
In 2001, a reprint of the first edition of my book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was made available to Muggle readers. TheMinistry of Magic consented to this unprecedented release to raise money for Comic Relief, a well-respected Muggle charity. I was permitted to reissue the book only on condition that a disclaimerwas included, assuring Muggle readers that it was a work of fiction. Professor Albus Dumbledore agreed to provide a foreword that met the case and we were both delighted that the book raised somuch money for some of the world's most vulnerable people.

Following the declassification of certain secret documents kept at the Ministry of Magic, the wizarding world has recently learned a little more about the creation of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them .

I am not yet in a position to tell the full story of my activities during the two decades that Gellert Grindelwald terrorised the wizarding world. As more documents become declassified over thecoming years, I will be freer to speak openly about my role in that dark period in our history. For now, I shall confine myself to correcting a few of the more glaring inaccuracies in recent pressreports.

In her recent biography Man or Monster? The TRUTH About Newt Scamander , Rita Skeeter states that I was never a Magizoologist, but a Dumbledore spy who used Magizoology as a'cover' to infiltrate the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA) in 1926.

This, as anyone who lived through the 1920s will know, is an absurd claim. No undercover wizard would have chosen to pose as a Magizoologist in that period. An interest in magical beasts wasconsidered dangerous and suspect, and taking a case full of such creatures into a major city was, in retrospect, a serious mistake.

I went to America to free a trafficked Thunderbird, which was quite risky enough, given that MACUSA had a curse-to-kill policy on all magical creatures at the time. I am proud to say that oneyear after my visit, President Seraphina Picquery instituted a Protective Order on Thunderbirds, an edict she would eventually extend to all magical creatures. (At President Picquery'srequest, I made no mention of the more important American magical creatures in the first edition of Fantastic Beasts , because she wished to deter wizarding sightseers. As the Americanwizarding community was subject to greater persecution at that time than their European counterparts, and given that I had inadvertently contributed to a serious breach of the International Statuteof Secrecy in New York, I agreed. I have reinstated them in their rightful place in this new edition.)

It would take months to contradict every other wild assertion in Miss Skeeter's book. I shall simply add that, far from being 'the love rat who left Seraphina Picqueryheartbroken', the President made it clear that if I didn't leave New York voluntarily and speedily, she would take drastic steps to eject me.

It is true that I was the first person ever to capture Gellert Grindelwald and also true that Albus Dumbledore was something more than a schoolteacher to me. More than this I cannot say withoutfear of breaching the Official Magical Secrets Act or, more importantly, the confidences that Dumbledore, most private of men, placed in me.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was a labour of love in more ways than one. As I look back over this early book, I relive memories that are etched on every page, thoughinvisible to the reader. It is my fondest hope that a new generation of witches and wizards will find in its pages fresh reason to love and protect the incredible beasts with whom we sharemagic.

