



Realize Dragon



The people of China have a Long held belief that they are descendents of the Long,a tradition that is firmly embedded in their culture and one that is encountered across all aspects of Chinese society and in the minds of its people.Whereas in western cultures dragons are usually regarded as a symbol of malevolence,in China the Long is held in high esteem for its dignity and power for good.

From primitive times people have regarded the Long as an auspicious creature with the power to bless and influence their lives.As tribes fought for domination and came to be united under a common banner the Long was adopted as a national icon.Such was the mysterious creature's power it was regarded as the god of rain,thunder,the rainbow,and the stars.In a society that was founded upon agriculture and animal husbandry totally reliant upon its natural environment and in particular the climate,the dragon was worshipped as the source of all that was beneficial to communal well being.This concept has been sustained for thousands of years as more and more deification was bestowed upon the dragon ranging from being a bringer of joy to prophecy and miracles.With the establishment of a feudal society,emperors compared themselves to the Long thereby making it the exclusive symbol of imperial majesty.Anyone who subsequently used the Long as a symbol either intentionally or erroneously could be regarded as offending their ruler and condemned to death.

The image of the Long has undergone a series of changes over the centuries becoming more and more mighty and beautiful.The original illustration on primitive bronze ware portrays it as ferocious and mysterious;in the Han Dynasty(206BC-220),it became magnificent and unrestrained;while during the Tang Dynasty(618-907),it was personalized as gentle,tamed and graceful.From the Song Dynasty onwards(960-1279),the design became delicate and flowery.

There are several different kinds of Long according to color,which may be yellow,blue,black,white or red.Of these the most highly revered was the yellow Long and so each emperor wore a gown decorated with a yellow Long pattern.

Although there are differences in appearance,the basics are similar.This is because it is a combination of the features of animals with which people were familiar.A Long has a protruding forehead indicating wisdom and antlers.Its ox's ears denote success in the imperial examination;it has tiger's eyes as a sign of power;eagle's claws showing bravery;while a fish's tail implies flexibility and the horse's teeth are a mark of diligence and so on.



Jiao Long 蛟龙
Chi Long 螭龙
Qiu Long 虬龙
Ying Long 应龙

Many Chinese people often use the term “Descendants of the Long”as a sign of ethnic identity,as part of a trend started in the 1970s when different Asian nationalities were looking for animal symbols for representations.The wolf was used among the Mongols,the monkey among Tibetans.

A number of Chinese proverbs and idioms also feature references to the Long,for example:“hoping one's son will become a Long ”。



Key wordsKey words &Sentences

Long is a symbol of the Chinese nation.Long is China in the world.


Long,phoenix,unicorn,and tortoise are called the “four auspicious”。


In western myth,dragon is a winged animal.


The Long appears in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar.


The Long is a very auspicious animal.


Long has been linked with the imperial power for very long time,since the Yellow Emperor's age.


The Year of the Long is associated with the earthly branch symbol.Honest,sensitive,and brave,these individuals are compatible with Rats,Snakes,Monkeys and Roosters too.


Malevolent dragons also occur in the mythology of Persia and other places.


The saying,Chinese people are the offspring of the Long came from the ancient totem and tales.


After unification of the tribes,Huang Di decided to use a new form of totem.It is called Long.


It is said that the head of the original bear and the body of a snake form the Long.


Long is the symbol of the emperor in the feudal age,and also used to refer to the imperial and imperial's things,such as imperial crowns,palace,etc.


Winged dragon is called Ying Dragon with a history about seven thousand years.


The prototype of Long has been burgeoning in the late Neolithic Age.


The Long King faith is produced by the rise of the Buddhism.


Long has five fingers.


Long types varied,but basically close to reptiles.


Most Longs have hard scales covering themselves with strange colors,mostly red,green,black and gold,etc.


All of the Longs will get more ability and more power because of the age increasing.


They live to be more than thousands of years,and maybe at birth they are only a few feet dragon,but they can achieve100feet when they are Taigu Long.


The primitive dragon's appearance is like a huge winged serpent,some with legs and some do not.


China is the hometown of Long.


In traditional auspicious patterns in China,the “Long and Phoenix”is a good pattern.



Let's Talk!

Li Mei: Do you know this animal?

李梅: 你知道这是什么动物吗?

Mike: It looks like a snake,but with a little bigger head,but also a bit likes a lizard,what on earth is it?

迈克: 看起来像蛇,可头好像大了点,又有点像蜥蜴,到底是什么啊?

Li Mei: Have you ever heard a song called Long's offspring?

李梅: 你听过一首歌叫“龙的传人”吗?

Mike: Yeah,it is singed by Lee Hom.

迈克: 听过,王力宏唱的。

Li Mei: This is the Long.

李梅: 这就是龙。

Mike: Ah,why do you called yourselves the successor?

迈克: 啊,为什么说你们是它的传人啊?

Li Mei: This is the Chinese Long culture.The Long has always been a part of our lives,but whether it is real or just a kind of totem,no one can say it clearly.

李梅: 这是我们中国人的龙文化啊。龙一直存在于我们的生活中,但它到底是真实存在还是只是一种图腾,到现在也没人能说得清楚啊。

Mike: What does the Long represent?

迈克: 龙代表什么呢?

Li Mei: The Long is a symbol of good fortune,power and elegance.

李梅: 龙是一种吉祥的象征,是权势与高贵的象征。

Mike: No wonder then,in short,it is the symbol of a good side.

迈克: 怪不得呢,总之,它就是象征好的一面。

Li Mei: Yes,there is a Chinese Zodiac Long,so many people are proud of the Long zodiac.

李梅: 对,中国的十二生肖中还有一个是龙呢,所以很多人都以自己是龙年生的而自豪。

Mike: Chinese tradition is really interesting,which makes me interested in Chinese culture.

迈克: 中国的传统真有意思,这让我对中国的文化产生了兴趣。

Li Mei: If you know more,you will be more interested in it.

李梅: 如果你了解得更多,你会更感兴趣的。

Mike: Well,we will be able to exchange experience very often.

迈克: 好啊,那我们以后就能经常交流经验啦。 AfV+9XoSKrPXqeeJRC09VL1KRWhhLK9EfgkeiCOjc8vkrGdlPu8npTFhRifZlcBX
