真挚的爱情,却也是悲剧。 so sincere emotion, but why, why? I was so anguished after reading it? I was sympathetic about this tragic woman. Maybe it was the heavy love that hurt her and brought her to death and despair. If she had been able to relieve herself from this sorrow love, she would have better life. But drowning in this delusion of love so deeply, perhaps she couldn't live without the love of you. You are the only support for her tragic life.
After finishing reading it, my mind is frought with a miscellaneous collection of the doubt for the real existence of the sort of hisyerical love, the thought of whether this kind is tantamount to the most ingenious, the most hornest and the most devine love and the sorrow for the woman's iniquities sufferings.I ask myself interminably what if she recount to him who she is,how she love him,what she did for him and so on before she died untill John,even the servant recognized her ,I waived for all of them are faint. But how could the woman kept loving such a bastard?IF the answer is LOVE?
2022.1.8 《一个陌生女人的来信》看到前面,暗恋界的天花板,看到后面,爱得没有自我界的天花板!!“没有什么东西能比得上一个孩子那不为人所觉察的爱。因为这种爱渺无希望,卑微低下;矢志不渝,炽烈深厚。这是成年妇女那种贪得无厌、不经意间苛求无度的爱永远无法比拟的。唯有孤独的孩子才能珍视这样的感情。”“可是你并没有察觉到,就像你不会察觉到你口袋里手表上紧的发条一样,这根发条忠诚地为你记录着钟点,追随着你的脚步,但你却听不到它的嘀嗒声,也许在成百万秒中你只匆匆瞥了它一眼”年少的暗恋纯真又炙热,“自此以后,在我狭小的生活天地里,你是我唯一的兴趣”。可是成年的爱情却没有成年人该有的理智,爱到最后什么也得不到,多可悲啊……“我爱你,就是爱这样的你,感情炽烈却生性健忘,温柔多情而用情不专的你。你一直以来就是这样的人,但我就是爱这样的你。”“我只是一个陌生人,一个过分热切地和你共度了三个晚上的女人。”“倘若有人在你面前提到我的名字,对你而言也只不过是个陌生人的名字而已。”
一封不长不短的情书💌,看的人哀其不幸,女主乐在其中。经典之所以被奉为经典,是因为替看的人发了声。惊讶于这位心思细腻女孩笔触的作者竟是一位男性,同时对于“男性对爱慕他的女性的心思轨迹了如指掌”这件事感到气恼。拳头攥紧的时候发现这位男性发言人被高尔基称为“最了解女人的作家”,又稍稍放了心。 除了大学被老师强行安利的英文原著,算是我第一部啃完英文版的小说,因为担心译本留有译者的痕迹,所以迟迟不敢读英文译作。生词很多,但耐不住我想吃瓜的心情膨胀,一口气读完也没花几天。有便时考虑加码(*^▽^*)
爱你和你无关 好伟大又好卑微 我不喜欢[求可怜]爱成这样 不如不爱
真挚的爱情,却也是悲剧。 so sincere emotion, but why, why? I was so anguished after reading it? I was sympathetic about this tragic woman. Maybe it was the heavy love that hurt her and brought her to death and despair. If she had been able to relieve herself from this sorrow love, she would have better life. But drowning in this delusion of love so deeply, perhaps she couldn't live without the love of you. You are the only support for her tragic life.
After finishing reading it, my mind is frought with a miscellaneous collection of the doubt for the real existence of the sort of hisyerical love, the thought of whether this kind is tantamount to the most ingenious, the most hornest and the most devine love and the sorrow for the woman's iniquities sufferings.I ask myself interminably what if she recount to him who she is,how she love him,what she did for him and so on before she died untill John,even the servant recognized her ,I waived for all of them are faint. But how could the woman kept loving such a bastard?IF the answer is LOVE?