and cultural changes, and the art of painting is no exception. While traditional Chinese painting still occupies an important place in the life of modern Chinese, many painters now desire to express their experience of new times. By combining new modes of expression with traditional Chinese painting techniques, they are opening up a vast, new world of artistic expression.



Artists from the Han (206 BC–220AC) to the Tang (618–906) dynasties mainly painted human figures. Much of what we know of early Chinese figure painting comes from burial sites, where paintings were preserved on silk banners, lacquered objects and tomb walls. Many early tomb paintings were meant to protect the dead or help their souls get to paradise. Others illustrated the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, or showed scenes of daily life.


Bird—and—flower compositions花鸟画



It is very difficult, if not impossible, to appreciate Chinese paintings without a profound knowledge about different styles characteristic of the different historical periods.

The paintings of Song Dynasty (960—1279AD), however, favored abstract, implied meanings rather than direct expressions, painting skills matured considerably, and the realistic style was in full blossom.

Meticulous—Gong bi工笔

Freehand—Shui mo水墨


Key words&Sentences


Chinese paintings use ink as their dominant feature while color is peripheral.


Blank spaces are often appeared in Chinese paintings.


The principal forms of traditional Chinese paintings are the hanging scroll, album of paintings, sectoral paintings and long horizontal scroll.


A painting is not considered to have been completed until it is mounted.


Traditional Chinese painting’ s content and artistic creation reflect the national consciousness of the Chinese nation and the aesthetic taste.


According to the screen, it can be divided into traditional painting and modern painting.


Picasso, Matisse, Monet and so on have studied Chinese paintings.


Ladies paintings refer to the paintings which treat beauties as the main content.


Mr. Qi Baishi was a skillful poet, calligrapher and seal—cutter.


Chinese painting is a combination in the same picture of poetry, calligraphy, painting and seal engraving. They were indispensable elements, which supply and enrich each other in contributing to the beauty of the whole picture.


At the beginning of the 20th century, some painters from Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Guangzhou and Beijing started to challenge the old tradition of Chinese painting by introducing new art concepts from the West and establishing in art school to train artists.


Mr. Qi Baishi’ s favorite subjects included flowers, insects, birds, landscapes and human figures.


There are something different between Chinese paintings and oil paintings.


Traditional Chinese ink painting is one of the brilliant Chinese culture creations.


In the early years of the People’ s Republic of China, artists were encouraged to turn to the socialist realism.


The color is very simple and elegant in traditional Chinese paintings.


Traditional Chinese painting is a good gift to give because it can show the characteristics of China.


The painting is now generally painted on the Xuan paper.


Traditional Chinese painting, as China’ s traditional crafts, is receiving social and cultural impact.


Let’ s Talk!


Lily: Hi, nice to meet you. How are you?


Chen Xi: Fine. Thank you.


Lily: Could you do me a favor?


Chen Xi: Sure. What is it?


Lily: I bought a piece of Chinese painting. There is a poem in the painting. I wonder if you can translate it for me.


Chen Xi: No problem. But, you know, I’ m not a translator and poems are the hardest to be translated.


Lily: I know that. Just tell me the general meaning of the poem. I’ m not asking you to translate it into poem. Here is the painting.


Chen Xi: In that case, it is much easier. Oh, how beautiful it is! Let me see. The painter is Mr. Qi Baishi. He is a famous artist. Where did you buy it?


Lily: It is from a store on the Liu Li Chang Street. I don’ t know there is a name of the artist. I just like the pictures.


Chen Xi: If the painter is a famous ancient artist, the painting would be much more valuable. It is a custom that a painting will always have the artist’ s seal.


Lily: Thank you. I learned a lot from you.


Chen Xi: My pleasure.


Chinese National Music



Realize Chinese National Music



Chinese national music is the traditional art or court music of China. It has a long history stretching for more than three thousand years. It has its own unique systems of musical notation, as well as musical tuning and pitch, musical instruments and styles or musical genres.

Chinese national music is pentatonic—diatonic, having a scale of twelve notes to an octave as does European—influenced music. zX1BjkF/L03LG3wwnECUJr0TYWVtU/fDI87UTJ/RR3WwSZjE47ue5NC5pa1Fo3bW
