
Conditions of Medical Care 医疗保健


Part 1 What is medical care 什么是医疗保健

In 2010 China had 920,000 medical, health-care and epidemic prevention institutions (including clinics), with 3.19 million beds, and 4.49 million medical personnel. In Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing and other large cities, various high-level specialized hospitals of tumor, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, ophthalmological and dental diseases, traditional Chinese medicine and infectious diseases can be found, in addition to a large number of general hospitals. Mediumsized cities in all the provinces and autonomous regions have general and specialized hospitals equipped with modern facilities. Now medical, prevention, and health-care networks at the county, township and village levels have taken shape in the countryside. At present, there are more than 2,000 hospitals at the county level, and more than 50,000 hospitals at the township and town levels. Of the 730,000 administrative villages, 89.8 percent have medical centers. China has a total of 1.28 million rural doctors and paramedics. Thanks to the founding and perfection of the medical and health care institutions and the fact that the people have gradually cultivated the habit of paying attention to personal hygiene, the Chinese people mainly die of malignant tumors, or cerebrovascular or heart diseases now instead of infectious and parasitic diseases in the past. The death causes for the Chinese people are very close to those of the developed countries. The urban and rural people's health has greatly improved. The average life expectancy of the Chinese people increased from 35 years old on the eve of Liberation in 1949, to 70.9 years old in 1995, and to 73 years old in 2009.

“Putting prevention first” is an important experience of China's health care work. Government health departments at all levels have always followed this principle, and have worked hard to prevent and control infectious, local and parasitic diseases that are detrimental to the people's health. The administrative areas at all levels have formed a national health care anti-epidemic network with anti-epidemic stations and other prevention institutions as the mainstay. In the early 1960s, China had already eliminated smallpox, more than 10 years earlier than in the world as a whole.

To concentrate efforts on eliminating or controlling infectious and local diseases gravely threatening the people's health, the Chinese government promulgated the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, the National Action Plan for Eliminating Poliomyelitis in 1995, the China Outline of the Program for Eliminating Iodine Deficiency Diseases in 2000 and other legal documents, thus further strengthening the prevention and Control of diseases. Thanks to China's remarkable achievements in preventing and controlling diseases, the Department of Disease Control of the Ministry of Health has been awarded a special achievement prize by the World Health Organization.

“预防为主”是中国卫生工作的重要经验之一,各级行政区域(administrative region)均建立以卫生防疫站(health and epidemic prevention station)等预防保健机构(prevention and health care institution)为主、具有卫生监督管理(hygiene supervision)和防病职能的机构,形成了全国性的卫生监督和防疫网络(health monitoring and prevention network)。以为居民提供预防为主、综合治疗与保健(comprehension treatment and care)为基本特征的社区卫生服务(community health service),近几年在城市医药卫生体制改革和社区建设的推动下,已由个别城市逐步扩展到大多数城市,并越来越受居民的欢迎。社区卫生服务的发展,适应了城市化(urbanization)、人口老龄化(aging population)、疾病普遍化及社会阶层的变化,为改善卫生服务提供了切实的方案。现在,一个以社区卫生服务中心(站) (community health center)为主体,其他基层医疗机构(primary health care institution)为补充的社区卫生服务网络正在全国各大中城市逐步形成。

Part 2 Key words & Sentences 关键词句全知道

Health care has to be accessible and affordable.


Health care system makes up an important part in China's social economic reform.


Beijing will increase medical reimbursement rate for retires by 10% next year.


Between 70 and 80 percent of the rural population has no health insurance.


All people in urban and rural areas will enjoy basic medical care and health services by 2020.


The current health care system is dominated by pay-for-service care.


Public health service and labor insurance has contributed much to ensuring people's health over the past years.


The Chinese social security system has been established and improved through continuous health insurance system reform.


But at least 47 percent of those surveyed in all countries think there are some good things in their systems but they need to be improved.


Health planners must look beyond the cold calculus of economics and into the core of the human values embedded in the very concept of health care, if they are to develop a truly healthy country.


In China, some cities and districts grope for the new rural medical care system and have accumulated quite a few successful experiences, which are worthy of our reference.


While increasing government responsibility and spending, we will also encourage greater participation of private capital from both home and abroad in the sector.


The reform covers a wide range of subjects including insurance, lation of drug manufacturing, distribution and supervision, and legis medical management.


In order to better promote reform and development of health programs, the State Council has begun formulating a plan for deepening the reform of the Medicine and medical and heal care systems in order to resolve the difficulty of obtaining medical service, an issue of common concern.


However, it has also proved that this practice cannot go with the current socialist market economic reform, and consequent problems are inevitable, such as: increasing cost in medical treatment, unsatisfied health care service, unreasonable distribution of medical facilities, and waste of medical resources, etc.


As China's socioeconomic system moves increasingly marketoriented and the role of the government as a provider of public services diminishes, the country's health care system, traditionally one of core elements of Chinese socialism, is suffering.


When China began its economic reform in early 1980s, the old medical system was dismantled as China attempted to switch to a market-oriented health system. But the government has failed to establish a viable substitute.


Part 3 Let's Talk! 开始交流吧!

Emma: Oh, I don't feel very good.


Lucy: You look sick. You should go to the hospital.


Emma: Are the hospitals in Beijing very good?


Lucy: You can go to the Beijing United Family Hospital. It has excellent inpatient wards where many expatriates receive medical care.


Emma: I've heard that it is a nice hospital. Do many Chinese people use it?


Lucy: Not many. It's extremely expensive. But the Chinese government is taking many steps to improve the medical treatment for lower-income Chinese people.


Emma: I have heard about barefoot doctors who go door-to-door to treat people in rural areas.


Lucy: That's true. They have also set up round-the-clock clinics to treat ordinary symptoms. For serious diseases, people go to larger hospitals. Improving healthcare is an important part of the overall reform process for China.


Emma: I read the other day that in the past 50 years, the infant mortality rate in China has greatly reduced while the average life increased a lot.


Lucy: That's true. They are getting a handle on communicable or infectious diseases, but because people are living longer, noncommunicable diseases have become a primary cause of death.


Emma: But all countries have that problem.


Lucy: Yes, but non-communicable diseases require expensive curative care and more sophisticated technology.


Emma: I guess China has a lot of health issues to address. How qualified are the medical personnel?


Lucy: They are very qualified, but the government still needs to stay involved in quality control and health supervision.


Emma: With such a large country, I can imagine that the biggest problem is the healthcare infrastructure. How do they ensure access to healthcare in the rural areas?


Lucy: They are looking for methods to involve villagers in the governance of cooperatives, improve management transparency, and possibly use private insurance where possible.


Emma: Is the international community involved in assisting them?


Lucy: Yes. International involvement is an important way of ensuring quality healthcare for Chinese citizens.

露西: 是的。国际力量的参与是确保中国公民得到高质量卫生保健的重要途径。 vpc7QvxYe7K9WubKUJo5dOsRzFDuRofqNFIXoO8fnd4TRbP4wmON8El3CK3LfBg7
