
Traditional Chinese Medicine



Realize Traditional Chinese Medicine



Traditional Chinese Medicine(“TCM”)is an integral part of Chinese culture.It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China.Today both of TCM and western medicine are being used in providing medical and health services in China.TCM,with its unique diagnostic methods,systematic approach,abundant historical literature and materials,has attracted many attentions from the international community.TCM is well recognized for its remarkable effectiveness in off setting the side effect caused by the toxic and chemical treatment of cancer cases in western medical system.

The practice of acupuncture probably dates back to the Stone Age,as suggested by findings of ancient stone needles.Also,hieroglyphs and pictographs documenting acupuncture and moxibustion have been found which are dating back to Shang Dynasty(1600BC-1046BC)。When acupuncture(and herbal medicine)became integrated into an embracing medical theory system,it is difficult to judge.TCM theory is,however,inextricably intertwined with the principles of Yinyangism,which was represented for the first time by Zou Yan(340BC-260BC))。

Traditional Chinese medicine includes a range of traditional medical practices originating in China.It is considered as a complementary or alternative medical system in much of the western world while remaining as a form of primary care throughout most of Asia.

In China,TCM is under the administration of State Administration of TCM and Pharmacology.TCM and its development are regulated.National strategies,law and regulations governing TCM are now in place to guide and promote the research and development in this promising industry.



Acupuncture 针灸术
Massage 推拿术
Moxibustion 艾灸术
Cupping 拔罐术
Guasha 刮痧术
transdermal patch 贴药术
cryotherapy 冷冻术

The earliest and most fundamental composition identified in TCM is Huang Di Nei Jing(also called Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon)probably dating back to the second century BC.According to legend,it was composed by the mythical Yellow Emperor(said to have lived 2697BC-2597BC)as a result of a dialogue with his ministers.It states that to be a master physician,one must master the use of metaphors as they apply to medicine and the body.

Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon 黄帝内经
The Book of Shennong's Herb and Medicine 神农本草经
The Book of Medical Problems 难经
Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease and Miscellaneous Disease 伤寒杂病论



Key wordsKey words &Sentences

Chinese medicine is useful.


It can date back to several thousand years ago.


It can not only cure the sickness but also keep people healthy.


Many illnesses can not be healed by modern medicine but the Chinese medicine.Lots of foreigners come to China to ask for Chinese medicine's help.


Chinese medicine won't harm your stomach,and it has no side effect.


Chinese medicine originated in China's Yellow River Basin,and has long established academic system.In the long process of development,Chinese medicine generated a number of famous doctors,as well as appeared a lot of important schools and classics.


As early as the Xia and Shang Dynasty(about 2070century BC-1046BC),tincture and medical soup had emerged in China.


The earliest existing pharmaceutical monograph,Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing is the book that made by a number of medical experts collecting and summarizing many medical pharmaceutical materials in Qin and Han Dynasty(221BCAD 220)。


During Qin and Han Dynasties,there formed the Huang Di Nei Jing with systemic theory.


From Wei,Jin,South and North Dynasties(220AD589AD)to Sui,Tang,and Wudai Dynasties(581AD960AD),pulse-check has made outstanding achievements.Wang Shuhe summarized 24pulse conditions in his book The Book of Pulse.


Tang dynasty enjoyed a economic prosperity,thus promoting the development of TCM.The government of Tang dynasty took the lead in completing editing the world's first pharmacopoeia book-the Tang Ben Cao.


With western medicine introduced into China from the Ming dynasty,a group of doctors suggested the combination of Chinese and western medicine which was the harbinger of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine.When it comes to Ming dynasty(AD 1368-1644),medical experts Li Shizhen finished TCM masterpiece Ben Cao Gang Mu,including 1892medicines,becoming the greatest Chinese materia work.


In the end of the Qing dynasty,the Westernization Movement caught the traditional Chinese medicine-field's attention.


Traditional Chinese Medicine generally refers to the medicine based on the traditional medicine created by the people of Han nationality,it is also called Han medicine.


In the modern medical system,Chinese medicine is classified as an alternative medicine.


Now,traditional Chinese medicine is still a common means of treating disease in China.


TCM theory comes from a summary of medical experience,the concept of Yin and Yang and the concept of the five elements(of metal,wood,water,fire,and earth)in ancient China.



Let's Talk!

Zhou Meng: Jack,you don't look very good,what's the matter?

周蒙: 杰克,你脸色不是很好啊,怎么了?

Jack: I don't know,I don't feel quiet well.

杰克: 我也不知道啊,就是感觉身体很难受。

Zhou Meng: Then you see a doctor?

周蒙: 那你去看医生了吗?

Jack: Yes,but the doctor just told me to have more rest.

杰克: 看了,但医生就让我多休息。

Zhou Meng: You must have gone for the western medicine?Maybe you should try Chinese medicine.

周蒙: 你看的是西医吧?你可以试试中医啊。

Jack: Are there any differences?

杰克: 有什么区别吗?

Zhou Meng: Of course!There are differences between them!If you're sick,it can treat.if you are not sick,it can also help take care of your body.And it will not have side effects,which is very different from Western medicine.My family members are willing to turn to Chinese medicine.

周蒙: 当然有区别啦!如果你生病了,它就能治病。如果你没病,它也能帮你调养护理,不会有副作用,这和西医有很大的区别。我们家的人都愿意去看中医。

Jack: Really?I have heard of Chinese medicine,but had never tried.So I don't know whether it works.

杰克: 是吗?我听说过中医,但就一直没看,也不知道这管不管用。

Zhou Meng: Do not worry.Chinese medicine came into being two thousand years ago.It focus on fusion of Yin and Yang,mix of the five elements and offer the most effective treatment according to individual circumstances.

周蒙: 这你放心,中医在两千年前就出现了。中医讲究的是阴阳相和,五行合一,能根据个人的情况,给予最有效的医治。

Jack: Wow,that sounds unbelievable 。Where can I find a Chinese mediciner?

杰克: 哇,这听起来好神奇啊。你知道这哪有中医吗?

Zhou Meng: In the city center there is a Chinese medicine hospital,doctors in there are very experienced.

周蒙: 在市中心那就有一所中医院,那里的医生都是很有经验的。

Jack: Good,are you free this afternoon?Will you go with me?

杰克: 好的,下午你有空吗?能陪我一起去吗?

Zhou Meng: Of course.

周蒙: 当然可以。

Jack: Thank you very much,see you this afternoon.

杰克: 非常感谢,下午见。 8BPWUy5tMUqK8vLvPwOJjc7eyrbZYvkU+Wi82t1T7BGjjNaZAtKUoo4b5Z6abmXf

