
Artistic Paper Cutting



Realize Artistic Paper Cutting



The folk art of paper cutting in China is a national quintessence just as the traditional paintings,calligraphy and Peking Opera.It is also a precious non-material cultural heritage the Chinese ancestors have left to the people of the world.Paper cutting can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival.People paste patterns on windows,door lintels or desks for festival atmosphere.

It's difficult to tell when it originated.One saying is that it originated from some religious ceremony of offering sacrifices.Ancient people cut papers into the shapes of animals or people,then they either buried them with the dead or burned them on the funerals,wishing those things that paper stand for could be with the dead.A thousand years ago,paper cutting was used for decoration.According to historic books,women in Tang Dynasty used paper cutting as headdress.In Song Dynasty,it was the decoration of gifts.People use them as decorations on walls,mirrors or lanterns.Some people made a living by it.

To the author,the folk paper cutting work is not just a folk art form or a “handicraft”,but a means that expresses the inner self of the author through the art of paper cutting.To master this,it requires skillful application of the laws that govern the matching of scissors and paper through years of practice by author.It also requires an in-depth accumulation of his or her observation of various objects in nature and a thorough understanding of life.

As a main form of folk arts,Chinese paper cutting has a long history.But nowadays under the impact of commodity economy and modern ideas,great changes have taken place in cultural psychology and standards of beauty appreciation,and all folk arts,including paper cutting,are facing serious challenges.




Paper cutting is all made by hand.It is easy to learn the rudiments.Non-craftsmen need only a knife and paper.For craftsmen,they need knives and gravers of various types to make complicated patterns.It can be one piece of paper or many pieces.Simple patterns can be cut with a knife.For complicated patterns,people first pasted the pattern on the paper and then use various kinds of knives to make it.No mistake can be made during the process otherwise the work would fail.

Yinke 阴刻
Yangke 阳刻
Yinyangke 阴阳刻

Paper cutting covers nearly all topics,such as flowers,birds,animals,legendary people,figures in classic novels,types of facial make-up in Peking opera.Paper cutting has various styles in different parts of China.

Decoration 装饰类
Chirotype 稿模类
Custom and superstition 俗信类
Design 设计类



Key wordsKey words &Sentences

Wangcheng Cathay paper-cutting museum in Hunan province is the first folk paper-cutting museum with rich and unique collection of works.


Up to now,paper-cuts are popular in countryside throughout China.


The rustic and exuberant Yingge dance,the melodic Ditao music and the exquisite paper-cutting are billed as three treasures of Chaoyang folk arts.


Paper-cutting is inexpensive and makes excellent gift for family and friends.


Paper-cutting will not be excellent without superb skills.


Paper cutting has various styles in different parts of China.


At present,there are professional paper cutting factories in China.


At present,the earliest paper cutting we can see has a history of more than 1,500years.


Paper cutting is not only a traditional art form,but a culture.


The aesthetics of folk paper cutting is demonstrated in embodying the original spirit of the art and in enlightening the active thinking.


Now fewer and fewer people can grasp the skill.


Paper cutting can develop our patience.


Red paper is generally used to express joy in paper cutting.


Once you can master paper-cut,there will be a lot of fun.


In ancient times,women usually express their ability through paper-cut.


Our country has advocated to protecting ancient folk arts,such as Peking Opera,paper cutting and Kungfu.


Paper-cut is commonly used in religious ceremonies,decorations and so on.


Paper cuttings,as well as the New Year pictures,are come into being because of the psychological needs of exorcism and praying for happiness.


One of the hometowns of Chinese paper cuttings is Fujian Zhangpu.


Animals,especially Chinese zodiac,are the most common themes in paper cuttings.


The main tool is cutting scissor.


Women usually do paper cutting at home while men would do it only when he is free in ancient time.



Let's Talk!

Wang Yi: Hello!What did you buy at the market?

王易: 嗨,你从市场上都买了些什么呀?

Mike: Chinese mountain-water paintings,clay figurines,seals,Weifang New Year pictures,and many paper cuttings!

迈克: 中国山水画、泥人、印章、潍坊年画和很多剪纸!

Wang Yi: It seems that you've bought the whole market!

王易: 你好像把整个市场都买回来了。

Mike: Yeah.I really wanted to.I love those handicrafts,especially the paper cutting.

迈克: 是呀。我的确想那么做,我喜欢那些手工艺品,尤其是剪纸。

Wang Yi: Paper cuttings are all hand-made.Let me see the paper cuttings you bought-cat,dog,tiger,all animals?

王易: 剪纸是全手工制作的。让我看看你买的剪纸,鱼、狗、老虎——全是动物?

Mike: I love animals!Besides,aren't animals the main content of Chinese paper cuttings?

迈克: 我喜欢动物!再说,难道动物不是中国剪纸的主题吗?

Wang Yi: Yeah.Animals,especially Chinese zodiac,are the most common themes in paper cuttings.But there are other themes,like plants,babies,legendary figures,etc.

王易: 是的。动物,尤其是十二生肖,是剪纸最常见的主题,但是也有其他主题,例如:植物、孩童、传说人物等。

Mike: Hey,can you make paper cuttings?

迈克: 嘿,你会剪纸吗?

Wang Yi: Sure.

王易: 当然会。

Mike: Where did you learn it?

王易: 你从哪学来的啊?

Wang Yi: I learned it from my friend.She knows a lot about paper-cutting,and also good at paper cutting.

王易: 从我的一个朋友那学来的。她对剪纸十分了解,而且也很擅长剪纸。

Mike: So you must know a lot about paper cutting.What is the paper cuttings used for?

迈克: 那你一定知道很多中国剪纸罗!这些剪纸都是用来干什么的呢?

Wang Yi: I just know a little.Today,people often use them for decoration,such as ornament windows,doors,walls and so on.Some people also use them as good gifts.

王易: 只知道一点点啦。现在,剪纸大部分是用来装饰的,比如装饰窗户、门、墙等等。也有人将它们当作礼物了。

Mike: It sounds very interesting.

迈克: 听起来很有意思。

Wang Yi: What's more,those paper cuttings are not just some beautiful papers.They also have special meanings.They reflect people's wish for harvest,property,health,happiness and so on.

王易: 而且,剪纸可不仅是漂亮的剪纸,它们还有特殊的象征意义。它们反映了人们对丰收、富贵、健康、幸福等的希望。 ezIZYWEMh3pX5HRmYBaMunqZW1NJk42PCFus77EJ8Ky+GBTjkrHKd2i7ct8129Zd
