
Internetsucht 上网成瘾


Part 1 What is internetsucht 什么是网瘾

Recent reports indicated that some on-line users were becoming addicted to the Internet in much the same way that others became addicted to drugs, alcohol, or gambling, which resulted in academic failure; reduced work performance, and even marital discord and separation. Clinical research on behavioral addictions has focused on compulsive gambling, overeating, and compulsive sexual behavior. Similar addiction models have been applied to technological overuse, computer dependency, excessive television viewing, and obsessive video game playing. However, the concept of addictive Internet use has not been empirically researched. Therefore, the purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate if Internet usage could be considered addictive and to identify the extent of problems created by such misuse.

With the popularity and wide-spread promotion of the Internet, this study first sought to determine a set of criteria which would define addictive from normal Internet usage. If a workable set of criteria could be effective in diagnosis, then such criteria could be used in clinical treatment settings and facilitate future research on addictive Internet use. However, proper diagnosis is often complicated by the fact that the term addiction is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fourth Edition (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Of all the diagnoses referenced in the DSM-IV, Pathological Gambling was viewed as most akin to the pathological nature of Internet use. By using Pathological Gambling as a model, Internet addiction can be defined as an impulse-control disorder which does not involve an intoxicant. Therefore, this study developed a brief eight-item questionnaire referred to as a Diagnostic Questionnaire (DQ) which modified criteria for pathological gambling to provide a screening instrument for addictive Internet use:

Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet (think about previous online activity or anticipate next on-line session)?

Do you feel the need to use the Internet with increasing amounts of time in order to achieve satisfaction?

Have you repeatedly made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop Internet use?

Do you feel restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop Internet use?

Do you stay on-line longer than originally intended?

Have you jeopardized or risked the loss of significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the Internet?

Have you lied to family members, therapist, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet?

Do you use the Internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphonic mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, and depression)?

Respondents who answered “yes” to five or more of the criteria were classified as addicted Internet users (Dependents) and the remainders were classified as normal Internet users (Non-Dependents) for the purposes of this study. The cut off score of “five” was consistent with the number of criteria used for Pathological Gambling. Additionally, there are presently ten criteria for Pathological Gambling, although two were not used for this adaptation as they were viewed nonapplicable to Internet usage. Therefore, meeting five of eight rather than ten criteria was hypothesized to be a slightly more rigorous cut off score to differentiate normal from addictive Internet use. It should be noted that while this scale provides a workable measure of Internet addiction, further study is needed to determine its construct validity and clinical utility. It should also be noted that the term Internet is used to denote all types of on-line activity.

Internet addict指的是“有网瘾的人”,网瘾就是Internet addiction,简称为net addiction。由于现在的net addict越来越多,尤其是 teenager net addict,所以为了他们的身心健康,决定对他们进行net addiction treatment。teenager net addict经常是video-game addict或computer game addict(对电脑游戏上瘾的人)。

许多人都是骨灰级游戏高手(ashes-level gamer)。还有很多人沉迷于网上聊天(online chatting)。他们如果不是在家里对着电脑,就是上网吧(Internet bar)。现在还出现了许多研究网瘾现象的文章,把网瘾现象称作“互联网成瘾综合症”(Internet addiction disorder,简称IAD),也称网络成瘾症,或者“病态网络使用”(Pathological internet use,简称PIU)。他们建议网民要解除网瘾,进行信息“节食”(Information “diet”)。

Part 2 Key words & Sentences 关键词句全知道

Which websites do you like best?


Do you often get information through the net?


Do you think you can improve your English by surfing the Internet?


What do you think are the advantages of web surfing?


Do you often go to cyber bars?


How many Internet users are there in your university?


I am hooked on the Internet.


He spends most of his time online chatting with friends from all over the country.


Addicted webworms lose not only their time, but money as well.


Through the Internet, you can buy goods from far away places.


Don't spend too much time chatting on the net.


More than one in eight US adults find it hard to stay away from the Internet for several days at a time.


The study found one in eight adults admitted they needed to spend less time online, saying this showed problematic Internet use is present in a sizable portion of the population.


A smaller number of people say they use the Internet to escape problems or a bad mood.


Some people felt their relationships suffered because of excessive Internet use.


Part 3 Let's Talk! 开始交流吧!

Linda: You look sleepy.


Tim: Yes. I didn't go to bed until two o'clock this morning.


Linda: You must chat on the internet.


Tim: Yes. How do you know that?


Linda: Everyone knows that you are crazy about suffering the internet.


Tim: Really?


Linda: In my point of view, it is a waste of time to surf the internet.


Tim: Maybe you are right. But it's truly very interesting.


Linda: That's why you just can't give it up?


Tim: Partly. Apart from chatting on the net, I can learn a lot of knowledge from the internet.


Linda: The internet can indeed broaden our mind and enrich our knowledge, but addicting to the internet is harmful. It will not only waste of time but harmful to your health.


Tim: It seems that I should reduce the time of surfing the internet.


Linda: Yes. There are plenty of things to do except for surfing the net.


Tim: What will you do in your spare time?


Linda: I always do exercise, read books and play with my friends.


Tim: Your life style is very healthy, and I need to change my way of live.


Linda: I support you.


Tim: Thank you for your warning, but I need to have a sleep now.


Linda: Okay.

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