
Forever Sisters



Today we are reading a story about two sisters. Their names were Sandy and Candy. They were very lonely. When their mother died Sandy was only a junior high student and Candy was an elementary school student. Their father was a gambler. He gambled nights and days and finally ended up in high debt. So to avoid repaying the money he ran away and left the two sisters behind.

At that time their mother had been dead for five years. After their father walked out on them the two sisters could only stay at a friend s house because their own house was given away to repay their father s debt. But the two sisters never feared hardship and did not lose hope for a better life. They lived their lives happily and actively.

The two sisters were both very hardworking. After school Sandy the elder sister did everything she could to support the family. She sold newspapers and sometimes worked as a tutor to earn extra money. And Candy the younger sister prepared meals and did all the chores at home. Though the younger sister was small she could manage money very well. The two sisters cared for each other. And their school grades were excellent.

Now the two sisters are still in poverty. But their stories have touched a lot of people and they help the two sisters in any way they can. The landlord the bathhouse keeper the shop owners their schoolmates and teachers in the same neighborhood are all looking after them. Poor as they are they say they are the happiest persons in the world because they can be with each other every day.


今天我们来读一个关于两姊妹的故事 两姊妹的名字叫珊蒂与坎蒂 她们非常寂寞 当她们的母亲去世时 珊蒂还只是个中学生 而坎蒂只是一个小学生 她们的父亲是一个赌徒 从早到晚只知道赌博 最后落得债台高筑 为了逃避赌债 他丢下两姊妹跑掉了

那时母亲也已经去世五年了 父亲遗弃她们后 两姐妹只能住在朋友家 因为她们自家的房子已经拿去抵债了 但两姐妹不害怕艰辛 仍然对未来抱持着美好的希望 开朗快乐地过每一天

两姊妹都非常勤奋 珊蒂利用课余时间打工赚钱养家 她送报纸 有时做家教赚钱 妹妹坎蒂在家负责做饭 打扫等一切家事 她年纪虽小 却能掌管好金钱 两姐妹互相关心 她们在学校的成绩都很突出

如今 她们依然贫困 但她们的故事感动了许多人 大家纷纷从各方面帮助她们 住在同一社区的房东 管澡堂的婆婆 商店老板 以及她们的同学和老师 都照顾着她们 虽然生活贫困 艰辛 但对她们两人来说 每天都能在一起就是最大的幸福




junior [ 5dVu:niE ] adj. 资浅的 晚辈的
elementary [ 7eli5mentEri ] adj. 基本的 初级的
fear [ fiE ] n./v. 害怕 恐惧
support [ sE5pC:t ] v. 支撑 支托 扶持
extra [ 5ekstrE ] adj. 额外的 外加的


But their stories have touched a lot of people and they help the two sisters in any way they can.


in any way they can 是省略了 that 的方式状语从句。

a lot of 许多。类似的表达还有 lots of 许多的。


1. 你要是老这样花钱 总有一天要负债的 。( end up

2. 在婚礼上 新娘由其父亲交给新郎 。( give away

3. 你上班时谁来照料你的孩子 ?( look after 3Ou/G6Fz0aMfYg/Z+2pRRhR9JPRtV6P9vTkIYxlQL6xva90PJ+n0FQKayneyzaYX
