
Overcrowded City 人满为患的城市


Part 1 Overcrowded city 人满为患的城市

Over half the world's people now live in cities. The “Global Report on Human Settlements” says the historic change had taken place. The report came out from U.N. Habitat, a United Nations agency.

A century ago, less than five percent of all people lived in cities. By the middle of this century it could be seventy percent, or almost six and a half billion people. Already three-fourths of people in developed countries live in cities. Now most urban population growths exist in the developing world.

Urbanization can lead to social and economic progress, but also pressure on cities to provide housing and services. The new report says almost two hundred thousand people move into cities and towns each day. It says worsening inequalities, driven by social divisions and differences in wealth, could lead to violence unless cities plan better.

In China, more attention is being given to population issues. According to the authorities, in the next five years, China's urban population is going to overtake the rural population for the first time. What does this mean for the country and its development?

The National Population and Family Planning Commission said recently, the urban population in the country will pass 700 million in the near future, which will take up 50% of the total population. The population structure is going to experience a dramatic change, and social and economic development will also be affected.

“It is very meaningful to China because we used to be an agricultural country for such a long time. When the country's urban population takes up more than 50% of the total population, we can say our country is an urbanized country. I think it's going to be a milestone in China's history.”

Meanwhile, experts also say our society has to get ready for the coming changes.

“We should pay attention to the quality of urbanization. There are a lot of topics around the next generation of rural people. These young people were born in the cities; barely have connection with the rural areas. But it's hard for them to become a real part of the city. So the issue of the living condition of this flowing population is very important too. It is closely connected to the quality of urbanization. ”

Facing the population change, we have to be more concerned about many issues, including how to relieve the population pressure in big cities, and how to improve the development of small cities.

Another issue is urban sprawl. This is where cities expand into rural areas, sometimes at a much faster rate than urban population growth.

Sprawl is common in the United States. Americans move a lot. In a recent study, Art Hall at the University of Kansas found that people are moving away from the major cities to smaller cities. He sees a trend toward “de-urbanization” across America.

But urban economies still provide possibilities that rural areas do not. Sabina Deitrick at the University of Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, is an expert on cities. She notes that urbanization brings social change that can empower women.

SABINA DEITRICK: “Women entering the labor force is one big change and that always goes up with urbanization and certainly will proceed in many, many countries where urbanization is increasing rapidly.”

Sabina Deitrick has closely studied Pittsburgh from the loss of its main industry, steel, to its rebirth as a smaller city with different industries. She says the reuse of existing land and spaces and the reinvention of urban life is important if cities are to succeed.

Professor Deitrick notes that a city's ability to educate and train its people is important to jobs and new industries. Even new industries based on old ideas.

Around the world, people leave rural farm jobs to go to the city. Yet now there is growing demand for farm products grown close to the cities where they are used. Urban farming is taking hold in some of the world's biggest cities. Sabina Deitrick says studies show that urban farming is one area where woman can earn more than men do.

所谓人口压力指数(population pressure index),是指一个区域现有人口数量(current population)与经济人口容量(economic population capacity)之比。当人口压力指数小于1时,人口容量相对富裕(relatively rich),说明该地区相对人口压力不大,还有一定的人口扩容余地(room for expansion);当人口压力指数大于1时,则人口容量超负荷(population capacity overload)。人口压力指数与人口经济密度密切相关。如果以全国平均水平为1来计算,东部地区人口压力指数平均为0.65(the average population pressure index),表明东部地区有人口扩容的能力。事实也表明,中、西部地区的人口向东部地区的流动迁移(mobility and migration)是主流;中部地区的人口压力指数为1.14,除了吉林、黑龙江两个省的人口压力指数低于1外,其他中部地区省份的人口容量都超负荷。如果人口过多的迁入,对经济发展、生态只会造成负影响。西部地区人口压力指数更大,除内蒙古外,其余地区人口容量已满负荷。

Part 2 Key words & Sentences 关键词句全知道

city size 城市规模

mega-cities 百万人口的大城市

uncontrolled urbanization 城市化失控

urban population growth 城市人口增长

This city has a population of more than 1, 000, 000.


Within 30 years there will be twice as many urban people as countryside people in the world.


The town is fast increasing in population.


The government needed to seek solutions for swelling urban populations and shrinking resources.


Currently, three densely urbanized regions have formed along China's coast, the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.


The population of this city is above a hundred thousand.


According to the research from McKinsey, by 2025, the report predicts that China will have 221 cities with more than a million inhabitants.


Every year, about 13 million rural people flood into China's cities, equivalent to the current population of Beijing.


Urbanization is speeding up throughout China, with half the 1.3 billion Chinese expected to live in cities in 2020.


The scale and pace of urbanization in China would continue at an unprecedented rate.


New urban systems are also taking shape in the country's smaller cities and towns, due to economic development and the absorption of surplus rural labor.


China's mega-cities are swelling at an alarming rate; they cannot accommodate the numbers of people and the increasing strain on resources.


Most citizens will prefer to live in a smaller city than a mega size one with millions of people; but they all want to have access to the same opportunities and services in the mega-cities.


More and more official and property developers are turning to the concept of eco-towns as populations' expansion and calls for sustainability in new construction grow louder.


Part 3 Let's Talk! 开始交流吧!

Mary: Katherine, How about your holiday? Did you go anywhere?


Katherine: I visited the museum.


Mary: Was there any interesting prohibition?


Katherine: There were so many people that I could see nothing.


Mary: Yeah, there are crowd of people everywhere in the city.


Katherine: According to the prediction of authority, the total population of world cities will reach 9 billion till year 2075.


Mary: Really? That's horrible!


Katherine: Well, will you plan to find job and live here after graduation?


Mary: I suppose I will. There are more opportunities in big cities, and the life here will be more colorful.


Katherine: There are indeed many temptations and advantages in big cities, but the continuously increasing of population in urban cities will lead to plenty of inconvenience for our lives, the transport is included. More and more people in urban city own their private cars, which causes the everyday traffic jam. Most time are wasted on the way.


Mary: Our government should further improve the public transport facilities in order to release the traffic pressure.


Katherine: The public transport is also inconvenient, with tens of thousands of people crowd in the subway in peak time every day.


Mary: That's the truth.


Katherine: It is also uneasy to find an ideal job in urban city.


Mary: One of my friends hasn't found a satisfied job since graduation two years ago.


Katherine: In addition, owing to the expansion of urban population, the requirement for house increases constantly, which lead to the price increase. Even house renting has become a big burden.


Mary: Is that mean you will not stay here after graduation?


Katherine: Maybe. Compared with the colorful urban city, I prefer the cozy life.

凯瑟琳:或许吧,相对于五彩缤纷的城市,我更倾向于安逸的生活。 rpJmOYAghTOundEKQBsdlIjNiEsSzzqoF1nxIkccbuDSzB3GnnhMv8tbizjT1pkB
