
Traditional Chinese Painting



Realize Traditional Chinese Painting



Chinese painting is a form of Chinese art.In imperial time,painting and calligraphy were the most highly appreciated arts in court circles and were produced almost exclusively by amateurs-aristocrats and scholar-officials-who alone had the leisure to perfect the technique and sensibility necessary for great brushwork.Calligraphy was thought to be the highest and purest form of painting.The implements were the brush pen,made of animal fur,and black inks made from pine soot andanimal glue.In ancient times,writing,as well as painting,was done on silk.But after the invention of paper in the 1st century C.E.,silk was gradually replaced by the new and cheaper material.Original writings by famous calligraphers have been greatly valued throughout China's history and are mounted on scrolls and hung on walls in the same way that paintings are.

Though Chinese painting has much in common with western painting from an aesthetic point of view,it still possesses its unique character.Chinese traditional painting seldom follows the convention of central focus perspective or realistic portrayal,but gives the painter freedom on artistic conception,structural composition and method of expression so as to better express his subjective feelings.Chinese painting has absorbed the best of many forms of art,like poetry,calligraphy,and seal engraving.

Since the turn of the century,China has experienced great political,economic,and cultural changes,and the art of painting is no exception.While traditional Chinese painting still occupies an important place in the life of modern Chinese,many painters now desire to express their experience of new times.By combining new modes of expression with traditional Chinese painting techniques,they are opening up a vast,new world of artistic expression.




Artists from the Han(206BC-220AC)to the Tang(618-906)dynasties mainly painted human figures.Much of what we know of early Chinese figure painting comes from burial sites,where paintings were preserved on silk banners,lacquered objects and tomb walls.Many early tomb paintings were meant to protect the dead or help their souls get to paradise.Others illustrated the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius,or showed scenes of daily life.

Portraiture 肖像
Bird-and-flower compositions 花鸟画
Landscape 山水画

It is very difficult,if not impossible,to appreciate Chinese paintings without a profound knowledge about different styles characteristic of the different historical periods.

The paintings of Song Dynasty(960-1279AD),however,favored abstract,implied meanings rather than direct expressions,painting skills matured considerably,and the realistic style was in full blossom.

Meticulous-Gong bi 工笔
Freehand-Shui mo 水墨



Key wordsKey words &Sentences

Chinese paintings use ink as their dominant feature while color is peripheral.


Blank spaces are often appeared in Chinese paintings.


The principal forms of traditional Chinese paintings are the hanging scroll,album of paintings,sectoral paintings and long horizontal scroll.


A painting is not considered to have been completed until it is mounted.


Traditional Chinese painting's content and artistic creation reflect the national consciousness of the Chinese nation and the aesthetic taste.


According to the screen,it can be divided into traditional painting and modern painting.


Picasso,Matisse,Monet and so on have studied Chinese paintings.


Ladies paintings refer to the paintings which treat beauties as the main content.


Mr.Qi Baishi was a skillful poet,calligrapher and seal-cutter.


Chinese painting is a combination in the same picture of poetry,calligraphy,painting and seal engraving.They were indispensable elements,which supply and enrich each other in contributing to the beauty of the whole picture.


At the beginning of the 20th century,some painters from Shanghai,Hangzhou,Nanjing,Guangzhou and Beijing started to challenge the old tradition of Chinese painting by introducing new art concepts from the West and establishing in art school to train artists.


Mr.Qi Baishi's favorite subjects included flowers,insects,birds,landscapes and human figures.


There are something different between Chinese paintings and oil paintings.


Traditional Chinese ink painting is one of the brilliant Chinese culture creations.


In the early years of the People's Republic of China,artists were encouraged to turn to the socialist realism.


The color is very simple and elegant in traditional Chinese paintings.


Traditional Chinese painting is a good gift to give because it can show the characteristics of China.


The painting is now generally painted on the Xuan paper.


Traditional Chinese painting,as China's traditional crafts,is receiving social and cultural impact.



Let's Talk!

Lily: Hi,nice to meet you.How are you?

莉莉: 很高兴见到你,你好吗?

Chen Xi: Fine.Thank you.

陈曦: 我很好。

Lily: Could you do me a favor?

莉莉: 你能帮我个忙吗?

Chen Xi: Sure.What is it?

陈曦: 当然可以。什么事?

Lily: I bought a piece of Chinese painting.There is a poem in the painting.I wonder if you can translate it for me.

莉莉: 我买了一副中国画。画上有一首诗。你能把它翻译成英语吗?

Chen Xi: No problem.But,you know,I'm not a translator and poems are the hardest to be translated.

陈曦: 没问题。但是,你知道。我不是一个专门做翻译的,而且诗歌是最难译的。

Lily: I know that.Just tell me the general meaning of the poem.I'm not asking you to translate it into poem.Here is the painting.

莉莉: 这我知道。你只需要告诉我大概意思就行了。你不需要把它翻译成诗歌。这就是那幅画。

Chen Xi: In that case,it is much easier.Oh,how beautiful it is!Let me see.The painter is Mr.Qi Baishi.He is a famous artist.Where did you buy it?

陈曦: 那样就容易多了。噢,这画真漂亮!让我看看,作者是齐白石,他是著名的艺术家。你从哪儿买的?

Lily: It is from a store on the Liu Li Chang Street.I don't know there is a name of the artist.I just like the pictures.

莉莉: 从琉璃厂街的一个商店买的。我不知道画上还有作者的名字。我就是喜欢这画。

Chen Xi: If the painter is a famous ancient artist,the painting would be much more valuable.It is a custom that a painting will always have the artist's seal.

陈曦: 如果是一个著名的古代画家,他的画会贵重得多。中国画一般会有画家的印章。

Lily: Thank you.I learned a lot from you.

莉莉: 谢谢。我从你那儿学了不少东西。

Chen Xi: My pleasure.

陈曦: 不用谢。 JdwNpy5+++4umws7coSCNRMowMD5d2KH3vdsNAjlu6BVtRHYN3oA44Jco5z4ChZ+
