内容简介:《家门没上锁》是潘麟先生的第一部生命实践类著作。潘麟先生自少年起即在授业恩师的指引下踏上了探索生命真相之路,历尽磨难,于1998年终获成就。因久别亲友,先生欲回乡探亲,临别之时,应弟子请求,举办了系列讲座。 本书是当时讲演实录之述著,是先生乘性之直谈,证量之表现,时时闪现着智慧之火花,不断为用心阅读者带来启发和灵感。
The yoga school was a important part of the Buddha dharma religion. The Yoga and China Buddha dharma meditation method were same train way.
The yoga school was a important part of the Buddha dharma religion. The Yoga and China Buddha dharma meditation method were same train way.