
Creative Industries 创意产业


Part 1 What is Creative Industries 什么是创意产业

Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry Promotion Center(hereinafter referred to as “the Center”), endorsed by the Beijing Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal People's Government,was established in November 2006. As the permanent institution of Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry Leading Group (hereinafter referred to as“the Leading Group”) and its General Office, the Center specializes in promoting the development of Beijing's cultural and creative industry.

The Center, in light of the instructions of the Beijing Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal People's Government, will perform its functions creatively in order to promote sound and rapid development of the cultural and creative industry.

Responsibilities of the Center:

(1) To undertake the day-to-day work assigned by the Leading Group and its general office and coordinate, under their instructions, the promotion of the development of Beijing cultural and creative industry;

(2) To coordinate the implementation of such policies as the Policies on Promoting the Development of Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry, and the Measures for the Identification and Administration of Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry Cluster Areas (Trial Implementation); to take charge of identification, review and assessment, statistics and daily management of the Cultural and Creative Industry Cluster Areas and training bases for cultural and creative industry personnel in the city; to deal with identification applications transferred to the General Office of the Leading Group from various district (county) governments, relevant commissions,offices and bureaus, organize and entrust intermediary institutions to carry out field studies and assessment at the applying organization before reporting to the General Office of the Leading Group for review.

(3) To implement, under the authorization of the General Office of the Leading Group, the Measures for the Management of Special Funds for the Development of Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry (Trial Implementation) and detailed management rules, organize annual project application and reporting, receive applications, organize evaluation and review by competent intermediary institutions and experts and follow up on the use of the special funds.

(4) To organize relevant departments to carry out field studies on the implementation of the development plan of cultural and creative industry in Beijing and other related policies, organize and coordinate on-site investigations of key research projects regarding Beijing's cultural and creative industry; to support and follow up key projects.

(5) To collect basic information on cultural and creative industry in Beijing, build an intermediary service platform encompassing information consulting, investment consulting, legal consulting, intermediary service, and an authorized certification system; to release industry information, coordinate the establishment of the statistical and monitoring system of Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry Cluster Areas, monitor and analyze the development trends of the cultural and creative industry on a quarterly basis.

(6) To build a public technology service and trading platform for Beijing cultural and creative industry, vigorously encourage original works and push forward the intellectual property right protection for cultural and creative industry.

(7) To undertake other duties assigned by the Leading Group, its General Office and the Publicity Department of Beijing Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Purposes of the Center:

Putting people first, stimulating creativity, creating classic works, and expanding the industry.


cultural and creative industry就是指“文化创意产业”,是指借助于高科技对文化资源进行创造与提升,通过知识产权的开发和运用,产生出高附加值产品的产业。而从更广泛的意义上讲,这也属于一种creative industry(创意产业)。北京市在2006年认定798 Art Zone等地区为Cultural and Creative Industry Clusters(文化创意产业聚集区),争取形成自己的cultural brand(文化品牌)。

Cultural and creative industry可以增强一国的soft power(软实力),但也有些国家利用文化渗透,推行cultural imperialism(文化帝国主义)。由于不同国家或民族间存在cultural difference(文化差异),人们在进行cross-cultural communication(跨文化交际)时会产生cultural conflicts(文化冲突)和cultural shock(文化冲击)。

Part 2 Key words & Sentences 关键词句全知道

As the integrant of modernize services industry, the development of creative industry has important strategy significance on city competitive power of Shanghai.


A trilingual discussion (ie Mandarin, Cantonese and English) on the topic of how creative industry influences the community was facilitated by two senior YHA leaders.


“It (Piracy) helped Romanians improve their creative capacity in the IT industry.” Basescu said.


This topic talks the furniture design from the creative perspective. Furniture design era has quietly come, but at the same time have become the furniture industry development “bottleneck”, the creative theories provides to our new thinking way of design.


With a potential audience of over a billion people in the worldwide Chinese community alone, and the availability locally and on the Mainland of world-renowned creative and artistic talent, we see potential for further growth in our film industry.


The great leaders of business, industry, finance, and the great artists, musicians, poets, and writers became great, because they developed the faculty of creative imagination.


The industry information turns creative exhibition and “An EI”is puts into practice, more effectively of assurance turn to arouse to industrialize with the information the progress puts into practice, providing for the business enterprise inside the industry the sufficient market expand the terrace, also will hold enormous market business opportunities.


Especially when its products are often magic, what could it hurt to give favors to an industry that will gose a little more creative effort, a little more fun?


To help our film industry keep pace with new technology and skills, we propose to set up a $100 million Film Development Fund in 1999. This Fund will promote innovation by supporting projects aimed at enhancing the industry's professional and technological capabilities; stimulating the growth of creative productions; facilitating the use of advanced special effects techniques; and improving the skills of employees.


Part 3 Let's Talk! 开始交流吧!

Mary: Life is boring. Every Monday to Friday I need to stay in the same bus station waiting for my bus No.106 for about twenty minutes.


Eva: Yes, same station, same bus, same work. Maybe different stations can refresh you.


Mary: Come on, bus stations are almost the same appearance.


Eva: This time you are wrong. If you go to Japan, you may find fruit bus station. There are netted melons, strawberries, and many other different styles. The melon surface and the black spots are fine made.


Mary: Really?


Eva: Yes. Now many countries spare no efforts to develop their creative industry, which produce the materials and ideas both novel and practical.


Mary: I heard about that before, the relatively advanced one is culture creative industry, right?


Eva: Yes, you are right.


Mary: But I don't like Japan.


Eva: Then you can go to Spain. Spain is a country full of cultural atmosphere. Their bus stations are like sculpture.


Mary: It sounds very good. Next month I will go to Brazil for business. Can I see some special bus stations there?


Eva: Sure. Do you know why is Brazil called a football kingdom? Because they even have made the bus station like goal. Such station is located in Sao Paulo.


Mary: But I will go to Curitiba.


Eva: Then you will find the futuristic bus station. It's located in Curitiba. If one Terminator comes out, you should not be surprised.

伊娃:那么你将会发现未来派公交车站,它位于巴西库里提巴。如果其中走出一位终结者,你应该不会感到奇怪。 9NND4DNZsnRQygy6y0blfc8lVGhiXNGtFUwOphTlfsYK+/k/0UMk3/dgl1OjP1aG
